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Originally Posted by Saint:

Oooh wot were they saying about Frankie?

They were all in the DR doing questions and answers, poor Frankie looked so uncomfortable and when he was joking with Paula she was telling him to get off her and not to touch her....when asked who was the biggest game player she said.."Rylan..oh and Frankie" and the Pratts agreed..he looked looked like the kid in the play ground who was trying to join in with the mean kids but they would'nt let him..she is one horrible woman....


I think it was when Frankie replied to BB when asked 'Who would you not like to be in the basement with'

He said 'Paula, I don't know if she would hug me or stab me'

She was not amused and then told him not to touch her .


Oh yes - i saw that

I'm kinda becoming immune to her scathings.


Worse was the woman from heartbeat (sorry forget her name)

She said Paula was at a Take That launch ages ago and pushed past saying,

"Get out of my way you Scouse b*tch"


AND THEN - she demands respect!!!!

Originally Posted by erinp:
Originally Posted by Eugene's Lair:
Originally Posted by kattymieoww:

She really should not be in there...I find CH5 less than decent as regards putting in folk that have heavy "baggage" in the hunt for "ratings" and Shock etc,

I happened to be idly looking through the site (first time this year!   ) and chanced upon this thread. All I can say is that I think it's vindicated my decision not to watch this series. It really is very sad, but C5/BB appear to have learnt nothing.

"Officially", I'm still undecided about watching BB-proper this Summer, but it's really not looking good...

I think BB has had it's day .They have messed with it so much that the show is a shambles .I will not be dedicating my summer to it for sure .

Yep, thats kind of how I feel about it too. Its a shame, as BB was a great spectator sport.

Originally Posted by erinp:

I think it was when Frankie replied to BB when asked 'Who would you not like to be in the basement with'

He said 'Paula, I don't know if she would hug me or stab me'

She was not amused and then told him not to touch her .

Yes, it was just a joke but she seems the type you have to walk around on egg shells for..


As for people saying BB has had its day..I disagree, if you don't like it switch off, fans will come and go, they have done since it started..I thought it sounded carp years ago so would'nt watch it so only came into it on BB5 I think, I know people who would'nt watch it when ch4 had it but do now..I think ch5 change things enough to keep bringing a new audiance each year and it stops it getting stale..

Originally Posted by Saint:

Oh yes - i saw that

I'm kinda becoming immune to her scathings.


Worse was the woman from heartbeat (sorry forget her name)

She said Paula was at a Take That launch ages ago and pushed past saying,

"Get out of my way you Scouse b*tch"


AND THEN - she demands respect!!!!

Yes I saw where Trisha told the others that, proves Paula has always been a horrible fecker..

Originally Posted by stonks:
Originally Posted by Saint:

Oh yes - i saw that

I'm kinda becoming immune to her scathings.


Worse was the woman from heartbeat (sorry forget her name)

She said Paula was at a Take That launch ages ago and pushed past saying,

"Get out of my way you Scouse b*tch"


AND THEN - she demands respect!!!!

Yes I saw where Trisha told the others that, proves Paula has always been a horrible fecker..

Originally Posted by stonks:
Originally Posted by Saint:

Oh yes - i saw that

I'm kinda becoming immune to her scathings.


Worse was the woman from heartbeat (sorry forget her name)

She said Paula was at a Take That launch ages ago and pushed past saying,

"Get out of my way you Scouse b*tch"


AND THEN - she demands respect!!!!

Yes I saw where Trisha told the others that, proves Paula has always been a horrible fecker..

Then she said she's never forgotten it, so I was puzzled as to why she didn't nominate her just so she could feel some self satisfaction in doing so

Yellow Rose
Originally Posted by Yellow Rose:
Originally Posted by stonks:
Originally Posted by Saint:

Oh yes - i saw that

I'm kinda becoming immune to her scathings.


Worse was the woman from heartbeat (sorry forget her name)

She said Paula was at a Take That launch ages ago and pushed past saying,

"Get out of my way you Scouse b*tch"


AND THEN - she demands respect!!!!

Yes I saw where Trisha told the others that, proves Paula has always been a horrible fecker..

Then she said she's never forgotten it, so I was puzzled as to why she didn't nominate her just so she could feel some self satisfaction in doing so

Probably cos she might just be a nice person....


'Celebrity Big Brother 2013 housemate Paula Hamilton had yet another breakdown in the house last night.
The wacky model previously failed psychology tests to get onto the show when it was on Channel 4, but Channel 5 bosses have let the model on.
But the decision was criticised by the show’s former medical team and it appears as though their fears have been proved right.
Last night saw Paula attack the diary room door and leave the other housemates concerned after she demanded to be let out.
Paula, who faces eviction tonight, screamed: “Get me a straitjacket and take me out of here!”
The cause of Paula’s latest breakdown was Big Brother’s stirring in his latest task.
With Heidi in the Diary Room, Paula had to guess which facts about the other housemates were true.
And BB asked: “Who said Paula thinks she has always done something better than everyone else?”
The fact that some of her fellow housemates were bitching about her didn’t please Paula, who demanded to be immediately released from the Diary Room.
She told Big Brother: “Open the door now or I will kick it down and you’ll have to call the police. Open it! You’re all liars. I hope I’m out of here. Have me evicted! You can throw me out! I wanna go!
“Get me a straitjacket and take me out of here!”
The original remark came from Gillian, who said: “They’ve put my life in jeopardy.”
A spokesperson for the show said they “had no reason to intervene” during the row.
Read more:'

put her life in jeopardy??? Seriously!!!!  get a grip Gillian


and from what I saw it was Rylan who started off that 'she has to one up us' thing. . he kept going on about it didn't he? he has bitched non stop.   so much so the others started noticing and repeating what he had said. .  Rylan AKA shit stirrer

Mount Olympus *Olly*

errmmm stonks when I said it was Rylan said it first I put a question mark as well as a 'wasn't it'  in my post... I'm not claiming it isn't Gillian ... all of them said it at one point.. but having watched and recorded LF all those yrs I LUTTed  and then watched HL shows and read 'news' articles after Lutting the LF,  I know damn well BB twists things and says one person started something or did something when in fact it was someone or something else that started something off.. hence my query..


Rylan is still a bitchy little shit stirrer whichever is the truth of it

Mount Olympus *Olly*

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