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Ok, help here please if poss, need to know if I am being a little sensitive or need to say something, a year ago I had to go back to work as a nurse full time due to the loss of my Oh's engineering company, I went back luckily to my old job and decided to pack my hours in to 3 1/2 days so the kids only have to be with childminder for 1 1/2 hours after school 3 times a week after school and 1 hour before , this wk my 7 year old daughters teacher has said to my childminder that she has been crying saying she misses me, obviously I'm guilt ridden and worried and feel awful, but what has really pee'd me off is that after school today I had 3 different people come up to me ( who are connected with both me and my childminder) saying that they had heard my girl was upset in class, it has to have come from only one source and I am really annoyed, I know I am being a little sensitive as I feel so bad, and usually my daughter is not at all bothered by me going to work, my kids have a lovely dad and we are a pretty good team! But I feel a bit gossiped about and oh is fuming, help please x

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Originally Posted by Skylark24:

I think us mums do feel guilty, but we dont need to be told off!! Your daughter will adapt...what do teachers do with their kids then ?? You should feel proud you are working and supporting the family, try to rise above it. If the childminder isnt doing her job properly change her 


Do you know for sure that the childminder has been gossiping at the school gate Juju?

I know when mine were in school that teachers would say stuff as you picked them up with all the other mums standing around earholing the conversation. They may have just overheard and are making busy

Best to ask her calmly first before flying off the handle with her and having to place your kids elsewhere which will upset your daughter even more.

Does your school not offer a breakfast club? My mate works but her kiddie goes to breakfast club from 8am and then is picked up by the after school club who keep him until 6 if need be although she picks him up as soon as she finishes work at just gone 5.

Problem is we were really good friends once but she has no idea about financial worries we had words last year when oh lost his business, he got a job thankfully, a company that had wanted him for a long time, but he has to do a lot of overtime to make ends meet and pay off the debts owed, she is a friend who offered to help us but then moaned if oh didn't pay her on a Friday cos he was doing overtime and asked if he could drop it in on a Saturday, believe me when I say they have no money problems and we never ever asked for one favour or had one week where we payed late, just wish people you thought were friends were really, well friends

Jujubedoo, it could be anyone who said something, maybe even other children in the class who saw your daughter crying and told their mums? Maybe they were genuinely concerned that she'd been upset and thought you needed to know?

If she's suddenly upset now after you've been back at work for a year, maybe it was something else that upset her and just for that moment she wanted her Mum, (like many of us do, even as adults, even when they're long gone!)

Tbh, if I were you I'd try my best to forget about the school gate chatter, well intentioned or otherwise and just try to get the bottom of why she was upset and try to resolve that as far as possible

Originally Posted by Veggieburger:
Originally Posted by Skylark24:

Yes i agree to a point Veggie....but maybe if the teacher had been a bit more sensitive, and spoke privately to the childminder nosey folk wouldnt give an opinion.

I totally agree Skylark but so many teachers seem to do this without thinking

Dont they just! Its so hard for working mothers, damned it you do and damned if you dont x

Originally Posted by Veggieburger:
Originally Posted by Skylark24:

Yes i agree to a point Veggie....but maybe if the teacher had been a bit more sensitive, and spoke privately to the childminder nosey folk wouldnt give an opinion.

I totally agree Skylark but so many teachers seem to do this without thinking

But how does anyone know that's what happened

Originally Posted by Supercalifragilistic:
Originally Posted by Veggieburger:
Originally Posted by Skylark24:

Yes i agree to a point Veggie....but maybe if the teacher had been a bit more sensitive, and spoke privately to the childminder nosey folk wouldnt give an opinion.

I totally agree Skylark but so many teachers seem to do this without thinking

But how does anyone know that's what happened

Ju said in her post, teacher said to childminder and 3 different people said to her....or i have misunderstood ...     x

Originally Posted by Skylark24:
Originally Posted by Supercalifragilistic:
Originally Posted by Veggieburger:
Originally Posted by Skylark24:

Yes i agree to a point Veggie....but maybe if the teacher had been a bit more sensitive, and spoke privately to the childminder nosey folk wouldnt give an opinion.

I totally agree Skylark but so many teachers seem to do this without thinking

But how does anyone know that's what happened

Ju said in her post, teacher said to childminder and 3 different people said to her....or i have misunderstood ...     x

She didn't say that the teacher said it in front of others though  And I thought that JuJu was assuming the childminder had told the other mum's? Like I said, it could even have been other children in the class who said something to their parents?

Originally Posted by Supercalifragilistic:
Originally Posted by Skylark24:
Originally Posted by Supercalifragilistic:
Originally Posted by Veggieburger:
Originally Posted by Skylark24:

Yes i agree to a point Veggie....but maybe if the teacher had been a bit more sensitive, and spoke privately to the childminder nosey folk wouldnt give an opinion.

I totally agree Skylark but so many teachers seem to do this without thinking

But how does anyone know that's what happened

Ju said in her post, teacher said to childminder and 3 different people said to her....or i have misunderstood ...     x

She didn't say that the teacher said it in front of others though  And I thought that JuJu was assuming the childminder had told the other mum's? Like I said, it could even have been other children in the class who said something to their parents?

Yes of course, too much gossips, and Ju feeling guilty , not a good combo 

Originally Posted by Skylark24:
Yes of course, too much gossips, and Ju feeling guilty , not a good combo 

Absolutely, but honestly, if the little girl is not usually at all bothered about her mum being at work, then I think the priority must be to find out what she was really upset about for her to say what she did.

JuJu, if you do that, you never know, you may find out that it's absolutely nothing at all to do with you being at work, maybe she's not happy with something at the childminders or, well, could be anything really and just for that moment she wanted her mum?

Thanks fellow mums, I totally agree with everyone of you, that's the beauty of this lovely forum, I don't post loads but there are always peeps with great advice, thank you x I do know that her teacher only told my childminder that she had been upset because I asked her in future to only discuss my child with me! She agreed and in fairness to her she did say it was a mistake! At the end of the day it's old fashioned guilt, I have a career but cos I have too, I'm lucky really, things this time last year were a lot lot worse, feel silly now moaning now I think of it all, thankyou lovelies
Originally Posted by jujubedoo:
Thanks fellow mums, I totally agree with everyone of you, that's the beauty of this lovely forum, I don't post loads but there are always peeps with great advice, thank you x I do know that her teacher only told my childminder that she had been upset because I asked her in future to only discuss my child with me! She agreed and in fairness to her she did say it was a mistake! At the end of the day it's old fashioned guilt, I have a career but cos I have too, I'm lucky really, things this time last year were a lot lot worse, feel silly now moaning now I think of it all, thankyou lovelies

You're not silly Jujubedoo, but I am glad you feel better about it now... 


gawd...    people (the people at Jube's school....   not people here)..  just love to get in on the action don't they.


its like they're all "ooooh...   I want to be the one to tell Jube that her daughter was upset"


I wouldn't be surprised if your girl had been upset about something, and it was suggested to her that she was missing you.... 


Jubes...  she probably does miss you..   but she'd have missed you during the day at school whether you were picking her up or the childminder.


I worked when mine were little...    I remember the guilt.    they always missed me when they didn't want to go to creche/childminders/my parents...     then when I didn't work, they would  miss their mates/myparents/even their dad (really scraping the barrel ) when they had the hump with me.


FWIW...  my opinion is...    if you have to work, you have to work...   I worked when they were little, and have stayed at home with them since the eldest went up to secondary..     they were outgrowing the childcare arrangements (my parents)...    the lack of continuity was then starting to affect all sorts of things.   I had thought initially that working would get easier as they got older, I now think the opposite... its easier when they are younger.


Jubes...   the whole time I haven't worked and have been at home, I have been wracked with guilt about not having the money to buy them stuff, do stuff with them, and for being the Mum who "doesn't have a job"


doesn't matter which way you do it...      there is always guilt!      


You love your kids...   you do your best....    that is all we can do xxxx

Originally Posted by jujubedoo:
Aw god veggie so many of my friends say make the most now, late teens to twenties are the worst, think parenting is one long guilt trip, eldest is 15 uni years approaching, jeez , gonna get a vino now and a calculator Hee hee xx

 Mine are in their late 30s, and they still manage to push the guilt button every now and then!


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