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Long awaited payday today .. and I came home to a message from my bank's fraud team asking me to call . Some git has just about emptied my account making purchase after purchase today with my debit card details ( while my card was in my bag ! ) - ÂĢ500 at JJB alone (JJ bloody B, how dare they! ), some other big transactions, lots of mobile network payments and a weird one - a month's sub to one of those " find people's details" websites. What I don't get is that they were online purchases.. which surely means they gave an address for goods to be delivered to .. which means they'll get caught?  

Meanwhile I have ÂĢ3.67 on me , can't use my debit card , and we're going away for the weekend ( holiday weekend in Glasgow ) .. raaaahhhrrrr!!! 


Moan over

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Slinki!!!!! That's just awful you know I was cheated for tickets a while ago - that's bad enough - TBH after I discovered it I wondered why they hadn't used mt details to get more cash!


There are some scummy bastards out there sorry to hear it. I guess we should all be more vigilant but ......................the scamming gits are a bit too clever!


I really hope you grt things sorted helped me out of a sticky wicket (my daughter had a great time) really hope things get sorted for you 

Soozy Woo
Originally Posted by velvet donkey:

Any inklings as to how?


I hope you're still able to enjoy the weekend Slinki.

No idea velvet - bank says it could have been a card reader at a cash machine , or a website I've shopped on that's been hacked. Computer seems pretty secure and I use rapport software so that rules out keylogging .

It'll be fine .. had a mini meltdown when I got the news but it won't spoil the weekend Thanks! 


Ta cologne! 

Not prone to public displays of affection , but  to y'all !

Originally Posted by Slinkiwitch x:

aww Soozy, ta! 

Glad your girl had a good time! 


Jeeez, I'm getting as bad as that sprout one with the 'ugs !  

Do you know ...................I never ever used to use hugs or any smilies for a long, long time ..............I was very often misunderstood. I have come around a bit more to using them - it somehow seems to connect with peeps a bit more,

Soozy Woo
Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:
Originally Posted by Slinkiwitch x:

aww Soozy, ta! 

Glad your girl had a good time! 


Jeeez, I'm getting as bad as that sprout one with the 'ugs !  

Do you know ...................I never ever used to use hugs or any smilies for a long, long time ..............I was very often misunderstood. I have come around a bit more to using them - it somehow seems to connect with peeps a bit more,

I never got the hang of the hug thing really Still get all awkward hitting that wee graemlin ! But you're right ! 


Slinki!  Multiple s


Twenty years back, I used to work for a bank and dealt with stolen cheques. Some of them were used to purchase stuff from catalogues and I would phone up police stations to let them know that they could easily catch the thieves, by finding out the delivery addresses. They just fobbed me off, as they weren't interested. Very frustrating, but their attitude seemed to be that the bank would take the hit anyway, so they weren't bothered! 


Hope things have changed since then. 


Ta !  


Blizzie, nothing seems to have changed, just rang the bank and never even got as far as speaking to the investigation team, the guy I spoke to just kept saying " don't worry, you'll get your money back" - I was going yeh but, yeh but if they've ordered online they won't have received the goods yet, you could stop that  happening !!  I realise that cases like this are no biggy to the banks, but they all add up . Upshot is he says they will " probably" start to chase it up today, but investigators only work Mon - Fri . Meh! 

Meantime some git is awaiting receipt of a hundredweight of trainers from JJB,  a few hundred quid's worth of stuff from an online catalogue company and a well-known department store's website,checking out my details on a website called 1stlocate to completely nick my identity and about to make off on a coach ( yup, they booked coach tickets!) with their various mobiles topped up! 

Think it's the first time I've ever used this smiley, but ..  ! 


Katty, it's not been an online banking issue by the looks of it, they reckon card detail theft, possibly from a cash machine. Good news is I can lift some cash ( there's a wee bit left! ) from my branch today so I can get a bag of chips at the seaside !  



Slinki, what a rotten thing to happen. I hope you get your money back soon.


Someone used my eldest son's credit card details to order hundreds of pounds worth of clothes from a website, but the company suspended the order while they contacted my son by letter - as they had noticed the cardholder details did not correspond with the delivery address. The credit card company were really helpful and the crooks never received their goods. Don't know if the gits were ever caught though.



how awful and I hope that your debit card is covered for any sort of fraud. I had a similar problem last week, luckily my bank flagged my card and refused payment for my on-line shop. Something hadn't looked quite right and they stopped all payments from my debit card, luckily they told me I was covered for any fraudulent transactions.... I hope your bank gives you the same support 


GRRRRRR...  this makes me so bloody angry!!!   


Slinkeh..   I'm so sorry this has happened to you.   They don't fecking care do they?   The people that do this can see its an account that is used ermmm  "hand to mouth" so to speak.  I.e.  no big balance of cash sitting in there all the time!


It happened to Ickle whilst she was at school in Surrey..  they emptied her EMA and the extra ÂĢ50 bday money that had been put in for her..   only ÂĢ80 in total..  but everything she had in the world.  It also caused her acute embarrassment in Starbucks when her card was declined.


It's a student account as well..  so they knew it was someone who could ill afford it.


She got hers back eventually..  but it was eventually.  


SCUM.. total & utter scum the people that do this..   I really really hope what goes around comes around & they get it back & then some (the karma... not the money) 


utter thieving barstewards   really makes me angry 


I listened to a convo in the bank the other week over something similar and on record cash machines are usually to blame especially the ones located in remote positions 


I never use cash machines anymore and only reluctantly use my card if i have to for petrol and shopping since having the bank convo frighten the shyte outta me 


I refused to pay for my shopping a few weeks ago as I felt threatened when someone positioned there self over my shoulder watching me put my details into the little wotsit on the till  they didnt speak English and didnt understand when asked to move away and give me privacy - I just shrugged and said no privacy no payment - security were called as this was a group of four at various positions encircling me and my trolly - bliddy cheek 


hope you get sorted pretty swiftly slinki 

Originally Posted by MrsH:



I refused to pay for my shopping a few weeks ago as I felt threatened when someone positioned there self over my shoulder watching me put my details into the little wotsit on the till  they didnt speak English and didnt understand when asked to move away and give me privacy - I just shrugged and said no privacy no payment - security were called as this was a group of four at various positions encircling me and my trolly - bliddy cheek 


I always cover the numbers when i put the pin number in - am quite paranoid!  


How horrible for you Slinki 


I once made a purchase to buy a Guthy Renker Yoga ball - apparently their call centre is in Liverpool.  I used a credit card with a small credit limit that is solely for internet purchases.  Anyhoo about 20 minutes later Barclay card (who the card is held with) phoned me at home and said Ahh you're at home.  So you haven't just tried to spend ÂĢ1500 on some purchase in a department store in Liverpool  obviously as I live in the West Midlands and was at home, it wasn't me trying to make the purchase (the amount triggered the call apparently) so the purchase was denied and the card kept (this was was the days when chip and pin had been introduced but stores still allowed signatures on occasions).  The card was destroyed and a new one issued.  As far as I know the Police were called but no purchases were added to my account.


Needless to say, I've never bought anything from Guthy Renker again 


Sorry to hear about this, Slinki.

There have been stories over here about thieves installing little devices that can record keystrokes on ATM machines.


Although it doesn't sound like an internet transaction was responsible, this is exactly why I use only a credit card online. I never use my debit card, so they can't get access to my cash at all.


Several years ago a neighbor of mine stole my credit card bill out of my mailbox and used the information to order a bunch of stuff, including an electric guitar.  I can't remember exactly how it went down, but it might have been that I saw it on my next statement and called the credit card company. The police came to the neighbor's house and found the stuff there. That was in the days when they printed your entire account number on your statement.


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