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Here we no particular order

  • Smoking
  • Mobile phones being used whilst driving
  • Mobile phones being used by people not looking where they are walking
  • Spitting
  • Heavy bass sounds coming from cars late at night.
  • People who have to put a second "r" in the word drawing
  • Advertisers pushing products at women using cod science
  • Jordan or Katie or whatever she goes by this week
  • People who have to put an expletive between each word
  • Safestyle windows adverts
  • People who use the word "init" as punctuation
  • Pier Morgan
  • Boy/Girl bands who try to make out their latest offering is something new
  • Politicians or anyone who will not answer a direct question
  • Interviews with footballers - just a series of cliches and erm's
  • Broadband providers who use the word "unlimited" but it never is
  • James Martin's inability to stop repeatedly using the word "literally"
  • Dropping litter
  • Christmas
  • People who think you should be as interested in their kids as they are
  • Dog fouling
  • More responsibility in dog ownership
  • Lee Evans
  • Max Clifford
  • Red Bull, the taste is awful
  • Balding men with ponytails
  • The England team, over rated, over paid
  • Champagne, over rated, over priced
  • Jeremy Kyle
  • Wine snobbery
  • Refuse collectors who drop litter from bins but don't clear it up
  • That people rate Star Wars so highly
  • Flies
  • Ryanair and the owner of Ryanair
  • G-Star Raw (G-Star Bore) Everyone wears it, your not an individual
  • Magners, it's Bulmers and the apples come from Herefordshire, marketing triumph
  • Golf, good walk spoilt
  • New Years events, never as good as you want them to be, anticlimax
  • People who carry stupid fashion dogs
  • Games consoles
  • Microsoft, promise a lot, deliver little
  • Volvic water challenge, they just want you to buy more of their water
  • Make-up, why wear so much of it
  • People who ignore red lights but drive straight through
  • How what is good and bad for you seems to constantly change
  • Tipping, pay people an honest wage. Tipping is antiquated
  • People who wear sunglasses in doors
  • People who wear hats in doors
  • People who wear scarves in doors
  • The current trend of wearing trousers half way down the backside
  • People who wear more jewelry than you would find in Elizabeth Duke
  • Cars with blacked out windows
  • People who park their cars on footpaths obstructing pedestrians and creating obstacles
  • Women who think it is OK to walk in to mens toilets in pubs and clubs
  • The nanny state
  • Marriage or more precisely people who get married in church but don't set foot in a church again until the first christening
Enthusiastic Contrafibularities

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