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Originally posted by Supercalifragilistic:
Freddie a bit too cock sure about the public liking him. Think a lot of folk liked him when he was a victim and will go off him when he is the perpetrator

I did.
When he became a participant ostracising other house mates my support and I parted company,last night confirmed I was right in doing so.
Originally posted by innais:
Originally posted by squiggle:
The way I see it is this. Freddie is not perfect! BUT neither am I!! And nor are you! Freddie, still the best HM in there.

Well said squiggle!!

I agree, but what really confuses me is that many folk seem to be attributing Freddie's flaws to Bea and Marcus, like he suddenly caught unpleasentness from them like you'd catch a virus or through osmosis from hanging around with them...strange
Originally posted by shar69:
It's not what he did to Lisa, its more the way Marcus and him ganged up on David. David was not there at the start, he was not involved in what happened. He may be friends with Lisa but he has done nothing to Freddie at all. In my eyes what he did to David was just as bad, if not worse than what Lisa and co did to him.
Exactly Shar it was more about him and Bea and Marcus ganging up on David what has David done to deserve that,dont like Lisa she deserved what she got,Freddie goaded them into arguing his expressions and that horrible laughing spoke volumes .
Originally posted by Hurricane:
Originally posted by Supercalifragilistic:
Freddie a bit too cock sure about the public liking him. Think a lot of folk liked him when he was a victim and will go off him when he is the perpetrator

I did.
When he became a participant ostracising other house mates my support and I parted company,last night confirmed I was right in doing so.

Same here. And much as I dislike Lisa, Bea and Marcus, I don't think you can blame them for the way Freddy is now behaving. The very fact that one of his qualities is that he is supposedly *his own man*, means that he , and he alone is responsible for his own actions.
Originally posted by Mummy Maz:
After last night's HL show i am finding people's opinions changing of Freddie so here's a little poll to see if he's still as popular as he was before this all kicked off

Please bump when voted ..

YAY, still massive support for him as I suspected Thumbs Up I voted 'liked him from the start' and 'Freddie to win!' I think the amount of people who have gone off him, is far less than the amount of EXTRA fans he has gained after putting 'flapping gums Lisa' in her place! Laugh

I have liked him from the start and aren't so fickle as to let one little incident( which was really very insignificant anyway,) put me off Freddie. I still really like him. Smiler

Couldn't care less about Freddie, and never have...but... I applauded him for taking a stance against her, and her bullying ways at long last. She was gobsmacked, but pleased at the same time, because she thought she had the upper hand. She just reverted to type, and he exposed her for the nasty vindictive horrible cow she is! Nod
Originally posted by Supercalifragilistic:
Originally posted by Hotpants Helen:
I loved the way he laughed at Lisa tell the public we are *rseholes.

When did this happen? Are people referring to a few weeks ago or last night? I heard her say something like the public had got it wrong re him i.e. we hadn't seen what the hms had seen
Yes, it was last nights' HLs show.
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
Originally posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:
Originally posted by Supercalifragilistic:
Originally posted by Hotpants Helen:
I loved the way he laughed at Lisa tell the public we are *rseholes.

When did this happen? Are people referring to a few weeks ago or last night? I heard her say something like the public had got it wrong re him i.e. we hadn't seen what the hms had seen
Yes, it was last nights' HLs show.

I've watched it several times, never heard the word a**ehole used once, am I going deaf or daft? Laugh
I still like him and hope he goes all the way.

The other night, as far as I'm concerned, was no big deal. After (goodness knows how many times) being up for eviction, I'd think I'd tell Lisa the glaringly obvious fact that (some of) the public like him. It ain't rocket science.

If she can't handle that tiny little fact then more fool her. But she certainly heard from the newbies that he was popular and that's what's rankled her.
Why else would she have piped down for the last week or so? Glance
Originally posted by Supercalifragilistic:
Originally posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:
Originally posted by Supercalifragilistic:
Originally posted by Hotpants Helen:
I loved the way he laughed at Lisa tell the public we are *rseholes.

When did this happen? Are people referring to a few weeks ago or last night? I heard her say something like the public had got it wrong re him i.e. we hadn't seen what the hms had seen
Yes, it was last nights' HLs show.

I've watched it several times, never heard the word a**ehole used once, am I going deaf or daft? Laugh

It was edited out in the H/L's Super.

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