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Hiya, am currently doing an experiment for my physics course work...

I'm measuring the resistance of the copper sulphate solution when varied with different... Things.

The electrodes are graphite, and I'm varying the temperature, width apart of electrodes, depth of electrodes in the solution and the concentration of the solution. (separately of course!!!)

So, um, does anyone know how the resistance would change with these? I've taken all my results, but I want to make sure they're roughly right for when I do the write up, and I can't seem to find a definitive answer on the web...



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My qualifications would suggest that I'd know this inside out. I can hardly remember a thing. 


Conductivity is directly proportional to the number of ions in solution. If the solution contains an ionic compound that splits into ions, then the higher molarity solution will have a higher conductivity. If the solution contains a nonelectrolyte like sucrose that contains no ions, then the molarity won't matter.
I assume that the more saturated the solution of CuSO4 becomes then the less resistance there will be.
In my day we didn't have graphite electrodes. Do they become copper plated?
In general I think it important that you tabulate your results, make graphs or whatever and justify/explain them.
Garage Joe
Originally Posted by Veggieburger:

My head hurts! I was rubbish at science especially physics.


I am really impressed with all the brains in here though.


Ickle - you need to manufacture some Silkie rooster repellant and save your mum's ankles. That's a worthy experiment

SHE STARTED IT ALL!!!    I took her up to do the chickens with me one evening & she wanted to cuddle one.    So I went to pick up a silkie hen for her & thats when silkie cockeral first went for me!

Originally Posted by Moonbeams:

My god it's amazing how much you forget. i did the whole, omg, omg,omg i don't know, that all sounds wahhh then I read GJ's post and a sea of calmness appeared.

But I am, from now on, going to avoid all Chemistry related threads.



i get chemistry & physics humour thrown at me... 


such as  


"mum look"     - C - O -

       .                      ll

           .    .             O



Apparently ^^^   is an Ester Bunny!



Originally Posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing:

awww Renton..  on her behalf may I apologise.. 


I can only think its cos she access's here on her iPhone...   sometimes she doesn't see all the posts.


She's gone up to Manchester on the lash tonight...  I shall get her to acknowledge you tomorrow when she gets back xxx

Is Manchester a Uni option for her?


My son went away to Manchester Uni 12 years ago ...............................he never came back . He loves Manchester!

Soozy Woo

No, her best friends are both at Manchester (daughter is on a gap year, so her friends are a year ahead of her).


Ickle will definitely be going to a London Uni..   she has a conditional offer from Imperial (AAA) which is her first choice, and an unconditional offer from UCL which is her insurance choice.



I think living away from home during sixth form put her off living too far away again.    She wanted to be able to just jump on a train to come home at weekends & stuff (yay!!)



Originally Posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing:

No, her best friends are both at Manchester (daughter is on a gap year, so her friends are a year ahead of her).


Ickle will definitely be going to a London Uni..   she has a conditional offer from Imperial (AAA) which is her first choice, and an unconditional offer from UCL which is her insurance choice.



I think living away from home during sixth form put her off living too far away again.    She wanted to be able to just jump on a train to come home at weekends & stuff (yay!!)



That's nice. My two weren't too far away (an hour or two in a car/train) Leeds and Manchester. Daughter returned home .........back to her roots - son just loves Manchester - I speak to him four or five times a week and see him every couple of months - I'd love to have him a bit nearer though. I am a very clingy mum 

Soozy Woo
Originally Posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing:

hmmm... dunno if I mean your middle son...


I mean the one you have the really close friendship bond with



i have three kids my oldest son (and his two boys) lives in the village and works for us, my daughter lives a two minute walk away (for the time being) and my other son lives a two hour drive away .


I love having my babies close by - my daughter is contemplating a move 10 mins drive .........I'm happy for her (FGS it's not far) but I love her being in the village!

Soozy Woo

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