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I keep seeing 'some' posters claiming that Bea is a bitch, Bea is a snake, and Bea is horrid and so on, and that is their perogative to think that of course. But SOME of these same folk also assume that everyone else should hate Bea and some suggest that in fact, almost everyone else DOES hate her. Someone suggested that she is as hated as Lisa and Noirin. I disagree and think that more people like her than DISlike her.

So let's try and clear things up.. on here anyway Smiler

Replies sorted oldest to newest

I don't like her... but I have felt over the past week that I was well and truly in the minority for it, and I have held back from posting sometimes because others didn't like it that I wasn't applauding her,or just cos I couldn't get swept up in the Bea love that hit the forum.

Reading this thread I am now wondering if it feels the same for fm's in both camps (the pro-bea & the anti-bea). We both think the other is aggressive in their opinions. Smiler
Originally posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing:
I don't like her... but I have felt over the past week that I was well and truly in the minority for it, and I have held back from posting sometimes because others didn't like it that I wasn't applauding her,or just cos I couldn't get swept up in the Bea love that hit the forum.

Reading this thread I am now wondering if it feels the same for fm's in both camps (the pro-bea & the anti-bea). We both think the other is aggressive in their opinions. Smiler
Thanks hun. I get where you are coming from and I can see WHY some may dislike her as she is very full-on and opinionated and a bit of a stirrer and she won't win, (IMO) but I am liking her, as she is everything I always wanted to be. Confident, assertive, and smart. Someone like Bea is bound to have people who dislike her as well as people who love her. Smiler
Originally posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing:
I don't like her... but I have felt over the past week that I was well and truly in the minority for it, and I have held back from posting sometimes because others didn't like it that I wasn't applauding her,or just cos I couldn't get swept up in the Bea love that hit the forum.
Don't worry about what others think.It's your opinion and stick to it.Go Girl and post.
Reading this thread I am now wondering if it feels the same for fm's in both camps (the pro-bea & the anti-bea). We both think the other is aggressive in their opinions. Smiler
Originally posted by Cheeky-Pixie:
Originally posted by Hurricane:
Dislike her such a lot.
Treacherous hypocritical devious manipulative beatch.
No no no, say what you think Laugh Just kiddin'.. ! Laugh

WOW, the results are rather polarised aren't they? Virtually as many like her as don't like her Nod

It would appear some like her simply to get Lisa and her motley crew.
No house mate is safe from Beatch,she's ruthless.
Originally posted by Tequila:
She's a breathe of fresh air......thank gawd she went into the House. She really mixes it up, she's forthright, articulate and speaks her mind and certainly doesn't sit on the fence Thumbs Up
That is what I think Tequila. As I said though, someone like Bea is bound to get as many disliking her, as liking her.
Originally posted by Cheeky-Pixie:
Originally posted by Tequila:
She's a breathe of fresh air......thank gawd she went into the House. She really mixes it up, she's forthright, articulate and speaks her mind and certainly doesn't sit on the fence Thumbs Up
That is what I think Tequila. As I said though, someone like Bea is bound to get as many disliking her, as liking her.

Yes I agree with you Pixie.....I think the house would be a duller place without her in it Hug

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