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hiding someones make up bag is so EVIL its
I dont find it evil just like I did not find it evil when his hats were hidden and did he ever play up he could not take a joke and half the forum did not see it as a joke,dont give what you cant take back Sam, at the moment Corin seems fine at least she is not banging on frying pans like he did.
just think if john james were to have done this to corin.......and said 'i'll give her half an hour to explode'.....the forum would be slating him as a nasty bit of work........but with sam it's just 'oh it's a prank'.........i really don't see how it's any different....john james does things to provoke reactions........and so does sam.
I have a get out clause, cos I would say it was a joke if it was either of them.
Reference: gyps
is it just me? i really fail to see how hiding someones make up bag is so EVIL its just a make up bag?
in the great scheme of things it isn't gyps..........but then neither was hiding sam's hats..........but that was seen as 'being nasty' and 'picking on sam cos they know he loves his hats' sam is hiding something personal to corin it's 'a laugh'

it's either one thing or the can't be nasty if someone hides hats.....then a 'prank' when he hides make up...........and sam went fruitnut over his beloved hats being hidden........he just can not take it if the 'joke' is on him.........yet deems it acceptable and ok to hide something of corin's for 'a laugh'
i just think if john james were to have done this to corin.......and said 'i'll give her half an hour to explode'.....the forum would be slating him as a nasty bit of work........but with sam it's just 'oh it's a prank'.........i really don't see how it's any different....john james does things to provoke reactions........and so does sam.

There was no outcry when Sam was 'playing pranks' on Josie.   Why is it different because it's Corin?
it's either one thing or the can't be nasty if someone hides hats.....then a 'prank' when he hides make up...........and sam went fruitnut over his beloved hats being hidden........he just can not take it if the 'joke' is on him.........yet deems it acceptable and ok to hide something of corin's for 'a laugh'
No i dont think he did go mad, i think he thought, right you lot game on, im going to irritate you back. I think he is up for it when its done to him.  He didnt cry or go in a mood he made a loud speaker out of a water bottle and made a racket.  A racket that ended in them all dancing and laughing. These are not the actions of a pissed off bloke who cant take a joke.
Reference: Ducky
I don't think his intention is to hurt though Scotty. He's very immature and has no idea of the hurt he causes sometimes. He always seems very surprised if anything he does actually upsets people, even if it's a comment like "fat slag". He needs to grow up fast in that sense! Practical jokes though.......gawd there are plenty of full blown grown ups that still enjoy one of those. I can't get too worked up about the make up thing, it's the sort of prank a little kid pulls. Corin will handle it.
Corin has handled it Ducky, much to the disappointment of Dave more than Sam. 

I know he`s immature but I`m not going with...he doesn`t know when he`s upset people.
You`d have to be brainless and he`s clearly not. He blubbed about the hurt he felt over JJ "his best friend in the house" biatching about him. Oh, hang on. Maybe he only knows what it feels like when it`s happening to him?  Maybe he just loves winding people up and doesn`t care if it upsets anyone as long as he`s having "fun" and is the centre of attention?
I`ll go with both. 
I don`t dislike Sam but I`m not buying that he doesn`t know what he`s doing. He does.
Oh gawd! Hiding the hats was nothing but a prank. Hiding the make-up is nothing but a prank! Both childish and stupid and belonging to year 7 at school, but nothing to get all knotted up over.
As I would have given Sam a good slapping by now in the house for being such an irritating little scrote anyway, I probably would have been chucked out by now. However presuming I wasn't, I would shrug my shoulders and not react until he got bored and gave it back. Then I would go through him like a dose of salts. Just stupid people playing stupid games to pass the time is all
Gone right off Sam over this, last night they was on about throwing her stuff over the wall, it's bang out of order, Sam just said himself BB are all for it, they've been asking him in the DR what he is going to do next, i wonder if they would do this to Josie
Dave IMO is using Sam to get one over on Corin, telling him to steal her wig next and it's got to be her eviction one and to keep it till tomorrow afternoon (after noms obviously) he wants her to go berserk, well thats me done with BB this year, i wanted Sam in the final, now i couldn't give a sh-t, Josie will be the winner so we may as well stop the show now
Sam to get one over on Corin, telling him to steal her wig next and it's got to be her eviction one and to keep it till tomorrow afternoon (after noms obviously) he wants her to go berserk,

Now it's gone from a prank to seriously trying to goad her into breaking her temper  You've just lost another fan Sam, pranks I don't mind, vindictive sh*t with Friar Feck egging him on just made him lose my vote if he makes it into the final Aimee
Gypsie offline 1,061 Forum Posts Today at 11:06 AM Last Edited: Is it just me? i really fail to see how hiding someones make up bag is so EVIL its just a make up bag? or is it even it just a pencil??? EVVVVVVVVVVVVVVIL Its not like hes hiding Steves crutches?
Well exactly.  Whilst not condoning what Sam has done (egged on by the others), I fail to see why he is being vilified as the devil incarnate?
Well exactly. Whilst not condoning what Sam has done (egged on by the others), I fail to see why he is being vilified as the devil incarnate?
I don't care whose or what things are being thrown over the wall, the fact is it's not nice, would they think it was funny if Daves bible was thrown or Josie's eviction dress etc, they are her personal belongings and why do they think it's ok to do that and BB allowing them to get away with it
Aimee online 10,899 Forum Posts Today at 1:04 PM Last Edited: Reference: Well exactly. Whilst not condoning what Sam has done (egged on by the others), I fail to see why he is being vilified as the devil incarnate? I don't care whose or what things are being thrown over the wall, the fact is it's not nice, would they think it was funny if Daves bible was thrown or Josie's eviction dress etc, they are her personal belongings and why do they think it's ok to do that and BB allowing them to get away with it
l'm not saying it is right, but the way he is being vilified you would think it was Steve's crutches instead of just make-up.  No, he shouldn't be doing what he is doing and neither should the other cowards in there be egging him on, but it is only make-up.  If they are intent on throwing it over the wall, then BB should step in.
would Dave like his bible being thrown in the name of fun, i don't think so

The problem I have with this malarkey Aimee, the make up didn't work, so now they are talking about hiding her wigs to make her blow. It's not a prank for a joke, it's getting to the point it's a deliberate attempt to break someone's temper. Plus I can't find anything amusing about taking someone's personal stuff, whoever it is. Corin's taken most stuff in good spirit and I can't remember her ever being vindictive to any of them, JJ's constant spouting about her seems to have worked.
The others know exactly what they are doing.  They have egged him on to do what he has done because they want him to get into trouble and look as bad as possible to the public.  This will, in their minds, thus ensure that he is evicted and not in the final.  Unfortunately, Sam thinks what he is doing is funny and he cannot see the big picture and what they are doing.  Someone, should take him to one side, be truthful with him and say he is wrong and it is going to backfire on him spectacularly.

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