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A petition calling for Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump to be barred from entering UK has passed 100,000, meaning MPs will have to consider debating the issue.

The petition went on Parliament's e-petition website on Tuesday.

It was posted in response to Mr Trump's call for a temporary halt on Muslims entering the United States.

Any petition with more than 100,000 signatures is automatically considered for debate in Parliament.

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Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing posted:

We're in the same boat really Lori.

Over here we're all wondering how Cameron got re-elected and over there you're all wondering how Trump can be the front runner for the presidency!

So it sounds like I shouldn't plan on moving over there if he gets elected?

I can't believe he would EVER get elected...especially after his latest ridiculousness. 

Lori posted:
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing posted:

We're in the same boat really Lori.

Over here we're all wondering how Cameron got re-elected and over there you're all wondering how Trump can be the front runner for the presidency!

So it sounds like I shouldn't plan on moving over there if he gets elected?

I can't believe he would EVER get elected...especially after his latest ridiculousness. 

What ever one's views are on Cameron he hasn't said anything as extreme as Trump.

El Loro
El Loro posted:
Lori posted:
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing posted:

We're in the same boat really Lori.

Over here we're all wondering how Cameron got re-elected and over there you're all wondering how Trump can be the front runner for the presidency!

So it sounds like I shouldn't plan on moving over there if he gets elected?

I can't believe he would EVER get elected...especially after his latest ridiculousness. 

What ever one's views are on Cameron he hasn't said anything as extreme as Trump.

The fact that he's where he is is just extreme

Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing posted:

We're in the same boat really Lori.

Over here we're all wondering how Cameron got re-elected and over there you're all wondering how Trump can be the front runner for the presidency!

Are we?  Didn't he get re elected because Labour didn't get enough seats to get a majority?  Oooh and wasn't that because they lost nearly all, or indeed all, of their seats in Scotland

Oh and Trump is a total ass...

Mount Olympus *Olly*
Last edited by Mount Olympus *Olly*
Mount Olympus *Olly* posted:
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing posted:

We're in the same boat really Lori.

Over here we're all wondering how Cameron got re-elected and over there you're all wondering how Trump can be the front runner for the presidency!

Are we?  Didn't he get re elected because Labour didn't get enough seats to get a majority?  Oooh and wasn't that because they lost nearly all, or indeed all, of their seats in Scotland

Oh and Trump is a total ass...

Part of that could be down to the OAP vote though  *Runs* 


I'll just leave this here 

Getting frustrated by some people expecting racism from me, because I got blown up. Here it is:

Yes. A Muslim man blew me up, and I lost my leg.

A Muslim man also lost his arm that day wearing a British Uniform.
A Muslim medic was in the helicopter that took me from the field
A Muslim surgeon performed the surgery that saved my life
A Muslim Nurse was part of the team that helped me when I returned to the UK
A Muslim Healthcare Assistant was part of the team that sorted out my day to day needs in rehabilitation when I was learning to walk
A Muslim taxi driver gave me a free ride the first time I went for a beer with my Dad after I came home.
A Muslim doctor offered my Dad comfort and advice in a pub, when he didnt know how to deal with my medicines and side effects.

Contrary to that,
A white brit spat in my girlfriends face for 'f****ng a cripple when you could have me [him]'
A White brit pushed my wheelchair away from a lift so he could use it first.
A White brit screamed at my Dad for parking in a disabled bay when I was in the services coming home
(Although, alot of people helped in my recovery! I dont hate white brits either! hahaha)

Point is, f**k off. I know who I dislike, and I know who I dont. I know who I appreciate, and I know who I dont. If you want to hate an entire race of men and women for the actions of a few dickheads feel free, but don't push your views on me, thinking I am an easy target because one douchebag decided it was my day to die.

Blaming all Muslims for the actions of groups like Daeshe and the Taliban, is like blaming all Christians for the actions of the KKK or Westboro Baptist Church.
Get a grip of your lives, hug your family and get back to work.


I'm a proud member of 38 degrees stick that under your combover Trump 



Well done 38 Degrees members!

Robert Gordon University, in Aberdeen, just decided to revoke Donald Trump's honorary degree after tens of thousands of us signed the petition.

They said: "In the course of the current US election campaign, Mr Trump has made a number of statements that are wholly incompatible with the ethos and values of the university."
— with Sarah J Morris.



Mount Olympus *Olly* posted:
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing posted:

We're in the same boat really Lori.

Over here we're all wondering how Cameron got re-elected and over there you're all wondering how Trump can be the front runner for the presidency!

Are we?  Didn't he get re elected because Labour didn't get enough seats to get a majority?  Oooh and wasn't that because they lost nearly all, or indeed all, of their seats in Scotland

Oh and Trump is a total ass...



Well, there's a surprise........not!

"Katie Hopkins backs Donald Trump: 'We have lost control of some areas'

3 hours ago

Katie Hopkins has claimed there are areas in the UK where people are too scared to go.

Ms Hopkins told the Daily Politics if she walked through some areas with a high Muslim population, she would not "fare too well".

She was challenged by presenter Andrew Neil to name the areas.

The columnist also claimed some people in the UK supported Donald Trump, who called for a temporary ban on Muslims entering the United States."

Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing posted:

Well, there's a surprise........not!

"Katie Hopkins backs Donald Trump: 'We have lost control of some areas'

3 hours ago

Katie Hopkins has claimed there are areas in the UK where people are too scared to go.

Ms Hopkins told the Daily Politics if she walked through some areas with a high Muslim population, she would not "fare too well".

She was challenged by presenter Andrew Neil to name the areas.

The columnist also claimed some people in the UK supported Donald Trump, who called for a temporary ban on Muslims entering the United States."

I suspect Hopkins wouldn't "fare too well" if she went out walking anywhere in the UK.

Unsurprising that she clammed up when asked to name the areas in question: she's citing "legal reasons".

(Actually, her exact words were ""I don't think it's legally accurate to actually name certain areas, I think there's been some legal issues.", which just proves she can't even string a coherent excuse together...   )

Eugene's Lair
Last edited by Eugene's Lair

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