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Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing posted:

It's all this BREXIT nonsense - EVERYTHING 'will be' worse!!!!!!

Absolutely is...   our business is losing money hand over fist because we buy in euros and us dollars.   We're having to increase prices - as are all of our competitors and our UK suppliers and when this filters down to the consumer all those 'get us out' voters will no doubt start whinging that they're being ripped off - they have no idea.  

Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing posted:

Don't get me wrong, I'm not expecting things to be a bed of roses, but the 'doom and gloom' every which way you turn is a bit OTT I feel.

It's very difficult not to feel gloomy, Fluffs when you're faced with things worsening every day.     That's just the buying side - I've got customers in Europe worrying about whether they will be able to continue to buy from us if they end up having to pay import taxes etc when there's no free market.       Only positive is the Euro is in their favour at the moment so they're being very reasonable and supporting us by accepting price increases at the moment. .  Also UK customers being wary about ordering goods that are coming in from overseas because of the uncertainty of currency - they're thinking of buying British which I'd normally support, but if the consumer thinks the price increases that are coming are bad, that'll be worse.  We'd love to buy British but we'd never meet the price points demanded by the supermarkets if we did that.   We can all only hope and pray that thing settle down  or even better they see sense and have parliament a say.

Kaffs posted:
velvet donkey posted:

I just hope the Govt. aren't playing hardball with this hard Brexit talk kaffs and are leaving themselves open with a negotiating stance.

She seems very set on not letting anyone else have a say, Donks... iron lady mk II?    

We're all doomed!

Have to admit I was a bit taken aback when I read about her stance on that.

Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing posted:

Now there's interesting - I hadn't been aware of these groups and actions before.

Conservative chairman of the European Scrutiny Committee, and prominent Leave campaigner Sir Bill Cash thinks the government has a strong case, saying:"To attempt to revisit the decision by another Act of Parliament is a kind of fraud on the electorate." 


Like the entire 'leave' campaign you mean?


So basically, meglomaniac May can use an ancient law to decide on the future of the country, against the wishes of parliament and despite a proportion of the people who voted leave, doing so because they were fed lies and are now hoping for a chance to rectify things.    Nice.    Good luck to Gina I say


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