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Yes, the gang mentality.  When ones individual sense of right and wrong, and fair play, and ethics, and morals, all get clouded because of the gang mentality.
Lord of the Flies all over again.
It's nasty!
Other people's possessions - in this case the excitement is heightened apparently because Sam (now encouraged by Dave) knows how important Corin's make-up is to her.
It is quite basic really. The goods are not communal; they belong to Corin.
It particularly niggles me because Sam reveals he can give out the pranks, but is unable to receive them.
Has Corin?
Nope, and I want her to come second. She was my winner up until a week or so ago (relinquished my Crib number yesterday), when she decided to crap on her GF's feelings and then shat on her 'mate' Jo. I've still liked her more than any of the others, which doesn't say much for them.

I love Sam because he's the little brother we'd all love the kick the crap out of, but would hate to see anyone else hurt. And he's brought more fun to that house than there's been in weeks.
Corin used to hide it in her bag and put it on before school. She was constantly introuble for wearing make-up at school, but felt she had to wear it! Sad, really

Insane. And her mum /teachers should have nipped that in the bud.
Not Sam's fault they didn't. She looks TERRIBLE with so much slap on (esp. the drawn-on eyebrows) and looks 5 years younger without all of it.
I don't think it is whether we think make-up is important or not.
Corin thinks she looks glamorous; I think she looks like a clown, and rather silly.
But that's not the point surely.
It is taking somebody else's prized possessions, without their permission, as a joke.
Sam ranted when it happened to him, but now he thinks it is funny to do it to somebody else.
Surely there is a mis-match here.
Demantoid offline 10,855 Forum Posts Today at 1:27 AM Last Edited: Reference: isn't that the sort of thing that school bullies do? Nah, that's what gangs of people do, which is what they did to Sam on thursday night. He can be a right irritating little bugger, but it's all devilment, not genuine malice.

I hope he doesn't though because they will freak out at him and it will all turn nasty and back-fire horribly on Sam.

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