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No, get rid of them for good.  A throwback to feudalism and a backward institution that should have no place in a modern democracy - or any democracy for that matter.  BTW, reform Parliament and abolish the MPs' Oath of Allegiance so republicans can stand and represent voters who are republicans.   

A non-politically aligned head of state please for all the ceremonial fluff.
Yes I like them. They are not power hungry psychos like most heads of state throughout the world.
That's because they've had most of the opportunities to be power hungry psychos removed from them over the centuries by the state.  They certainly were power hungry psychos when they had the chance. They also know they're on a good enough meal ticket and not to rock the boat.  The same ceremonial duties would apply to a president.
I voted yes although there is some of the hangers on id get rid of,they bring a lot of tourists into the country, what is the alternative.Better the devil you know,than the devil you don't know.
Perhaps we should have kept Tony Blair on as PM for life and Labour in power for ever and let his first born become PM when he died? 
I voted yes although there is some of the hangers on id get rid of,they bring a lot of tourists into the country,

Do they though? Really? Most visited palace in the world is the Palace at Versailles and last time I looked France was a republic.  USA seems attract a lot of tourists - no royal family there.  And countless other examples.

This tourism thing is frequently stated but what's the evidence?  I'd love to know.  Are there really many tourists who come here because of the royal family? Or do they simply do the trip to Windsor etc etc when here but would happily go to some other non-regal attraction?
[DING DONG! THE WITCH IS DEAD.] . offline 1,088 Forum Posts Today at 12:26 PM Last Edited: Get rid of the royal family and open all the palaces to visitors ... Now that would bring in the tourists. The queen could be a tour guide Charles could prattle on about architecture and Edward could film it all This could work
They could do an "It's a knockout" on the buck house lawn.
Smarting Buttocks

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