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Originally Posted by Dame_Ann_Average:



Mine was massive




no to euro

yes to euro

move to euro

Thompsons special away breaks in the euro

Ukip away breaks to Whiby

and then the rest 

We had a similar selection of anti-european candidates on ours, Dame Ann.  I suppose it's possible that, as the parties were listed in alphabetical order and the main anti-europe party were near the bottom of the list on the ballot paper, some of their potential voters may have started to lose the will to live by the time they got to them and so stuck their cross by someone higher up the list.   Anyone standing from the 'Arseholes to Europe' Party (if there was such a thing) would have romped home.

Madame Arcati
Last edited by Madame Arcati
Originally Posted by Dame_Ann_Average:
Originally Posted by Garage Joe:
I wanted an away break to Whitby.
You could have had a cup of tea in my polling station. As Mrs Jer and I arrived they were just making one! We were the only voters there, not a sign of anyone else.


I was the only one there too GJ, although two others walked in as I was leaving 

My experience too!

Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing

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