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I know I'm going back a bit now but I just wanted to share my thoughts with you all, after all there is not a lot on the board at the moment anyway!!!

I've only just managed to watch last night's HL show, which was not really very eventful, but after that I re-watched the Friday show with all the Marcus/Sree events. I'm even more convinced, having watched it for the second time, that Marcus was completely right and BB was completely wrong. I cannot believe how BB back tracked when they realised Marcus would not just take it lying down.

As a complete aside to that has anyone noticed that Sree's number for voting ended 16 16 16. Take away the 1's and what are you left with? 666. That says it all to me!!!

I welcome your comments (PLEASE be kind to me as I don't often instigate a thread in my own right).

Replies sorted oldest to newest

I agree, Marcus was completely right on Friday, I think BB weren't betting on him being quite so intelligent and on to them (although, he did say his nickname was 'dark horse' in his VT Wink) so that must have come as quite a shock. It was great when they asked for his response, probably expecting a sheepish 'okay' but he just gave them what for instead Laugh

And as for Sree, well, the less said about him the better Shake Head
I agree with you 100% about Marcus, CH4 are running scared from the media, and are desparate to avoid another "Shilpagate" so much so that they act first to cover their arses,
made themselves look like idiots in my opinion,
I like Marcus, ok he has his faults (who doesnt?)
but I think at heart he is a decent sort of a guy, and he like to play the "lad" now and then....dont ALL blokes?, we are never perfect ALL the time, just as we are not complete wankers ALL the time,...with the exception of Kris of course,
as for Sree and 666,...haha doest suprise me,
Big Grin Thumbs Up
old hippy guy
Originally posted by MoFo:
I agree but the whole 'say that to me when we are outside' was suspect.

I get your point but I don't think Marcus was being threatening. I just think he was trying to show that Sree has no backbone and wouldn't even consider trying it on if he didn't have anyone (ie Lisa) to cover his back. That's the way I see it anyway.
Originally posted by mary_bee:
Originally posted by joyron:
I feel SO honoured that some of you have taken the time to respond to my thread. I think this is the first time anyone has really taken any notice of me (I'm not blubbing, not like Sree anyway!!!)

Awwh Hug

I always notice you Joy, especially when you come in the ol' Freddie thread.

I will ALWAYS support Freddie 100%, right till the end. I really want him to win, but don't want to jinx his chances. I'll be there on finals night. I REALLY hope our Freddie is there too.
Originally posted by tupps:
I don't think Marcus was threatening to lamp him.. I think he was showing him up or should I say spotlighting his 'baby of the house' status and reminding him that in the real world he won't have Lisa et als skirts to hide behind.

EXACTLY it wasnt a case of "come out side and say that" or even "WAIT till we are outside"
he was just stating the OBVIOUS FACT that Sree was /is a sniveling little coward who would never DARE speak like that to Marcus WITHOUT Big Brother as back up,
he tried everyway he could to provoke him, and as soon as he thought he had "got him" he played the "race card" and went running to BB, Nod
old hippy guy
Originally posted by old hippy guy:

EXACTLY it wasnt a case of "come out side and say that" or even "WAIT till we are outside"
he was just stating the OBVIOUS FACT that Sree was /is a sniveling little coward who would never DARE speak like that to Marcus WITHOUT Big Brother as back up,
he tried everyway he could to provoke him, and as soon as he thought he had "got him" he played the "race card" and went running to BB, Nod

You put that so well.
Originally posted by old hippy guy:

EXACTLY it wasnt a case of "come out side and say that" or even "WAIT till we are outside"
he was just stating the OBVIOUS FACT that Sree was /is a sniveling little coward who would never DARE speak like that to Marcus WITHOUT Big Brother as back up,
he tried everyway he could to provoke him, and as soon as he thought he had "got him" he played the "race card" and went running to BB, Nod

Originally posted by pussycatj:
Originally posted by electric6:
if Sree had mimiked Marcus's accent

He did, he was doing the whole "mate" thing Marcus does.

I think being with people that have English as their first language must inevitably rub off, when Sree was calling Marcus mate it wasn't said with malice, that imo is the difference.

But when they mimick Freddy's posh accent, that is said with malice. Why is it different?
Originally posted by Liverpoollass:
Originally posted by pussycatj:
Originally posted by electric6:
if Sree had mimiked Marcus's accent

He did, he was doing the whole "mate" thing Marcus does.

I think being with people that have English as their first language must inevitably rub off, when Sree was calling Marcus mate it wasn't said with malice, that imo is the difference.

But when they mimick Freddy's posh accent, that is said with malice. Why is it different?

That is what I was saying earlier, that to me was just as bad, Classism, and it was spiteful and pittiful to watch and really can't understand why BB havn't hauled his sorry ass in. (sorry I was going)

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