Yeah, that's how it is now Kaytee. Problem was that, with the recent changes, it just happened, (by an oversight on LC's part, for which they have apologised,) that the admins of groups that people were already members of were suddenly given personal details.Also 'groups' have never had their own privacy policies, 'cos they hadn't previously been expected to. Loads of people presumably won't mind about that, others weren't so happy.
I do think that we should have been forewarned Soops.....but presumably it just happened so all the admins would be aware of our details before we were aware that they had them, so that must breach the data protection act.....I get that bit..... the time we found out....any damage that might or might not have been done...had already been done....and so changing details now would be a case of locking the door once the horse had bolted.....
Sorry if I'm being obtuse here, but I don't really understand the difference between joining a channel and joining a forum because they both use the same details... but I do take the point that it shouldn't have been done without notifying us that people who wanted to could change their details