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I want to see Gavin and Pamela out tonight.

Gavin is a love but can't dance as well as the others.

I simply can STAND Pamela. She is constantly over marked. Dislike everything about her.

Ok.. so no surprises that I have my faves and least faves... . That is how I decide and also on the dancing on the night. My faves were Felicity and Vincent this year and least fave..  any guesses? ..
I'm pretty much the same G&P
I don't forget all the dances they have done throughout the series. The latest dance is perhaps the most influential because it is so immediate and fresh in the mind.
The entertainment level is important to me too.  Someone can perhaps dance technically perfectly, get everything right. But if they do not convey that extra 'something' which entertains me I cannot warm to them.
I'd really like Kara to win, she's brilliant and the two of them fit like gloves
They do don't they Cologne.? She brilliant.. 
As much as I like Matt I think Kara deserves it. 

The third question I answered "dance on the night" But my true answer is the dancing all through the series!
You are quite right LB....  it is dancing throughout the series.. I should had that as an option... 
Even though Scott has not been consistent.. his Jive and quickstep are the most memorable of Strictly... Kara, Matt, Scott.... all worthy winners.. I would be chuffed to see any of em win..

I think Matt will be out today... Matt and Gavin.. . thats my prediction.
I'd love for Kara and Artem to win. I have liked them from day one, and they haven't let me down.

This week I would like to see the back of Gavin. When you judge him against the others, his dancing is nowhere near as good, although he has improved immensely from the beginning, when I really thought he'd be one of the first out!

It's hard to say who I'd like to be the 2nd couple out this week. Originally, I wanted Scott to be in the final, but now Matt has overtaken him in my eyes, and though I'm slightly suspicious of the judges liking and marking of Pamela, I actually DO like her dancing, and think she is a game granny, and very graceful with it. So, my 2nd choice out would have to be..... errmmm ummmmm..... Scott! There, I've said it. Sorry Scott.
I want Matt and Aliona to win, but I don't think they will.
Gavin and Katya are my least favourite couple. I hope Gavin and Scott leave tomorrow night.
My favourite couple are chosen over the weeks. I have to like them as people as well as enjoy their dancing. Matt puts his heart and soul into every dance -  I love Matt.
I want Matt and Aliona to win....with Kara and Artem a close second!!!

I'm with Jenny on the judges love of Pamela...whilst she is fabulous etc, I'm not entirely sure her Vienesse Waltz should have been marked higher than Kara's Argentine Tango.....just seems a bit suss sometimes!

Gavin has to go, bless him!! Sweet as he is and all that, the others are better by miles!! I am torn between Scott and Pamela as to who else should go....tbh, I don't care just so long as Matt and Kara ARE in the final!!!!!

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