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Sam said he was going to hide her makeup and wig JJ2 Dave and Mario told him she would go mad she was worse than Shabby if she kicked off,they did try to persuade him not to do it but he said he was going to Sam thought it was funny and they then all joined in laughing with him, Sam seems to forget when Josie hid his hats as a joke he did not find it funny constantly  banging on the frying pan etc he can give it out but he cant take it.
Nope, and I want her to come second. She was my winner up until a week or so ago (relinquished my Crib number yesterday), when she decided to crap on her GF's feelings and then shat on her 'mate' Jo. I've still liked her more than any of the others, which doesn't say much for them. I love Sam because he's the little brother we'd all love the kick the crap out of, but would hate to see anyone else hurt. And he's brought more fun to that house than there's been in weeks.
agree with all that apart from i would like her out this friday. I dont want her to get away with the master plan shes obviously been plotting from day one.

I LOVE SAM!!! and listening to him plan it last night was funny. ....she does have eyebrow issues.
they didn't discourage him AT ALL they were all in on it. they were advising him to go in alone to get it as alone he stool more chance of not waking her than if they all went to bed. They were saying to him that it was 'fair play' if he managed to wake up in dead of night to get it but he would be better off getting it in the morning.  When they went to bed eventually they were giggling about it for a good 15 mins to see if she was awake or not. They were all in on it.
He`s saying he`ll give her half an hour and she`s going to explode.
I don't think she will, she's better than that.

Speaking as someone who loves Sam, JJ1 AND Corin...... I think it's only fair she was on the receiving end of one of his wind ups at last.

I would save your anger for the others who are encouraging it Scotty. Sam is doing it for a laugh, but there are others who would just love to see her ruin her chances of winning.
ahhh right....i stand corrected then marg xx...............i just think if john james were to have done this to corin.......and said 'i'll give her half an hour to explode'.....the forum would be slating him as a nasty bit of work........but with sam it's just 'oh it's a prank'.........i really don't see how it's any different....john james does things to provoke reactions........and so does sam.
Dave`s now encouraging him by saying it should have been her makeup bag AND her wig...her eviction wig. He`s pointing out her wigs to Sam and saying I dare you. If you do, she`ll be squealing like a pot bellied pig.
And then saying to Corin "aww I would never hide your stuff", in that fake sympathetic, I'm just a lovely Christian bloke, voice of his.
Reference: Ducky
I would save your anger for the others who are encouraging it Scotty. Sam is doing it for a laugh, but there are others who would just love to see her ruin her chances of winning.
I`m just as annoyed with Dave right now. You think Sam`s doing it for a laugh. I don`t Ducky. He knows she`s annoyed and he`s enjoying it. That`s not a laugh ..that`s nasty.
Ducky offline 20,288 Forum Posts Today at 10:50 AM Last Edited: Reference: He`s saying he`ll give her half an hour and she`s going to explode. I don't think she will, she's better than that. Speaking as someone who loves Sam, JJ1 AND Corin...... I think it's only fair she was on the receiving end of one of his wind ups at last. I would save your anger for the others who are encouraging it Scotty. Sam is doing it for a laugh, but there are others who would just love to see her ruin her chances of winning.
They would also love to see Sam get into more trouble, which is why they are egging him on.  They can then sit back and watch him get the flack.  Cowards
.i just think if john james were to have done this to corin.......and said 'i'll give her half an hour to explode'.....the forum would be slating him as a nasty bit of work........but with sam it's just 'oh it's a prank'.........i really don't see how it's any different....john james does things to provoke reactions........and so does sam.
For sure Spongey!

Imo if something's nasty, it's nasty whoever does it.
Starfleet Admiral hoochie
You think Sam`s doing it for a laugh. I don`t Ducky. He knows she`s annoyed and he`s enjoying it. That`s not a laugh ..that`s nasty.
I don't think his intention is to hurt though Scotty. He's very immature and has no idea of the hurt he causes sometimes. He always seems very surprised if anything he does actually upsets people, even if it's a comment like "fat slag". He needs to grow up fast in that sense! Practical jokes though.......gawd there are plenty of full blown grown ups that still enjoy one of those.

I can't get too worked up about the make up thing, it's the sort of prank a little kid pulls.  Corin will handle it.
Reference:  Spongey
i just think if john james were to have done this to corin.......and said 'i'll give her half an hour to explode'.....the forum would be slating him as a nasty bit of work........but with sam it's just 'oh it's a prank'.........i really don't see how it's any different....john james does things to provoke reactions........and so does sam.
 Exactly Spongey.
, he was the one who took her makeup he did not find it funny when his hats were taken as a joke.
I didn't watch it all Marge (mainly cos I had to mute when he started scraping the metal together ), but from what I saw he wasn't upset. He did whatever he (thought he) had to do to get them back as quick as poss....that's fair enough I reckon. Maybe he expects Corin to do the same? She's doing the best thing though, just ignoring it. Without the reaction he wants he'll soon get bored.

I love Sammy Pepper, but god he must be hard to live with. It would be like looking after an unruly toddler 24/7.

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