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Originally posted by Heartache:
Totally agree with you, and l for one would like to know how Sree insulted Marcus's culture, since that was one of reasons he had nominated him. THAT has NEVER been explained.

well, we can only guess as to what Sree actually said that Marcus found "insulting to his culture"
but whatever it was it would seem the BB decided it didnt warant a warning,...yet Marcus felt it was good enough to warrant nominating Sree,
this is where I take GIANT leap into the darkness, but oh well here goes,

I am NOT a racist, I think I have ranted on here long enough about my hatred of the BNP, to show where I stand,
but it HAS to cut BOTH ways, because when it doesnt, it only gives people like the BNP scum MORE amunition,
and I am QUITE sure that ANY intelligent person from ANY background or race, would not want "special" treatment,as in, THEY can insult someone else's race or culture, but no one can insult theirs, this only breeds resentment and mistrust and helps to swell the ranks of such scum as the BNP,
IF Sree DID insult Marcus or his race/culture/etc etc, and BB "let it go" then they were HELPING the racists, and as such are JUST as guilty as the racsits themselves, Nod
old hippy guy
Originally posted by old hippy guy:

I am NOT a racist, I think I have ranted on here long enough about my hatred of the BNP, to show where I stand,
but it HAS to cut BOTH ways, because when it doesnt, it only gives people like the BNP scum MORE amunition,
and I am QUITE sure that ANY intelligent person from ANY background or race, would not want "special" treatment,as in, THEY can insult someone else's race or culture, but no one can insult theirs, this only breeds resentment and mistrust and helps to swell the ranks of such scum as the BNP,
IF Sree DID insult Marcus or his race/culture/etc etc, and BB "let it go" then they were HELPING the racists, and as such are JUST as guilty as the racsits themselves, Nod

Originally posted by Liverpoollass:
Originally posted by joyron:
I cannot believe I had a thread that went into three, yes I said three pages!!! Thank you to everyone that contributed.

I don't want anyone to fall out. We all have our opinions and they will vary. I just felt the need to put my two penny worth in.

Well done Hug

Thank you. It all appears to be getting a bit heavy in here so I think I will back out now!!!
Originally posted by Moonbeams:
Originally posted by electric6:
I think most people agreed Marcus had a really good point.

And that's coming form me, a mung-bean knitting lefty wuss who doesn't like Marcus much Laugh

*wonders where I can get a mung-bean pattern??*

agreed OP. Thumbs Up

I think she picks them up whilst queuing at the post office...

I missed the highlights where they showed this (and I guess we should be grateful they did) but I have to say unless someone had pointed it out to me I'd not have noticed he'd mimicked Sree's accent. And I'm at a loss to understand why that's wrong and parodying Freddie or Charlie or Karly isn't...
a little story....My local shop was run by a very nice Indian family till their sister from hell appeared from Huddersfield where they had lived, She was always running down Scottish people, and generally didnt want to be here. i lost it with her and said "well why dont you go home then?" well her eyes sparkled and went on to a rant about how rascist my comments were blah blah. i let her rant on then very casually said " I meant go back to Huddersfield if you dont like it here" sometimes the race card is brought up a bit too quickly, and in that way i am glad Marcus nipped that one in the bud. Sorry for long post but i hope you get what i mean. i nor my family could care less what colour, creed etc people are
Originally posted by Skylark24:
a little story....My local shop was run by a very nice Indian family till their sister from hell appeared from Huddersfield where they had lived, She was always running down Scottish people, and generally didnt want to be here. i lost it with her and said "well why dont you go home then?" well her eyes sparkled and went on to a rant about how rascist my comments were blah blah. i let her rant on then very casually said " I meant go back to Huddersfield if you dont like it here" sometimes the race card is brought up a bit too quickly, and in that way i am glad Marcus nipped that one in the bud. Sorry for long post but i hope you get what i mean. i nor my family could care less what colour, creed etc people are
**couldnt** i meant
Originally posted by Skylark24:
a little story....My local shop was run by a very nice Indian family till their sister from hell appeared from Huddersfield where they had lived, She was always running down Scottish people, and generally didnt want to be here. i lost it with her and said "well why dont you go home then?" well her eyes sparkled and went on to a rant about how rascist my comments were blah blah. i let her rant on then very casually said " I meant go back to Huddersfield if you dont like it here" sometimes the race card is brought up a bit too quickly, and in that way i am glad Marcus nipped that one in the bud. Sorry for long post but i hope you get what i mean. i nor my family could care less what colour, creed etc people are

Well said. It is all too easy for people to play the racist card but they don't know what to say when their bluff is called.

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