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I just watched a video clip on Channel 4's website (shh don't tell anyone ) and it was of Stephen Baldwin reading Vinnie an extract from the bible. He wasn't really preaching and Vinnie may have asked him to do it but how do you feel if someone, you hardly know, starts quoting from the bible?

I like to think myself as quite open minded and if people have their beliefs than good for them, but I would find it quite uncomfortable if they were quote from the bible at me. Its as if they are either trying to prove a point, or tell me off. I going to hell?
Tags: beliefs, quote, bible, Stephen Baldwin, Vinnie

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If it's the bit I think you mean I saw it on live feed...Vinnie asked Stephen what his tattoo meant and he was explaining.

Now in that context, no I wouldn't mind at all...and if, for example I was at a gathering or summat with a group of Christians I probably wouldn't mind...but if people started randomly spouting stuff I would probably feel a bit uncomfortable. Mostly coz I can be a smug smart arse at times and I'd probably offend them then feel guilty for ages afterwards
You should take the plank out of your eye before you criticise the splinter in someone elses
veggieeeeeee also follows the 'new' bible according to arsene.....'i didn't see it'........'i couldn't tell it was too far away' thinks ol arsene has had a few planks/splinters in his eyes........

hope you had a good christmas/new year hun xxx
*is glad i cleaned me teef*..

glad yours was good.......ours was ok......usual teenage 'gawd its boring' type moaning going on though!!

that was very decent of arsenal i felt.......unlike ourselves who ploughed through with no thought to poor watford..

an i tell yer sumfin else.....that lady sov finks she iz wel ard.....might ave t set me manz on er da bizzniss innit.
Marg  *kisses marg daintily on both cheeks as she is a proper laydee*
Thanks hun, hope you are well too and have a wonderful 2010. I'm not around that much so have missed you and your messages. It's great to catch up with you.

Spongggeeeeyyyy, I iz not watching the CBB so far so I dunno who she is but I may have to send the Ash it to get Teh Sov to know herself
He wasn't really preaching and Vinnie may have asked him to do it but how do you feel if someone, you hardly know, starts quoting from the bible?
When the JWs do that I usually say: what you are doing is obviously pointless as I'd have to accept the basis of the book myself first, which I mostly definitely don't.  It's just words to me.  If they persist then I go and get my Dawkins out. 

The only time there's a point is if you are comparing interpretations together or something.
It was funny on the live feed last night as the balding started explaining what the number meant...."well" he said,  "you all know what verse 3.16 is"...err no stephen we don' he told them, then told them what his meant ...320 I think,I could be wrong though..he told them some hobbledegooked mumbojumbo that only the southernmost preacher in america would understand, which basically meant for the lord to grow stronger we must become weaker, which made me laugh and snort as this is his second reality tv appearance....HYPOCRITE.
Hmmm bible quotes. I've got this kind of Catholic God fearing thing going on (sometimes), but I would only appreciate being quoted from the bible if I went looking for guidance or something, cos for me, it can help to gain a perspective (or stop me losing my head, told ya I was odd).
See now had you down as the type who sought guidence from Claire Rayner or some other agony aunt

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