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copy of Google Chrome It's free, and it works. I see lots of people complaining about quotes, just go and get GC. You don't have to use it as your default browser just use it for this place (I use I.E. for everything else).

That's my good deed for the day done. If this thread helps but one quoteless person my work here is done.*

*I hope you were all suitably horrified at the sanctimonious not to mention pretentious tone of that last sentence  

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click on the little + that is behind the tab of the page you are on... to activate a new tab.

to bookmark...   click on the star at the end of the address bar.

bookmarked links will start to show themselves on the bar under the address bar.. at the end of which there will be a  double arrow head...  press that to see the continued list.

the spanner next to the address bar...  far right hand side gives you a menu for other things such as zoom..  settings... history.
I've got it, but it's only good for this forum. Where's the toolbars, the bookmarks, the favourites, the 'click for another page'?

Top right, the star bookmarks a page, the spanner icon is the toolbar, the plus adjacent to the tabs will show all sites you've been to.

I have to admit Cologne it's not intuitive at all I'd never use it if I didn't come to this forum but it's no big deal to me to fire it up just to post on here
The thing is, we shouldn't have to change our browser.
IE is the most widely-used browser in the world (40-47% of all web users, depending on who you listen to. Chrome is only used by about 10%.)

Now, we can have a discussion about why that is, and why it shouldn't be the case, and so on, but that won't change the fact that a very large number of people trying to access a site such as this are going to be doing so on IE. You would therefore expect the people runnning a professional web site to test it on IE (amongst other browsers, of course.)

It's pretty obvious that this site was not tested properly on IE before the upgrade, and quite frankly I find that staggering.
Eugene's Lair
The thing is, we shouldn't have to change our browser.

We don't need to change it we just need to use another one in addition to what we normally use. It's far from ideal I agree 100 per cent on that point and I too am baffled that the forum doesn't operate as advertised on the most used browser in the world. I'm just saying there is an option that works here and people should used it instead of complaining. 

I'm a 'doer' not a whiner and doer isn't even a word that's just how 'out there' and wacky I really am
People on here who can't quote really need to get a [Prometheus] Prometheus offline Member Today at 22:54 copy of Google Chrome It's free, and it works. I see lots of people complaining about quotes, just go and get GC. You don't have to use it as your default browser just use it for this place (I use I.E. for everything else).
I'll stick with FF....
Reference Prometheus Yesterday at 23:57:
 I'm just saying there is an option that works here and people should used it instead of complaining.
While I do have some sympathy for that argument (heck, I've even fired up FF just now just so that I can quote), there are a couple of problems with it:
Firstly, complaining can be constructive. If people don't complain, faults will never be fixed.
Secondly, I don't understand how not properly supporting IE makes sense to Gaga from a business perspective (Note that I'm not talking about just ensuring it works on IE: I'm talking about ensuring that IE is one of the main browsers you test your site on.)
If potential new members stumble upon Gaga, the chances are that they'll do so on IE. If they then find that they can't do some of the basic things they expect of a forum site, they'll immediately go elsewhere. We've also got the situation of several longstanding FMs thinking of giving up because they find it too difficult to post here. I repeat: I can't understand how that sort of situation makes sense from a business perspective.
Eugene's Lair
If potential new members stumble upon Gaga, the chances are that they'll do so on IE. If they then find that they can't do some of the basic things they expect of a forum site, they'll immediately go elsewhere. We've also got the situation of several longstanding FMs thinking of giving up because they find it too difficult to post here. I repeat: I can't understand how that sort of situation makes sense from a business perspective.

Very valid points IMO
Soozy Woo
If potential new members stumble upon Gaga, the chances are that they'll do so on IE. If they then find that they can't do some of the basic things they expect of a forum site, they'll immediately go elsewhere.
You're preaching to the converted here mate. I love IE and use it for everything. They have spent years working on it making it intuitive and responsive. I was just trying to tell people who seem really frustrated at not being able to quote that there is an easy workaround. I don't know why they haven't tested the forum on IE maybe the cynics who say there are hidden agendas to get people using other browsers for advertising reasons are correct, I don't know.

Don't shoot the messenger
Reference velvet donkey Yesterday at 23:48:
Eugene's carrying an axe col.
And he don't look happy.

Heeeere's Eugene!

Sorry if I scared anyone with my earlier post...
The thing is: I don't like bringing up "RL" here (this forum is part of my relaxation, and I've no desire to turn it into a "busman's holiday"), but I have some experience of these matters.
To be fair to Gaga, there are a staggering number of professional websites and other computer-related companies out there who have what seems like an almost perverse tendency to not support the software tools their users are most likely to want to use. There are some explanations for this, and I do understand them: for example, most techies don't like IE, and therefore don't use it to test their work. However as I've said in another post, that simply doesn't make sense from a professional business perspective...
Eugene's Lair
To be fair to Gaga, there are a staggering number of professional websites and other computer-related companies out there who have what seems like an almost perverse tendency to not support the software tools their users are most likely to want to use. There are some explanations for this, and I do understand them: for example, most techies don't like IE, and therefore don't use it to test their work. However as I've said in another post, that simply doesn't make sense from a professional business perspective...
Quoting is one of the mainstays of a forum and for folk not being able to do so without probs is an issue. All of the free forums i have visited have a " Quote" button.. surely is is not beyond the techies on here to embed thi for ease of use.
Crispy Christmas
Reference Prometheus Today at 00:22:
Don't shoot the messenger

My apologies if it came across like that: it certainly wasn't my intention.
As I said earlier, I've also been forced to turn to another browser (FF) for some of my posting needs, but I don't like FF that much in general, and I'm not happy about having to switch between two browsers. (I won't use Chrome, but let's not get into that for the time-being...)

What I would suggest is a two-pronged solution: those who have problems posting and are prepared to use another browser do so, but still complain about the problems they've experienced, and their unhappiness in having to take corrective action...
Eugene's Lair

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