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Well done Slinky

Paula's explanation: It was wind, she was so traumatised that she was gulping air in her sleep, the air went under connective tissue, hence she couldn't move and had to get on her knees, she then couldn't breathe because her lungs were being squashed with air and she was puking bile because she hadn't had anything to eat

Originally Posted by Supes:

Well done Slinky

Paula's explanation: It was wind, she was so traumatised that she was gulping air in her sleep, the air went under connective tissue, hence she couldn't move and had to get on her knees, she then couldn't breathe because her lungs were being squashed with air and she was puking bile because she hadn't had anything to eat

now that sounds remarkably like what happened to me when I was admitted to hospital on my birthday last month I did feel such a fraud TBH - I'm so glad the doctors didn't discharge me saying 'it was just a strangled fart' though 

Soozy Woo
Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:
Originally Posted by Supes:

Well done Slinky

Paula's explanation: It was wind, she was so traumatised that she was gulping air in her sleep, the air went under connective tissue, hence she couldn't move and had to get on her knees, she then couldn't breathe because her lungs were being squashed with air and she was puking bile because she hadn't had anything to eat

now that sounds remarkably like what happened to me when I was admitted to hospital on my birthday last month I did feel such a fraud TBH - I'm so glad the doctors didn't discharge me saying 'it was just a strangled fart' though 

omg....when I was young I went the doctors with a lot of pain, he gave me medicine, when we came out it was raining hard so ran a good way to the chemist..I did'nt bother picking up the presciption cos on the way I must have farted about 2 bin bags of wind out and all the pain went....

And my SIL went the doctors with bad stomach pain..he asked her do you chew a lot of gum, she replied yes..he said, "what you need my dear is a bloody good fart....


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