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Originally posted by Lazybug:
Thanks Yellow Rose I'm in but I don't like it Shake Head

I like this format Nod

I'm worried we're all gonna end up disappearing as it won't be the same Frowner

Not 'appy Shake Head
IMO if we 'all disappear' it'll be a case of 'cutting off your nose to spite your face'. Most of us are 'here' because we wanted to stay together as a group, the forum style was an added bonus. So are we prepared to throw away our group/community because of some style changes?
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
Originally posted by mathom:
Originally posted by Lazybug:
Originally posted by mathom:
Where is the new home, precious? Disappointed

Its not very nice Shake Head

Thanks and oh no! I just want to post shite on here! I don't want to get up close and offence...
You can continue as at present once we migrate to 'there'. There will be no need to have anything to do with th 'up close and personal' side of things at all!
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
Originally posted by Baz:
Originally posted by Lazybug:
Thanks Yellow Rose I'm in but I don't like it Shake Head

I like this format Nod

I'm worried we're all gonna end up disappearing as it won't be the same Frowner

Not 'appy Shake Head

Same here. Nod

Glad you got in Lazybug Smiler I know it doesn't look very user friendly or even welcoming when you first see it. A lot of us have persevered because when this Forum is eventually moved there we'd like to stay in touch.

Once our Forum is there hopefully everyone here can find an easy way to gravitate towards it and not bother with the extras there if they're not interested as they're only optional extras
Yellow Rose
Originally posted by Mount Olympus:
Jackson did you mention BB was a member at Eve? She may have accidentally fiddled with settings and changed a password when trying to login to the Main LiveCloud site without realising it..

Happened to some others too ..Gaga was able to sort it for them Thumbs Up

Many thanks for those who have posted in this thread offering me help and support. I really appreciate it.

Olly I don't know what is happening, I used my correct email address - it's my main email addy and it's the only one I use - and I used my correct password. But the messages I kept getting was referring to my incorrect username??? In the end at my last attempt everything on the page became all jumbled up and superimposed on top of each other making it illegible. Lori knows about this and I will just wait until moving day and see what happens them. I can't keep trying at the min for various reasons, one being that it's still raining here and that makes my internet connection bad and I keep getting cut off every couple of minutes. xx
Originally posted by CaptVimes:
I am wondering if its because your username has asterisks in it BB. It might be messing with some scripts. Techy steve should know.

I just got a reply from Lori and it appears that the username BB was taken in 2007 and also asterisks are not allowed. Yet I registered the name *BB* on the support forum in April no bother. I'm waiting on Lori getting back to me about this. I am soooooo confused! Confused
Originally posted by *BB*:
Originally posted by CaptVimes:
I am wondering if its because your username has asterisks in it BB. It might be messing with some scripts. Techy steve should know.

I just got a reply from Lori and it appears that the username BB was taken in 2007 and also asterisks are not allowed. Yet I registered the name *BB* on the support forum in April no bother. I'm waiting on Lori getting back to me about this. I am soooooo confused! Confused
I am a programmer, you learn to know what are always the culprits in things like these. Its why I am so good and other mere mortals struggle in my wake Cool Laugh Dont worry they will sort something they know the problem now.
What a fabulous idea. Not.

After the C4 forum went kaput; a small minority of folk made it to these new shores, and some semblance of the original community restored.

So; we have something which again works; but tell you what, we'll piss about and start somewhere else as well. Clearly a significant number of people have indicated they won't be going either because they can't be arsed, or because - to quote the poll "whatcha talkin' about Willis..?"

The forum is here now. Why do people feel the need to constantly break things which are working just fine..? What on earth more does anyone want other than a place to meet with everyone else - which we have right here.

How long before some genius then discovers another new place for people to go to..? You just lose people along the way by constantly being too smart for your own good & never content with what we have now..

..sigh. Gripe over.. Skull
Originally posted by *BB*:
Originally posted by bobnot:
have you tried livecloud?? its a load of crap......i want a forum to chat about bb not a myspace wannabee

This entire forum will be moving over there. I very much doubt that you will be moving with us. Glance
i certainly wont be moving with you as the majority of the c4 community will not either it only remains to be seen where they will move.
why on earth would a community of forum users move to a fake facebook??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
Originally posted by bobnot:
shove your livecloud up your shitty arse c4 forumers have been sold up the river,
bye bye community nobody with a brain is taken in with this rubbish i suppose this leaves us with ds for celeb bb and bb11
attempts to join in on livecloud are pathetic we all know deep in our heart it isnt what we want

So you're not coming with us then? Razzer
Originally posted by Liverpoollass:
Originally posted by bobnot:
shove your livecloud up your shitty arse c4 forumers have been sold up the river,
bye bye community nobody with a brain is taken in with this rubbish i suppose this leaves us with ds for celeb bb and bb11
attempts to join in on livecloud are pathetic we all know deep in our heart it isnt what we want

So you're not coming with us then? Razzer

It would appear Bob is definitely not coming with you/others migrating *again* to another venue.

Can't say I blame him. By the time people finally stop changing venues there'll be sod all anyone left. Just what's wrong with this perfectly functional forum is a mystery to me too.

What with Faceless Books, Twatter and BeBoobs fascinating folk, I guess it's only to be expected that people will constantly seek a pot of gold InterWeb place which will finally assuage their desire to be in the 'coolest' place possible.

It's a shame that by then most of the characters will have given up the ghost of playing catch-up..but hey..there'll be loads more gizmos to play with..before low boredom thresholds set in and another move is called for.

I forgot. Did they ever find that pot of gold..?? Wouldn't have to ask I suppose if a regular Twatter.. Crying

Despite my caustic take, what I'm saying is true. This is a small representation of the old C4 forums. By the time people stop following new flocks to imaginary new pastures of green, what we've recouped here will be lost. Bit hard to retain the atmosphere when it's only a minority of folk, and many of the less patient/internet savvy have called it a day.

Anyone who cares to disparage that fact is free to do so. But a 'fact' it is no matter how much 'logic' technology..or indeed throw at it Angel
Lucifer Hug Ello hun

It's not us wanting to move to somewhere cooler mate, it's the admin hosting us that are moving us.
From what I can gather (which may be wrong) they were the tech side of the C4 forum. When the plug got pulled they gave us a temp home on their support forum then set this site up for us.
I thought that this set up would remain and that the US side of it would be joining us with this format but it turns out that the Livecloud thingy is the format that the ptb want to use so we will be moving over there.

My understanding is that if you want to continue to just use the forum setup then you won't have to re reg just come here as normal and you will be redirected to the forum over there which is supposed to be similar to this.
There is a FB aspect to Livecloud and if you want to use that side of it then you have to fill out an additional reg form but if not then your details should just be sent over there anyway
I think.........
But I'm probably wrong Laugh
Originally posted by lucifer:

It would appear Bob is definitely not coming with you/others migrating *again* to another venue.

Can't say I blame him. By the time people finally stop changing venues there'll be sod all anyone left. Just what's wrong with this perfectly functional forum is a mystery to me too.

What with Faceless Books, Twatter and BeBoobs fascinating folk, I guess it's only to be expected that people will constantly seek a pot of gold InterWeb place which will finally assuage their desire to be in the 'coolest' place possible.

It's a shame that by then most of the characters will have given up the ghost of playing catch-up..but hey..there'll be loads more gizmos to play with..before low boredom thresholds set in and another move is called for.

I forgot. Did they ever find that pot of gold..?? Wouldn't have to ask I suppose if a regular Twatter.. Crying

Despite my caustic take, what I'm saying is true. This is a small representation of the old C4 forums. By the time people stop following new flocks to imaginary new pastures of green, what we've recouped here will be lost. Bit hard to retain the atmosphere when it's only a minority of folk, and many of the less patient/internet savvy have called it a day.

Anyone who cares to disparage that fact is free to do so. But a 'fact' it is no matter how much 'logic' technology..or indeed throw at it Angel

I don't want all this FB, Twitter, blogs etc., I just want a forum (pref like this one) to post on. So, I will give it a go over there, but I won't be using all the additional features.
But I'm probably wrong

'I don't think so Sonny..' sorry was in BB mode there wavey Hug

Good to see you here Veggie; and I know your right really. My typical mitherings are the words of a surly stalwart just fed up of squatting wherever we can find shelter Shake Head

Ah well; change is coming regardless of reason, but I'll continue to pop in 'ere from time to time til the bailiffs finally nab me Big Grin
Originally posted by Liverpoollass:
Originally posted by lucifer:

It would appear Bob is definitely not coming with you/others migrating *again* to another venue.

Can't say I blame him. By the time people finally stop changing venues there'll be sod all anyone left. Just what's wrong with this perfectly functional forum is a mystery to me too.

What with Faceless Books, Twatter and BeBoobs fascinating folk, I guess it's only to be expected that people will constantly seek a pot of gold InterWeb place which will finally assuage their desire to be in the 'coolest' place possible.

It's a shame that by then most of the characters will have given up the ghost of playing catch-up..but hey..there'll be loads more gizmos to play with..before low boredom thresholds set in and another move is called for.

I forgot. Did they ever find that pot of gold..?? Wouldn't have to ask I suppose if a regular Twatter.. Crying

Despite my caustic take, what I'm saying is true. This is a small representation of the old C4 forums. By the time people stop following new flocks to imaginary new pastures of green, what we've recouped here will be lost. Bit hard to retain the atmosphere when it's only a minority of folk, and many of the less patient/internet savvy have called it a day.

Anyone who cares to disparage that fact is free to do so. But a 'fact' it is no matter how much 'logic' technology..or indeed throw at it Angel

I don't want all this FB, Twitter, blogs etc., I just want a forum (pref like this one) to post on. So, I will give it a go over there, but I won't be using all the additional features.

I am waiting until we all go over Lass but so far I am not impressed. But who knows by the time the clever ones have had time to fiddle it might, in the end, feel something like this.
Originally posted by lucifer:
But I'm probably wrong

'I don't think so Sonny..' sorry was in BB mode there wavey Hug

Good to see you here Veggie; and I know your right really. My typical mitherings are the words of a surly stalwart just fed up of squatting wherever we can find shelter Shake Head

Ah well; change is coming regardless of reason, but I'll continue to pop in 'ere from time to time til the bailiffs finally nab me Big Grin

I'm with you hun, believe me. I just want the bog standard forum we have here too.
I'm regged on FB and don't need another networking site tbh but I regged at LC because, at that point, I didn't know that you didn't need to Big Grin
Don't get lost hun in the move Hug
Originally posted by Justafriend:
Ive moved over but im not comfortable there and dont think i will be around once this has gone.
im frightened to do anything over there.
I will have a look once this has gone but doubt i will post.been great here and i will miss it.

I know how you feel han, and I have a nasty feeling about it but I am going to try to remain optimistic and hope that they can sort something out that seems a bit easier to use than they have now.
Originally posted by Justafriend:
Ive moved over but im not comfortable there and dont think i will be around once this has gone.
im frightened to do anything over there.
I will have a look once this has gone but doubt i will post.been great here and i will miss it.
come and post on my wall and i'll post on yours , that'll get you going.thing is there is only the test and support forums there at the mo, when this one gets shunted over, there'll be more activity.
Big Grin
I'm moving over and to a certain extent have kinda moved in , almost, like!
I stated in another thread that under no circumstances did I want to do the 'networky' thing, I just wanted a forum in which I can post and go - but to my utter surprise I have some buddies (who knew?) AND have tentatively started a blog! Eeker I know!

I'm still extremely disappointed and bewildered by the 'forum' part of the operation which unsettles me. I just hope that it becomes easier to use once we are all there.

I think the best thing to do is to explore the site - just be careful I don't brush up against you on my 'feeling around' explorations! Ninja
Originally posted by squiggle:

I am waiting until we all go over Lass but so far I am not impressed. But who knows by the time the clever ones have had time to fiddle it might, in the end, feel something like this.

I keep popping over there for a nose around and trying to accustom myself to it. All we can do is to give it a go when we are all there and it is up and running. If we don't like it or can't get on with it, well we shall have to become nomads Disappointed

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