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My neighbours
Car drivers not indicating when turning while I'm waiting to cross - I'm not flipping psychic you know
Snooty unhelpful receptionists (yes you at the doctors)
The anti Arsenal bias of the media
The toilet roll thing
Camomile tea

Going to the supermarket and then discovering I don't have a pound for the trolley
And hundreds more

*goes to make a nice calming camomile tea*    Wait, I forgot I hate that
The dropped h's and haitch thing still drives me mad, after nearly 29 years of marriage to a man who does both. Add "was we/we was" to the list.
People who use the last of the toilet roll and don't replace it.
Shop assistants who sigh and roll their eyes when you ask for help. The clue is in your job title, you unhelpful git!!
People who never say please or thank you.
Next doors teenager, who constantly plays basketball and is forever putting the ball into my garden. If he breaks my new greenhouse, I might have to keeeeel him.

I could go on.....and on.
I hate the phrase "Almost exactly" Eg. "It is almost exactly a year since blah blah" FFS it's either one or the other. Either say "almost a year since" or (if historically accurate) "Exactly a year since".

Oh yes.  And 'literally'.
"Omigod, I literally, like, exploded when he said that, and.."
Really? Well clear the bliddy mess up, then.

I also have a pathological hatred of those all-in-one tops that pretend to be a tank top with a blouse underneath. Tackaaaayy

My biggest pet hate/ annoyance is by far whistling!!

Not a quick wolf whistle but the tuneless trilling nonsense tunes that folks do whilst stood behind you or sat on the bus etc...why would anybody think I want to listen to it???? It grates on my nerves so much that I honestly want to cry sometimes, lol...

...after I re-met the OH again after I hadn't seen him for 10 years, the first thing he asked me was "Do you still hate whistling"
The Devil In Diamante
Reference: Pengy
my biggest one at the moment is people *they mainly happen to be youngsters* who walk down a narrow pavement chatting and expect me to walk in the road if I'm coming the other way as they've never heard of single file
Ooh how could I have forgotten people with no spacial awareness. It's one of my mantras (as my sons will tell you) Not just on pavements but in supermarkets etc.

I rant about them then usually finish with the phrase; "Can you imagine what they're like when they're driving"
People who say 'Oction' instead of 'Auction@...mainly David Dickinson

Him indoors leaving one sheet of toilet roll on the roll and pretending he's not noticed because he's too bone-idle to change it

Drivers who do not seem to have indicators in their fecking cars

The Man in the Office upstairs, he's a right pillock

When you get a missed call and ring back within seconds & the other person doesn't pick up! They wanted you for something in the first place, how far can they have got from their phone in such a short space of time????

There are many more but my blood pressure is rising already
The Devil In Diamante
OMG Did, I fled the aisle I was shopping in because someone was crackling a bag of something next to me only to find myself next to a whistler when I was trying to choose some cereal argggh
I sympathise Amythist

I used to work in a Supermarket many years ago. There was this fella (looked like Gipetto from Pinnichio)....he was proud as punch of his stupid, annoying whistle, he'd won stupid competitions for whistling classic music or something and he used to come right up behind me and trill really loud in my fecking ear, thinking he was amusing...his cheeks would puff in and out while he did it as well Even thinking about the old fool grates on my nerves

He was the Landlord of one of the Pubs up over the tops (Moors), I walked in one day, saw him and walked straight back out...irritating and ignorant man he was....
The Devil In Diamante

He was the Landlord of one of the Pubs up over the tops (Moors), I walked in one day, saw him and walked straight back out...irritating and ignorant man he was.
Dont blame you,I would have legged it too!  Would that be Ilkley way...?I used to love some of those pubs when  I lived up North....oops gone italic,how did that happen

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