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I'm sorry to trouble you all, and I know people have much worse dilemmas and problems, but I just wondered what peoples' thoughts were about this, and what your advice was.

Last June (2008,) I sent a 'storyline' idea to the boss/producer of Coronation street, as I do dabble in a bit of writing now and again, (and amateur acting.) My idea which I sent to them LAST JUNE (2008,) was that Eileen has a long lost sister who she fell out with some 25 years ago, who is about 5 years younger than her.

She fell out with her because she had a fling with Jason's dad. Her sister came to Coronation Street after tracking Eileen down through an extended family member, to try and make amends with Eileen.

Elieen tells her sister to get lost, but she decides to stay for a while, and starts dating Lloyd and becomes good friends with Steve and people start to like her, which causes great upset for Eileen as she doesn't even want her in her life.

I also said jokingly that I could play the sister, as I have some amateur acting experience, and my daughter could play *her* daughter.*

Well, I got a polite letter back about 6 weeks later, thanking me for my suggestion, but they said they never use outside writers, as they have a regular team of writers. They also said that they hope myself and my daughter enjoy the street for many years to come.

I just took it as a 'rejection letter;' of which I have plenty.

Well, now Corrie have this storyline where Eileen has a long lost sister (Julie; ) although she never actually knew she existed, unlike the sister I suggested...) And it's bugging me, because I feel like they may have ripped off my idea. They mentioned how they hope my daughter and me enjoy Corrie for years to come, so they DEFINATELY read my letter. If they hadn't, they wouldn't have mentioned my daughter. So they DID read my letter .. ergo; they read my 'storyline idea.'

So do you think I have any kind of a case to kick up a fuss here? Or is the storyline not similar enough, given that it is different, and the only similarity is that Eileen has suddenly had a sister come into her life? It's a remarkable coincidence IMO, that I suggested this idea last June, and just a few months later, they write a sister in for Eileen.

Can I act on this? Or will they just say that 'we are always bringing in new relatives of the people in the show.' (Which I guess they are...) And also, they could say they had this idea WAY before I suggested it, and I wouldn't be able to prove that they didn't. But this is bugging me.... I am feeling like they ripped off my idea.

Any thoughts or advice or opinions would be greatly appreciated. If you think it's just a mild coincidence and I have no case, or cause to complain, feel free to say; I would appreciate the honesty. But also, do please say, if you think I may have cause to complain, and if so, where you think I should start.. ie; by talking to a solicitor or something.

I am not out for any rucks of money or anything, but if they HAVE taken and used my idea, (and my idea WAS that a long lost sister of Eileen's comes into Corrie,) then I want some recognition for it.

I still have my original letter with the suggestion for Eileen's long lost sister on my computer's 'hard-drive,' which has kept a record on the computer of the date it was drafted: June 2008. I also have their written response, dated early August 2008, where they rejected my idea.

Thanks folks. I hope someone can give me some help.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally posted by Akaytee:
I'm afraid you can't because you didn't copyright your idea . When I submit stuff...(I have magazine stuff published) I put FBSR..First British Serial Rights on it, and they can't nick anything from you
How do you go about doing that AKaytee? This FBSR thing?

No I didn't have anything copywrited, but I do have the original letter on my hardrive with the original date logged with it. Not just on the document but on the PC's records. That is proof that I suggested that idea then, but my question is; is it not 'the same; enough to make a fuss. Is it too flimsy a coincidence?

No I don't belong to any union or writers guild or anything.
Did you register your idea anywhere, other than write to the programme makers. I must say it's a bit of a coincidence the particular character you wrote about, had a storyline similar to the one you suggested. It's not as if there is only 4 people in the Soap. I would look into it, if l was you. Citizen advice bureau give free advice, and you can have one free solicitors letter amongst that. Go for it. Thumbs Up
Originally posted by Tiddly~Wink:
If you have proof that you sent it to them, and you want the kudos, maybe you should write to your local paper, or get in touch with your local radio station just for the hell of it! You would be surprised how many folk claim to have been plagiarised in this way!
Really? Do you think they really have? Do you think people send storyline ideas and the programme makers rip them off? Isn't it a bit risky, because the original writer who sent the idea could have had it copywrited couldn't they? Another thing, as I said, how can I prove that they didn't have the idea before I suggested 'my' idea? They could say they had the idea before, and it's not similar enough to my storyline idea anyway..

No heartache, I didn't register it anywhere. I just had a brainwave for a Corrie storyline, and sent it in a letter, (which I still have on my PC as I said,) and I also have their response rejecting my idea... But are the storylines not alike enough?
Originally posted by Tiddly~Wink:
Looks like there is nothing you can do about it now. Take advice from the other posters here, who seem to know about these things, and don't send anything else unless you copyright it. People claim this kinda thing all the time. Who to believe eh?

Hi Tiddly-wink, and thank you. Why do you think there is nothing I can do about it? It's OK, I don't mind you saying this and I am sure you are right, but I just wonder what specifically makes you say this? Is it because I didn't copyright anything? because it's not a similar enough idea? Because I should have gone through someone to send it to them? Because they can say 'we had that idea before anyway? Thanks for your advice and your time. I am just trying to get my head around all the advice here. Sorry to be pedantic.

What course of action should I take next time I suggest a storyline idea?

Renton, very funny, but unlike you, what I am saying is the truth and I am being serious. No need to mock me ... I am just asking for help. Roll Eyes
Originally posted by Cheeky-Pixie:
Originally posted by Akaytee:
I'm afraid you can't because you didn't copyright your idea . When I submit stuff...(I have magazine stuff published) I put FBSR..First British Serial Rights on it, and they can't nick anything from you
How do you go about doing that AKaytee? This FBSR thing?

Anything you submit, you just put FSBR on the title page and you're covered. Can I reccommend that you buy The Writer's Handbook ? It's an invaluable source of information for anyone who wishes to submit unsolicited material

No I didn't have anything copywrited, but I do have the original letter on my hardrive with the original date logged with it. Not just on the document but on the PC's records. That is proof that I suggested that idea then, but my question is; is it not 'the same; enough to make a fuss. Is it too flimsy a coincidence?

No I don't belong to any union or writers guild or anything.
Originally posted by Cheeky-Pixie:
Originally posted by Tiddly~Wink:
If you have proof that you sent it to them, and you want the kudos, maybe you should write to your local paper, or get in touch with your local radio station just for the hell of it! You would be surprised how many folk claim to have been plagiarised in this way!
Really? Do you think they really have? Do you think people send storyline ideas and the programme makers rip them off? Isn't it a bit risky, because the original writer who sent the idea could have had it copywrited couldn't they? Another thing, as I said, how can I prove that they didn't have the idea before I suggested 'my' idea? They could say they had the idea before, and it's not similar enough to my storyline idea anyway..

No heartache, I didn't register it anywhere. I just had a brainwave for a Corrie storyline, and sent it in a letter, (which I still have on my PC as I said,) and I also have their response rejecting my idea... But are the storylines not alike enough?

I don't think it would hurt to make enquiries, and even if it did'nt lead anywhere, you wsould have done all you could. Right behind you! Thumbs Up
Originally posted by Scotty:
Originally posted by Scotty:
Sorry cheeky but I don`t think you have a case..the storyline is slightly different.
They maybe did take your happens I`m afraid and there`s not much you can do. Hug

Also, copyright anything you send in the future. Nod

Good luck. Thumbs Up
Thanks Scotty Smiler I do appreciate all the advise, I really do. This has been bugging me since that 'Eileen has a sister' storyline came in..
Originally posted by Ross:
Originally posted by Cheeky-Pixie:
Renton, very funny, but unlike you, what I am saying is the truth and I am being serious. No need to mock me ... I am just asking for help. Roll Eyes
Awww, I apologise for doing much the same. Didn't mean to mock, was just joking around Valentine
Sorry, I don't mean to be so over sensitive, this is just all bugging me. Thank you. Hug
As I said in the post that got lost in the middle of one of yours Pixie:-

Go to your nearest bookshop and buy the Writer's will tell you all you need to know about how to protect yourself, submitting material and getting yourself an agent etc. It really is a necessary source for any aspiring/ established writers Nod Valentine
Originally posted by RENTON:
Originally posted by Ross:
Originally posted by Cheeky-Pixie:
Renton, very funny, but unlike you, what I am saying is the truth and I am being serious. No need to mock me ... I am just asking for help. Roll Eyes
Awww, I apologise for doing much the same. Didn't mean to mock, was just joking around Valentine

PIXIE - please understand i was being totally serious and i was not and never wud 'mock' you.
Genuinely - i was being serious
Errrr. ok, but do you realise that Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone and Harry Potter and the Chamber of secrets was out 'before' Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban. Roll Eyes Didn't you notice til the third novel?
Originally posted by Yellow Rose:
As I mentioned I'd send a copy of the original letter with your idea for a storyline to the Producer. His reply will let you know where you stand with this. If you get nowhere you'll have at least learnt how to protect your work in the future Smiler
That sounds like a reasonable idea, but what should I say to him?
Originally posted by Cheeky-Pixie:
Originally posted by Yellow Rose:
As I mentioned I'd send a copy of the original letter with your idea for a storyline to the Producer. His reply will let you know where you stand with this. If you get nowhere you'll have at least learnt how to protect your work in the future Smiler
That sounds like a reasonable idea, but what should I say to him?

Well you could start off by saying you're following the current storyline re Eileen and it reminded you of your idea for a storyline that you sent to them - mention the date - and include a copy of your original letter
Yellow Rose
Originally posted by Akaytee:
As I said in the post that got lost in the middle of one of yours Pixie:-

Go to your nearest bookshop and buy the Writer's will tell you all you need to know about how to protect yourself, submitting material and getting yourself an agent etc. It really is a necessary source for any aspiring/ established writers Nod Valentine
Thanks Akaytee, and thanks to Ross too Wink
Originally posted by Tiddly~Wink:
TBH there really is nothing you can do without making yourself look like another fruitloop who is trying it on. Let's face it George Orwell isn't exactly coining in royalties is he? Not saying I don't believe your genuine. Just think you should put it down to experience, and make sure it can't happen again! *shrugs*

That's cool, I appreciate your honesty. I have had many varying replies; ranging from 'put it down to experience,' and 'let it go and make sure you copyright it properly next time,' and 'the storylines are not similar 'enough,' to 'yes take some action,' and 'it is too much of a coincidence' and 'you should write to the producer.' So it's hard to know what to do now. I do have the original idea on my computer, with the June 2008 date; but I never copyrighted it properly, and maybe the storyline they have running with Eileen ISN'T similar enough to mine.. So I am still struggling a bit on what to do.

I think writing to the producer who I originally sent the idea to, may be a start. Maybe I could say that, this storyline is a bit similar to 'my' idea, and ask them if they can explain how they came up with the idea, before I 'seek advice' from someone.

Renton., let's just forget it.. ok.

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