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Originally Posted by Demantoid:
Originally Posted by Garage Joe:
Every year as Glastonbury and the other festivals occur my faith in the music business is restored. I don't really believe that arseholes like Cowell and Walsh are players. Certainly they make money, but it's not music as we understand it, just a flurry of tabloid stories and cold back end Saturday nights. However I do admire Cheryl for making a little bit of cash. To suggest that she is talentless in a forum which celebrates talentless imbeciles seems a little rich, if I may say so.

You may say so - but Big Brother is a popularity contest, not a talent show.

Yet here's the ironic thing in all this, she's where she is now because she was voted to win a talent competition by the public. Probably the same portion of public who vote in Big Brother.


I'm not for a minute suggesting she's in the same league as the likes of Lady Gaga in terms of talent, but she seems to get singled out when really there are far worse singers than her out there, Britney being one of them. She's made the most of the opportunity she's had, she's made a good load of money for herself. I get the feeling some people would prefer it if she sat in a council house in Newcastle sponging off the dole all her life.

Crunchy  Nuts
Originally Posted by Crunchy Nuts:
 I get the feeling some people would prefer it if she sat in a council house in Newcastle sponging off the dole all her life.

I get the feeling she got her hairdresser to backcomb her hair, a makeup artist to paint her face, a dresser to shop in LA for an outfit.............walked out on stage ....and looked staged........


When Cheryl finds Cheryl....she will succeed.......

Originally Posted by Syd:
Originally Posted by Crunchy Nuts:
 I get the feeling some people would prefer it if she sat in a council house in Newcastle sponging off the dole all her life.

I get the feeling she got her hairdresser to backcomb her hair, a makeup artist to paint her face, a dresser to shop in LA for an outfit.............walked out on stage ....and looked staged........


When Cheryl finds Cheryl....she will succeed.......

Hasn't she already?

Crunchy  Nuts
Originally Posted by Crunchy Nuts:
Originally Posted by Syd:
Originally Posted by Crunchy Nuts:
 I get the feeling some people would prefer it if she sat in a council house in Newcastle sponging off the dole all her life.

I get the feeling she got her hairdresser to backcomb her hair, a makeup artist to paint her face, a dresser to shop in LA for an outfit.............walked out on stage ....and looked staged........


When Cheryl finds Cheryl....she will succeed.......

Hasn't she already?

In what?......

Originally Posted by Syd:
Originally Posted by Crunchy Nuts:
Originally Posted by Syd:
Originally Posted by Crunchy Nuts:
 I get the feeling some people would prefer it if she sat in a council house in Newcastle sponging off the dole all her life.

I get the feeling she got her hairdresser to backcomb her hair, a makeup artist to paint her face, a dresser to shop in LA for an outfit.............walked out on stage ....and looked staged........


When Cheryl finds Cheryl....she will succeed.......

Hasn't she already?

In what?......

Having a successful career, making a huge amount of money.

Crunchy  Nuts
I'll develop me own post then......... As I said before and I'm going to say it again because I liked it so much. She is in a symbiotic relationship mit the media. They feed off each other. We are all victims of this relationship. You only have to look through a publication like Private Eye to get an idea of what is occurin' out there in the real world. Grand naughtiness and wrongdoing are measured in billions and not the peanuts circulating in the world of La Cole. No wonder then that the shieght end of the scratter press would have you debating this strange world of faux celebrity. Can I quite m'pal Karlo again? "Bread and circuses!"
Garage Joe
Originally Posted by Demantoid:

"Media victim", my fair white arse

So she was forced to enter a telly talent show, was she? Forced to enter a devil's pact with Cowell, forced to marry a famous footie player and forced to parade herself in front of the cameras at every available opportunity?

What a load of crap.

I agree.  And I am not really sure what 'career' she has/has had really...   She has no specific talent or skill.... and she hasn't done anything to deserve ANYthing she has got IMO.  She went into an average girl band, on her looks alone - as she is a shit singer, and she got picked (eff knows why,) to judge on X factor... why???????  She has no talent whatsoever and she is simply a mouthy chav who got lucky.  I think she is quite dreadful, and I just do not get why she has become so famous or why silly little girls are obsessed with her... That really worries me, that someone like HER and Katie chavvy Price are worshipped by young girls...  God help humanity is all I can say!

Originally Posted by Syd:
Originally Posted by Crunchy Nuts:


If by the time I'm 28, I've made as much money as her I'll safely come on here and say I've had a successful career so far.


Money Making.......yes............But as for "Talent"...questionable......

Sorry, we were talking about success weren't we? Not whether or not we think they are actually talented or not.

Crunchy  Nuts
Originally Posted by Cupcake:
That really worries me, that someone like HER and Katie chavvy Price are worshipped by young girls...  God help humanity is all I can say!


I'm not sure that I would compare the two. I think Cheryl was very lucky to get into Girls Aloud, I think Girls Aloud were lucky to get really catchy songs, and I'm not sure any of them would have had much success without the songwriters.


However, since she started on the X Factor, I think Cheryl has become more popular (not just with young girls), because she comes over as empathic, quite normal, and had a bit of a sense of humour, whilst sticking up for herself, especially when dealing with Simon and Louis.


Katie Price is a different kettle of fish altogether, IMO. 


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