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OMG, in a weird twisted sort of way, I feel a bit sorry for Denise coz she is her own worst enemy, and I don't believe that she is a bad person: or intentionally malicious, but this is one of the funniest threads I have read for ages.    'Tim is just some sozzled weeble trying to recall how to walk and talk at the same time.'  (cosi) and of course JB's hilarious OP.  And 'those aren't Denise's boobs they're facing the wrong way! ' (Bethni.) 


Seriously though, there is a part of me that feels a bit sorry for her, and I think she IS emotionally fragile and has had mental health issues: And yet her family and agent still let her stay -and SHE is still there and hasn't made any effort to try to leave. So Tim's 'noble' defending of her is pointless if he isn't trying to get her out of there, And this constantly flashing her boobs is sooooo tiresome now.  Her age is very little to do with it; any woman continually doing that is going to look like a bit of a sad attention seeker.  (Or any man flashing his whatevers for that matter.)


And as for Tim Healy 'threatening' to 'get' Michael: is he just trying to look like he cares about Denise or something, because that is a joke.  And if MY other half was threatening to 'duff up ' someone who was having a go at me, or who I didn't get on with; I would be embarrassed, because I can fight my own battles!   BTW, Michael is 6 ft 2 to 6 ft 3, and Tim Healy is 5 ft 5.  So I would love to see the 'battle' between them!  


Have you all seen Michael's repetoire by the way?  How can ANYone be involved in so many movies?  About 30 just last year and this year alone!  Is he just an extra?  Most actors don't make more than half a dozen in a five to ten year period.  Have to say though, that I have not heard of the vast majority of them, and if he is so busy, why is he in BB?

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Scotty:
Originally Posted by Amythist:

Didnt Tim Healy threaten the awful Jason Gardner for being poisonous about his wife.


Jasons revenge was to say that his breath smelt of  alcohol and fags

Here it is Amythist.  


and here is Jason Gardiners reply to Tim

“Those who think I was rude to Tim Healy can shove it.

“He got in my face with breath that smelt of stale p*ss and alcohol whilst I was talking. I’m not perfect but at least I have oral hygiene.”


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