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Ohhhh a moaning thread! *claps hands with glee*

Tins facing the wrong way round in the cupboard
Using 'of' as a verb (i.e 'Could of done that' - it's WRONG ON THE MOST WRONG OF LEVELS)
Loo roll the wrong way round (one shouldn't have to risk whisplash trying to retrieve material to wipe one's arse)
Grubby taps
Socks and sandals
Rolled up denim skinny jeans
Rough heels in flip flops (especially on women. Cheese grater heels are not good mmkay)
People who lack the capability to say please, thank you and excuse me. Manners cost nothing!
Michael balloon face gimp head cabbage patch doll featured twatty rectum rancid Ball.
London commuters
London tourists
Drivers doing 70 in the fast lane. Feck off and get in the middle ffs this aint a bleedin funeral procession.
People who call Newsagents and Bus Drivers 'Boss'.
Cat Deeley. Got a gob like she's had a stroke and can't decide whether she's Brummy or American. Make your mind up already you air headed bint.
Peter Andre.
Peter Andre's brother.
South Yorkshire police who dish out speeding points like Smarties.
Taking socks out of the washing machine/tumble drier. I hate socks.
Cheryl Cole's chin on hands narrow eyed 'I really gotta listen carefully cos I really know so much about composing music and have a fine ear but most of all gotta make these people think I know what the hell I'm doing' pose when she's watching one of her protege's on stage on the X Factor.
Cheryl Cole 'We're worth it'
Cheryl Cole.

^^^^ Just off the top of my head. I will need to give this some more consideration.

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