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PAULA Hamilton has sensationally claimed CBB killed Jade Goody.

She reckons the reality show’s “negativity” was the cause of the cervical cancer which led to Jade’s tragic death in 2009.


And Paula, claimed she will slash her wrists if she is the first housemate evicted from the show tomorrow.


The fragile ex-model, who has caused controversy since she entered the house, reckons that it is “career suicide” to be the first person voted out by viewers. 


Paula, 54, who has battled drugs and booze, is facing the chop tomorrow along with Frankie Dettori, 42, and married couple  Heidi Montag, 26, and Spencer Pratt, 29.


But after being booed by the crowds on launch night last week, she is convinced the public hate her and will  attack her when she is kicked off the Channel 5 show.


In a late-night chat, she went into meltdown over the fact that she had been nom-inated for eviction.


She told Page 3 model Lacey Banghard, 20: “It’s the worst thing for my career to be first out. It’ll finish me off. Flat out. Dumph! Gone.


“So pass me the razor blades. Just pass me the razor blades. I know what the public are like.


“Frankie is loved. And Heidi and Spencer say they want to go but I know how the public work. They think: ‘Haha, they want to go out. We’re gonna keep them in.’


“I don’t know what to do with myself. I feel like smashing my way out. I feel unsafe in here. There’s some really weird  people out there man.


“I don’t know if I’m gonna get blown up any moment.” This is not the first time that Paula has been linked to a suicide scare. In her 20s, she tried to hang herself from a chandelier after her  boyfriend at the time, Army  officer Sebastian Rhodes- Stampa, dumped her.


She recalled: “I thought: ‘Please let me murder myself.’


“I kicked the ladder away and heard a creak and landed on the floor with the chain and part of my ceiling around me.


“I sat there and started to drunkenly laugh and cry. I couldn’t even kill myself.”


Fragile Paula, who has already been seen by a doctor after  falling sick and sparked outrage by comparing Big Brother to the Nazi death camp Auschwitz, says the reality show ruins  people’s lives.


She reckons it was the cause of former Big Brother fav- ourite Jade Goody’s cancer.


The former girlfriend of  Simon Cowell raged: “I wonder how many people have committed  suicide after being on these programmes?


“It’s torture. It killed Jade. All that negativity did that.


“I think it gave her cancer.”


Paula, who starred in the classic 1987 Volkswagen ad, was mysteriously dropped from the CBB line-up in 2009.


She claims her medical report, which detailed how she had failed certain tests, was leaked to the media and she was branded “mad”.


The star added: “I was never called mad until 2009. I ended up on benefits and all my work stopped.”


Paula said she had asked to speak to the show psychologist about her meltdown over her eviction nomination.


She said: “They’ve broken me. This show has broken my soul.”


Steps star Claire Richards, 35, said: “She’s like a caged  animal.”



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Originally Posted by Cinds:

Well in all honesty she's not doing very much to prove the 'mad' label wrong.

no she's not,it's rather sad

I love BB but I don't like to watch someone have a breakdown.

Originally Posted by Aimee:

I think they need to let her go home for her own sake


she's full of contradictions but one thing is true, she needs to be out of there and get some more help because what she's had before, obviously hasn't worked. 


Looks like that psychologist that said she had failed 3 times before was bang on the money and I feel C5 could be in trouble   what's the betting Paula sues them for ruining her brand and career 

Originally Posted by Pengy:
Originally Posted by Aimee:

I think they need to let her go home for her own sake


she's full of contradictions but one thing is true, she needs to be out of there and get some more help because what she's had before, obviously hasn't worked. 


Looks like that psychologist that said she had failed 3 times before was bang on the money and I feel C5 could be in trouble   what's the betting Paula sues them for ruining her brand and career 

I agree,they may have one major problem on their hands.

Jo Hemmings@TVpsychologist

          I work behind the scenes on a lot of reality TV series. And most companies have a rigorous duty of care. This is disappointing 

Originally Posted by Pengy:
Originally Posted by Aimee:

I think they need to let her go home for her own sake


she's full of contradictions but one thing is true, she needs to be out of there and get some more help because what she's had before, obviously hasn't worked. 


Looks like that psychologist that said she had failed 3 times before was bang on the money and I feel C5 could be in trouble   what's the betting Paula sues them for ruining her brand and career 

They must have known before she went in that they may have problems with her. maybe they will look at the situation again if she stays on Wedensday but as others have said I can't see this ending well


The fecking woman needs removing and fecking does'nt matter if she failed the test prieviously, its if she passed it this time..How dare she bring JG name into it, JG children don't want to read or hear her shoite..What a money making scheme she's setting up here..First there'll be the mag/paper deals, then there'll be a book deal, then she'll be in and out of the papers and rehab blaming BB for everything thats happened in her life pre BB and post BB..

Originally Posted by stonks:

The fecking woman needs removing and fecking does'nt matter if she failed the test prieviously, its if she passed it this time..How dare she bring JG name into it, JG children don't want to read or hear her shoite..What a money making scheme she's setting up here..First there'll be the mag/paper deals, then there'll be a book deal, then she'll be in and out of the papers and rehab blaming BB for everything thats happened in her life pre BB and post BB..

It does seem strange that she would bring Jades name into, Like you say probably all for upcoming book deal, I mean what exactly is she trying to say BB have done to her


She's a fruit loop of the worst kind.... a calculating fruit loop, that's the scary kind imo.


I really hope she doesn't take BB out with all this bull. I'm worried that she might have such a negative effect on it that on top of all the other controversies it might be the straw that broke the camels back Sling her straight out the back door and straight into a clinic!!

Originally Posted by velvet donkey:

Tbh there ain't much else going on in there Jen. Look like a bunch of take the doh and provide nout for the viewer.

That's definitely Speidi's gameplan.    I think if a task isn't putting them in any danger they shouldn't be allowed to simply say 'I'm not participating' - not without giving up part of the eventual prize money should they win.    they just want to sit there and take the pay cheque when they're voted out - and that can't come quickly enough for them.  Call Rylan what you will, but he tries (ok in his own way) to be entertaining.


She needs to be adored, admired and praised.

And when she's not . . .


She has delusions of importance,

"I'm a very intelligent woman" "I have an amazing nose, let me smell it"

But when people aren't impressed . . .


When life aint working in the way she feels she deserves, well . . .

Originally Posted by velvet donkey:

Thanks erin  


I might pop in but there just doesn't seem like much to discuss at the mo.


Doesn't look like a vintage year   



I'm struggling with it to


My source reveals: ‘Paula will  generate a  lot of interest. It was always a huge embarrassment for her  that she failed the  psychologist test in 2009.

'This is a way for her to seek some  redemption.’

In court recently, Hamilton’s lawyer revealed  she was diagnosed with Asperger’s syndrome — a form of autism — four years ago.

Back then, experts deemed her too unstable to  be put in the BB house for a month.

But Paula said: ‘That almost ruined  me. I  started having panic attacks and I couldn’t get any work as  everyone thought  I’d gone mad. But there was nothing wrong with me.’

It’s unclear what tests she will need to  undergo before being allowed in the Big Brother house by Channel 5.

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Jo Hemmings speaking now on Couch Potato

She states that Paul has no control of what comes out her mouth ,she says it then thinks about it later and backtrack.

She has no control of her anger or how to manage her feelings.

Her self esteem is rock bottom and thats why she has to big herself up.

She says unlike Jasmine (last year)Paula is not capable of gam plan .

Regarding Speidi it is not a double bluff ,they want their money and out of that house ASP.

They also state that Speidi are reality pros,they know how to do and create drama,it's all an act.They mentioned  the  HL show tonight regarding the passing of items from one HM via the mouth  to another was just all an act,drama for drams sake .


Originally Posted by kattymieoww:

She really should not be in there...I find CH5 less than decent as regards putting in folk that have heavy "baggage" in the hunt for "ratings" and Shock etc,

Jo Hemming stated that should Paula come out and has some sort of crisis CH5 will distance themselves they only care about her while in the house .

Originally Posted by kattymieoww:

She really should not be in there...I find CH5 less than decent as regards putting in folk that have heavy "baggage" in the hunt for "ratings" and Shock etc,

I happened to be idly looking through the site (first time this year!   ) and chanced upon this thread. All I can say is that I think it's vindicated my decision not to watch this series. It really is very sad, but C5/BB appear to have learnt nothing.

"Officially", I'm still undecided about watching BB-proper this Summer, but it's really not looking good...

Eugene's Lair
Originally Posted by Eugene's Lair:
Originally Posted by kattymieoww:

She really should not be in there...I find CH5 less than decent as regards putting in folk that have heavy "baggage" in the hunt for "ratings" and Shock etc,

I happened to be idly looking through the site (first time this year!   ) and chanced upon this thread. All I can say is that I think it's vindicated my decision not to watch this series. It really is very sad, but C5/BB appear to have learnt nothing.

"Officially", I'm still undecided about watching BB-proper this Summer, but it's really not looking good...

I think BB has had it's day .They have messed with it so much that the show is a shambles .I will not be dedicating my summer to it for sure .


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