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How are everyone's pets doing? I  was thinking of Demantoid and her last remaining geriatric hammy.Mine are all fine,had "Jinks" the budgie at the vet about three weeks ago his wee foot was sore on the underside.He has   congenital twisted front claws on his right leg.Must have been scrunched up in the egg.Some anti-biotics and bathing in salty water and he's good as new.Bunnies are fine,washed Cleos arse again! Jake the hammy is now a  robust adult and desperate to get out of his cage for a wander.

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Hi Katty Hamish my westie is doing okay but having said that I have to say he has not been the same since Angus passed away, he keeps licking his paws and they get a bit sore I am always at the vet getting antibiotic injections for him incase they get infected but he is still licking them,I believe he is now doing it out of boredom and habit I bathe them every day with a special shampoo malaseb it helps but I wish he would stop licking his paws ..I am open to any suggestions thank you
Sweet Summer mine are three and half and six and a half,both total house rabbits.Rio the boy is the elder with Cleo the younger,they are husbun and wife. What are yours called?. Aww Marguerita he must miss him terribly.My sister has a westie she's six,I know they are prone to itching/skin trouble etc .Seems they are prone to allergies .Clumsy cat,hope your dog gets better soon..pets a nuisance(bunnies chewing )at times etc but we still luvs them.
Hey katty, love your bunny names :-)

Wish I had house bunnies but mine are outside- they do have a lovely 2 tier hutch with insulated layer and waterproof covering though so they're perfectly happy.

My English girl bunny is called pepper, for a whole year I thought she was a boy! I went to clean her out one day and found a beautiful nest in her hutch, and I realised that not only was she a girl, but she looked so lonely!

I then had her spade, and picked up my lionhead baby- I named him Howard after my dad who's passed away, and from then on I think pepper thought he was her kitten!

Happy bunny families :-)
~Sparkling Summer~
Ahh,bunnies make great pets as long as folk put the time into  looking after them.Sadly they are the most   dumped pets (25 a week RSPCA figures) They have basic needs etc food wise ,however folk buy them as cute fluffy babies,and a few months later they grow into big old stroppy buggers.WEll mine did...they hate being handled ,however the boy loves being petted,on his terms,on the floor .The girl  won't tolerate being touched at all.
Katty - good to hear Rio & Cleo are well...    I reference Cleo's bum sometimes...  when explaining "flystrike" to the kids (usually when trying to get someone else to wash my dogs bum... some domestic jobs should be distributed evenly!)

Marge - Poor Hamish (poor you ).   My parent's Cairn goes obsessive compulsive on the paw licking as well...  he has had to have antibiotics when he's made his sore.  Also.. the vet prescribed him the Potassium Permangernate stuff that Croc mentioned... to bath his sore foot in (which turned that foot an attractive shade of orangey brown). 

He's probably not half as sad as you think he is you know.   I know I would be the same though... I know I would be unbearably sad when I looked at him and wondered how he was feeling.  He's got you Marge... you're his mummy...  his world...  

AJ is well...   calming down into maturity.  He has even started to bond more with my son, rather than "enforce his authority" in a sibling rivalry style like he used to.    We think he might be broody (yep.. I know.. he's a boy dog)...   a very very small puppy escaped from a house the other day as we were walking past...   there was some chaos as I tried to keep AJ from the pup, and grab the pup to stop it wondering off...    suddenly my heart was in my mouth as I saw, in slow motion, AJ open his dirty great mouth and go down to seemingly eat the puppy...  Next thing I knew he was carrying the pup by the scruff of the neck...  like a mum dog does...   and handed the pup to me!  

He was very proud of himself all day after that!
My two baby bunnies are just FAT all they do is eat!! They seem to have stopped growing but just get fatter, so i think they are quite a small breed of rabbit. They are still really friendly and love morning cuddles. I pick them up when i feed them first thing and they will just snuggle in for a good 5 mins together and make little snuffling noises under my chin. SO SO cute. I love them.

I was worried at bonfire night so i brought them inside and left classical FM on for them to drown out the noise They would have requested wagner if they could but he doesnt have a cd so they had to make do.

I am keeping their hutch in a brick shed but its freeeezing in there so ive bought them one of those hutch safe snuggle things, like a solid hot water bottle. I was going to buy one of those silver scratch and newton hutch covers that insulate but they cost a small fortune so i am going to make my own out of B&Q silver loft insulation that i found a tip for online. Must do that in the next few days because the temp has really dropped.

Last edited by Former Member
Hi Croc  I have never heard of Pottassium Permanganate I will definitely buy some and try it thank you so much

 Hi Ditty I hope you are right and I am wrong about Hamish he looks so lonely perhaps I am looking into things to deeply in regards to how he is feeling,how proud must you feel of AJ rescuing the little pupif you ever bred him and had one of his pups he would make a good dad
Marge I think we underestimate the effect losing a pet/companion pet has on the one that is left 

After I had to have my beloved Sox put to sleep I hadn't accounted for how affected his doggie friend Ellie next door would be affected.  She went into a deep depression and stopped eating for weeks after  he died.   For months she sat and looked at the door hoping he'd come bounding up to her.  In truth it wasn't until we bought Milo home and they made friends that Ellie improved.  She's a big Dogue Bordeaux and had started to pull her hair out   I'm glad Milo and her are good friends now 

I hope Hamish's paws are sorted soon 
Reference:  Marge
If you ever bred him and had one of his pups he would make a good dad
Yeah...  til it got past the cute carryable age...  and into the larger, bouncy, attention demanding stage!   

I'd quite like to get a bitch puppy...  then as I wouldn't get her spayed until she had had one or two seasons anyway, let nature take its course and if there were puppies all good.  (though there are some other things that I would need to think about... would I be able to part with them all, I'd have to cos I do not want a pack of dogs, etc).

Anyway... bit of a moot point...  Mr Ditty looks like I have said I want to adopt a pack of wild hyenas when I suggest it... he goes all shouty & red in the face and says "NO! I mean it,  NO!"

but he said that about getting AJ

Pengy - I really don't underestimate the effect the loss has on the other dog...  we had all that to deal with when we lost my parents first cairn,..  who was as close to AJ as a dog can be when they don't live together (obviously...  nowhere near the bond that Angus & Hamish had).   I probably worded what I said to Marge badly...    I was basing it on how I know I am...   I haven't even met Hamish & when I think about the situation I get all teary eyed... I do it with my dog and with the kids to some extent.  Then hubby will say... "nah, they're alright"..  and he's usually right.   Its me over worrying it.  

Its funny that you say that getting Milo helped the dog next door...   twas the same when AJ was grieving for Wilson...  the only thing that pulled him through it was when my parents then got Chuffley.  

I know that Marge has been taking Hamish for playdates with her daughters Westie...  that must be a big help to him.
Marge I think we underestimate
Hi Pengy  I never mention Angus name in front of Hamish nor do my family a couple of weeks ago he was going to be groomed I dont know what I was thinking of I said Angus name to the groomer, when I realised what I had done I looked at Hamish he laid down with his chin touching the floor his eyes were really  sad, the same night when I went to bed  I could hear him  crying in his bed it was horrible  I got up and stayed with him for ages .. I was crying by the time I went back to bed,  poor Ellie I am glad Ellie and Milo are good friends
I was chuntering away to AJ not long after wilson died.    I said to him "aren't you handsome"... and he did that head cocking thing.   Surprised I said it again... and kept saying it.

Twas only when he then got up... walked to the door...  walked back to me... pacing, his way of saying "Lets go out" that I realised how close to "Wilson" the word "handsome" can sound.

Oh Marge!  
I know that Marge has been taking Hamish for playdates
Ditty he is much better when he sees Molly  he is her uncle my daughter decided to mate Molly again she lost her first litter last year we are holding our breathes hoping she is pregnant, I may take one of her pups all being well and do a slow introduction to Hamish  to see if they get on if she is pregnant which my daughter thinks she is as Molly seems much calmer she will be due the 1st of january,I have never had a female dog but think it would be best as Hamish is top dog and I dont want another male dog fighting for that position I will keep you updated 

Forgot to mention Hamish is not the dad

yeah, I can see the similarity between Angus & Angela to doggy ears!

I added the word handsome to the list of words we don't say aloud...   Walkies, Bath, John John (my dad, who AJ adores), biscuits, din dins, pussycats, puddles & now handsome

oh... and he knows what B A T H means (I doubt he know it spells bath... but he knows that those letters spoken aloud mean he is in for a drenching... and shoots under our bed at the speed of light)

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