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I'm no Jordan fan but he, imo,  is one of the most disingenuous, insincere, fame hungry gits I've ever had the displeasure to encounter on my telly he's pregnant is he, who's the unlucky mother?

I agree Supes.....Not a Jordan fan myself but at least with her what you see is what you get,unlike him who tries to sugar coat everything and anything.
I used to really like Peter Andre and I do think he is a good dad but I really dont like the way his PR team when he is doing his shows continually say Peter is a family man like they are now trying to do in Kerry Katona show, love her or hate her but Katie Price is the more honest of the two and get fed up with him continually having snipes at her the latest she dared put the straightening irons through her daughters hair which he wrote in his column,I thought he was the better man.. no.. he left her after she had just lost a baby and was not happy when she said it in her interview he wanted it all to be hushed up.. say's it all about him IMO his career was long over before he married her, he has made a lot of money though being with her which he would never had made on his own through his singing career...she is her own worst enemy.
Last edited by Marguerita
I'm just totally fed up with the whole 'I'm being an annoying media whore doing this for my kids' PR spin.

Pete's done it to death and now Kerry Katona bangs on and on and bloody on. I can only imagine it's Claire Powell's (and CAN's) idea of grabbing public sympathy (they manage Peter and Kerry).

There are plenty of other ways to provide for your children than to keep constructing cheap publicity stunts, making reality shows that don't showcase any particular talent (especially in the case of that Katona twunt) and being on the tele just cos people know your name.

The whole monotonous 'I want my kids to be proud of me' shit is nauseating beyond belief. If they want their kids to be proud then go off and do some non publicised charity work. Am so over these people using the kids as a reason for wanting to be a celebrity
And the whole point of that rant (and which I completely missed) is to say that I'd bet my house that the front page story of 'Baby Joy' was spun by Pete's PR team. Jordan's had the front pages lately so it was a way for Claire P to give Jordan (who strangely, is filing for divorce in the next few days) a little bit of an extra kick in the gnashers 
Marguerita....THANK YOU!  I am no fan of KP but I've been saying the same thing as you just did since they spilt and PA got all the sympathy.  Peter is a snake and worked the press and public perfectly so the sympathy went to him and as usual the hate towards KP.

I rewatched one of the eps of their last reality show together in which it was the day of the marathon they were running and Katie is sat with a face like thunder and being rude to Pete while he larks about for the camera and mentions his wife sour mood.. Nothing unusual there then.  UNTIL....the story of the misscariage came out and it was revealed she had lost the baby a day or so before and was still bleeding on the day of the marathon (IIRC).  I thought it was disgusting of Pete to be making out his wife was just in one of her usual moods when in reality she was going through an awful time and he was, as usual, acting like he was hard done by and being a dick.
I rewatched one of the eps of their last reality show together in which it was the day of the marathon they were running and Katie is sat with a face like thunder and being rude to Pete while he larks about for the camera and mentions his wife sour mood.. Nothing unusual there then.  UNTIL....the story of the misscariage came out and it was revealed she had lost the baby a day or so before and was still bleeding on the day of the marathon (IIRC).  I thought it was disgusting of Pete to be making out his wife was just in one of her usual moods when in reality she was going through an awful time and he was, as usual, acting like he was hard done by and being a dick.

EllaBella if you rewatch their shows you see a lot of things you didn't see before. Like the big argument in the states in the Segway shop when she went for him and told him he was nothing he started that argument by goading her and putting her down. He also did the same in the car one day when he was ripping her apart and telling her she only got famous because she got her tits out.
 The fact is no-one wanted Pete while he was married to Katie. No-one phoned and said we need Peter for such and such a show. He always came as a package with Katie. No-one wanted his music he couldn't give it away. Now he's made a career out of his divorce. When the show's and interviews dry up he reverts to type and slags Katie off in his column to gain a few headlines.
  He uses his children to gain column inches even though Katie want's to remove them from the media.
 He is and always will be a tosser.
I don't mean to be disrepectful to the OP, but I couldn't give a shit about Peter Andre or his non-entity of a girlfriend who I have never heard of by the way, just like I couldn't give a shit about that hideous silicone monstrosity Jordan.  I am sick to death of hearing about talentless nobodies who contribute NOTHING to the world or society as if we all give a shit about them and their lives..  Andrea could emigrate to the moon and never ever come back for all I care. 
I couldn't give a toss about Andre and his greasy self either, but I do find media manipulation interesting, and him and his crew have got it down to a very fine art.

One thing that makes me laugh is that CAN associates represented Andre for 10 years before he hooked up with Katie Price, but they didn't do a great job. They saw a mega cash cow in the union of him and KP just as much as KP did (although I do believe she genuinely loved him). So all this bollocks about how genuine and innocent he is grates right on my tats.

He's manipulated the situation just as much as anyone else. He's played on public sympathy to advance his career. As he isn't taken seriously as a music artist by the industry (he can't get airplay on major stations, they won't touch him), he prattles on with any other 'poor me' PR spin that he can squeeze.

I like KP cos she's open about it and is the first to admit that she'll cash in where there's an opportunity. He, on the other hand, is a nauseating cockend who would even make Mother Theresa's pubes cringe.

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