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Apologies for the title - I couldn't think of anything more appropriate.
Does wisdom come with age?
Do famous women mellow with age or do they get more feisty?
Which of these older women would you like to spend time with.
Let's say you are introduced to each other at an agreed meeting place, and are left to spend the day together.
Spend the day as you wish - boating, riding, dining, theatre-going, galleries, parliament, or just sitting and talking - anything you wish. The main point is that you will be spending at least 12 hours with them.
Take your pick:-

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My fave 'older lady' is June Brown who plays Dot Cotton...a day with her would be bliss and probably pant wettingly funny....I imagine she has a tale or two to tell and always seems so lovely.

Oooooh...and Joan Collins....I'd slip her some truth serum and sit back (with tape recorder running!!!)....then I would shave her hair off to make a wig for when I am old and my hair is thinning.

Joan Bakewell's quite an intelligent and educated woman and I'd presume have quite witty and interesting anecdotes. 

Gloria Hunniford is so lightweight, bland and dull she'd probably do my head in prattling on about Mediterranean self catering holidays, picking up duty free (not a euphemism  ) on ocean cruises and God and suchlike. 

I suppose many would choose not to spend any time with Anne Widecombe, however, I'd thoroughly enjoy myself trying to wind the sanctimonious, humourless old bitch up - push her buttons, you might say (again, not a euphemism  ), which is pretty easy to do after all!
PMSL Skylark, don't you remember the ructions we used to have on C4 everytime that subject got mentioned?
Me and Hootie got a virtual lynching for saying we were polishing our tap shoes in preperation

LOL, not off me you wouldn't Veggie

I'm not a champagne kind of guy but I think I will make an exception of Asda's finest when Hell finally reclaims its own.

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