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I've always found him pathetic  It's like a club for the money boys and it's a jolly jaunt of we can do this easy.... I thought old David looked very UNEASY this lunchtime. I though Ed Miliband done well, considering I was one of those with little faith in him being able to carry it off. The whole labours to blame and the unions voted him in is wearing thin, and old Davie boy wants to remember that Prick Clegg sitting next to him wasn't even voted in 
The whole labours to blame and the unions voted him in is wearing thin, and old Davie boy wants to remember that Prick Clegg sitting next to him wasn't even voted in
I completely agree dame. The only thing I will say is this. When Harriet Harman stood up to make her speech, she mentioned (amongst other things) that Ed has a good heart; TBH, I think 'call me Dave' has a good heart. Just for once, he does not strike me as one of those Tories who completely disregard the real world and just blunder on. He's had quite a year of it and, if anybody understands raw emotions, surely it's him. That said, he can't free himself from the Con shackles, which will result in the same old, same old.
cologne 1
I think 'call me Dave' has a good heart. Just for once, he does not strike me as one of those Tories who completely disregard the real world and just blunder on. He's had quite a year of it and, if anybody understands raw emotions, surely it's him. That said, he can't free himself from the Con shackles, which will result in the same old, same old.

I agree he's had it tough personally, but I can not see him having the will or the leadership to ditch some of his principals, if he does have any Cologne.
Gordon Brown had awful personal circumstances but got no sympathy or understanding whatsoever and was lambasted day after day in the tory press.

Davie's dithered on child benefit, and I am convinced the poorest in society will bear the brunt of the next lot of cuts. In the last year I can't remember a PM that's changed his mind so much, I have no faith in him or his back scratcher Clegg.
I agree he's had it tough personally, but I can not see him having the will or the leadership to ditch some of his principals, if he does have any Cologne. Gordon Brown had awful personal circumstances but got no sympathy or understanding whatsoever and was lambasted day after day in the tory press. Davie's dithered on child benefit, and I am convinced the poorest in society will bear the brunt of the next lot of cuts. In the last year I can't remember a PM that's changed his mind so much, I have no faith in him or his back scratcher Clegg.
I agree with all of that Dame. I was really just making a comment on him as a private individual. Tories don't change their spots. As for the LibDems, I am disgusted, just for the sake of getting some sort of power, which they would never have had otherwise, they sold their souls. I'm not even disappointed in Clegg, he's a career politician, but Vince Cable makes me want to weep. He had all the advantages a year ago and he goes and feeds from the hand of the Tories. The only reason they didn't go into a coalition with Labour was that the numbers didn't add up. Well, they could have forced another election, why not? Because their chancers and they saw their chance.
cologne 1
I agree with all of that Dame. I was really just making a comment on him as a private individual. Tories don't change their spots. As for the LibDems, I am disgusted, just for the sake of getting some sort of power, which they would never have had otherwise, they sold their souls. I'm not even disappointed in Clegg, he's a career politician, but Vince Cable makes me want to weep. He had all the advantages a year ago and he goes and feeds from the hand of the Tories. The only reason they didn't go into a coalition with Labour was that the numbers didn't add up. Well, they could have forced another election, why not? Because their chancers and they saw their chance.

I understand what you're saying Cologne, and if I were a LibDem voter I'd be kicking a few cats. I think Clegg could ruin the party for years with his decision, I always was a bit tempted with the LibDems when Charles Kennedy was leader, although I never actually could do it when the time came, I'm sure they've gagged him in a cupboard somewhere in the commons.

As for Davie, I really think most MP's have a good heart to be honest Cologne, I just think having a good heart doesn't always equal to social justice, which I don't think  Davie's or his pals have.
Good posts Dame_Ann_average and Cologne, I see where you're both coming from and also the sympathetic appreciation of what David Cameron's been through in the last year or so. 

I agree it's getting pretty wearisome hearing Clegg, Cameron and others talk about the mess Labour got us into but not quite as nauseating as those Tories who now habitually pipe up and demand an apology from Labour politicians rather than debating any issue where they're on weak ground.  I really hope they won't be pulling these stunts for much longer.
I really hope they won't be pulling these stunts for much longer.

It won't wash forever Carnelian, one political reporter said today, why Cameron can't just say what he's going to do and stand behind it.

Plus, he's being propped up  by a party that have just about discarded everything  just to be part of the government.

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