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What I would suggest is a two-pronged solution: those who have problems posting and are prepared to use another browser do so, but still complain about the problems they've experienced, and their unhappiness in having to take corrective action...

Absolutely. If nobody complains nobody will know there is a complaint. It's odd there is no comment from the GaGa folk about why some browsers perform better than others. Maybe they're reading all this and will address it in due course.
It's like we've been left to our own devices, given that all they seem to want to do is be bothered with blogs. And mods haven't been around as much lately   Have we been 'sold off'?

I don't think it's that at all. The GaGa forum isn't really that big a deal in the great scheme of things. Nobody pays to come here. If they make a bit of money on the side with GC or whomever I'm okay with that. None of it hurts anyone really.
Crispy Member Today at 00:23 Reference: Very valid points IMO I will second this. Loads of free forum sites are geared up for this type of forum and seem to have things like this as the norm. I reckon folk have left here coz of the difficulties with the site. I will try and work through the probs but a lot of folk will just give up
It never stops you from reregistering here again!!

Seriously though, it' a bit irritating not being able to quote on IE, but it's only been about a week since the changes were made to the forum and we've been told that the problems are being investigated.  It's not really the end of the world if we have to use a different browser for a while if we want to quote, or make do without quoting whilst the bugs are being fixed.
I will second this. Loads of free forum sites are geared up for this type of forum and seem to have things like this as the norm. I reckon folk have left here coz of the difficulties with the site. I will try and work through the probs but a lot of folk will just give up.
Where you always leave cos you get banned or you flounce moaning about the site.
those who have problems posting and are prepared to use another browser do so, but still complain about the problems they've experienced, and their unhappiness in having to take corrective action...

thats fair enough if they compain where they should, ie, in the feedback thread 9where they modsactually look for any possible problems and glitches that are highlighted to them),...but to see the complaints in virtually every single thread is getting very tiresome, not to mention pointless!
I refuse on principle to have that slllllooooowww brrroowwwsssseerrrrr on my computer.  it will need updating all the time and if I recall, the Google Updater will run in the background doing things regardless even if I don't use it's slow browser ever again. I have Opera, FireFox and IE and that's enough for me, thanks!   I much prefer the functionality of Opera and use it just about everywhere where I can get away with it.  I begrudge using Firefox for this site but I can live with that as Opera badly renders reply options on this site.

I still can't quote but either this site will sort it out for Firefox users or I'll just have do a bit of messy cutting and pasting.

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