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Originally Posted by Cinds:

After watching that this morning I thought ahhhhh she's going to get right on my nerves.

Early days for me Cinds, I think that she could turn out to be q interesting and watchable, (in a mad as a box of frogs kind of way!) Much has been made by that ex BB psychologist woman of her failing the psychological assessment tests 3 years ago, and whilst she may v well still be fragile, that's a long time ago and she's seemingly together enough to feign a convincing heart/panic attack to get herself out of the basement 

She's 51 years of age, so assume can make her own decisions as to whether she's strong enough to cope with the house, unless of course it's just a pathetic and desperate attempt to find fame and fortune again and pay for her new teefs!

Edited to say it was apparently 3 years ago that she failed the tests, not 4

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Supes:
Originally Posted by Cinds:

After watching that this morning I thought ahhhhh she's going to get right on my nerves.

Early days for me Cinds, I think that she could turn out to be q interesting and watchable, (in a mad as a box of frogs kind of way!) Much has been made by that ex BB psychologist woman of her failing the psychological assessment tests 4 years ago, and whilst she may v well still be fragile, that's a long time ago and she's seemingly together enough to feign a convincing heart/panic attack to get herself out of the basement 

She's 51 years of age, so assume can make her own decisions as to whether she's strong enough to cope with the house, unless of course it's just a pathetic and desperate attempt to find fame and fortune again and pay for her new teefs!

totally agree with you Supes especially that little observation 


To be fair - I have witnessed people having panic attacks - I was pretty convinced by that. The symptoms experienced are very real and the sufferer is really frightened. If (as has been reported) she is a bit mentally imbalanced it isn't beyond the realm of possibility that she may have experienced a genuine panic attack is it? There  may well have been nothing physically wrong but if she was experiencing the symptoms - they would have seemed very real and frightening to her.


Who knows? Maybe she was faking but sister suffered from panic attacks years ago and it was terrifying for her (and us, her family) - although not physically ill we could do very little to help her. She is fortunately fully recovered now.

Soozy Woo
Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:

To be fair - I have witnessed people having panic attacks - I was pretty convinced by that. The symptoms experienced are very real and the sufferer is really frightened. If (as has been reported) she is a bit mentally imbalanced it isn't beyond the realm of possibility that she may have experienced a genuine panic attack is it? There  may well have been nothing physically wrong but if she was experiencing the symptoms - they would have seemed very real and frightening to her.


Who knows? Maybe she was faking but sister suffered from panic attacks years ago and it was terrifying for her (and us, her family) - although not physically ill we could do very little to help her. She is fortunately fully recovered now.

I suppose that is possible Soozy, I do know how awful panic attacks are and that many people who suffer for them genuinely think that they are dying/having a heart attack and that their breathing is compromised. It's the fact that she's complaining of not being able to breath on the left side whilst clutching her right that makes me think it was all an act.

Originally Posted by Supes:
Originally Posted by KaffyBaffy:

I suffer panic attacks too Soozy - I don't normally confuse my left and right side though - and living in 'luxury' won't make a blind bit of difference.

Exactly Kaffs

supes - I know everyone is affected differently by them, but stress is a major factor and unless she was medicated to the hilt (a distinct possiblity I suppose) I don't know how she could have done the 'going in' interview etc without having an attack - and I doubt very much that moving upstairs would help.    If she has another one, that we see live, i might be tempted to believe her.

Originally Posted by KaffyBaffy:

I suffer panic attacks too Soozy - I don't normally confuse my left and right side though - and living in 'luxury' won't make a blind bit of difference.

when I get an attack I can't think straight one way or another, nor tell which is up or down never mind figure out left or right, I can barely speak and when I do my words are confused.. or I am snappy cos am trying to fight the thing and can't think straight never mind communicate properly.  .she snapped at the others too when they talked to her


Thing is they are different for everybody, and have different triggers..  what she had bears no resemblance to what I get, doesn't mean to say it wasn't a panic attack tho 

Mount Olympus *Olly*
Originally Posted by Mount Olympus *Olly*:
Originally Posted by KaffyBaffy:

I suffer panic attacks too Soozy - I don't normally confuse my left and right side though - and living in 'luxury' won't make a blind bit of difference.

when I get an attack I can't think straight one way or another, nor tell which is up or down never mind figure out left or right, I can barely speak and when I do my words are confused.. or I am snappy cos am trying to fight the thing and can't think straight never mind communicate properly.  .she snapped at the others too when they talked to her


Thing is they are different for everybody, and have different triggers..  what she had bears no resemblance to what I get, doesn't mean to say it wasn't a panic attack tho 

I watched it again at lunch time and it looked like she was just scratching when she came out the DR not rubbing her side

Originally Posted by Aimee:
Originally Posted by Mount Olympus *Olly*:
Originally Posted by KaffyBaffy:

I suffer panic attacks too Soozy - I don't normally confuse my left and right side though - and living in 'luxury' won't make a blind bit of difference.

when I get an attack I can't think straight one way or another, nor tell which is up or down never mind figure out left or right, I can barely speak and when I do my words are confused.. or I am snappy cos am trying to fight the thing and can't think straight never mind communicate properly.  .she snapped at the others too when they talked to her


Thing is they are different for everybody, and have different triggers..  what she had bears no resemblance to what I get, doesn't mean to say it wasn't a panic attack tho 

I watched it again at lunch time and it looked like she was just scratching when she came out the DR not rubbing her side

I thought that too Aimee, she would have been given, more than likely, an ECG from the paramedics(i think they were called in) so it can be itchy afterwards 

Originally Posted by Aimee:
Originally Posted by Mount Olympus *Olly*:
Originally Posted by KaffyBaffy:

I suffer panic attacks too Soozy - I don't normally confuse my left and right side though - and living in 'luxury' won't make a blind bit of difference.

when I get an attack I can't think straight one way or another, nor tell which is up or down never mind figure out left or right, I can barely speak and when I do my words are confused.. or I am snappy cos am trying to fight the thing and can't think straight never mind communicate properly.  .she snapped at the others too when they talked to her


Thing is they are different for everybody, and have different triggers..  what she had bears no resemblance to what I get, doesn't mean to say it wasn't a panic attack tho 

I watched it again at lunch time and it looked like she was just scratching when she came out the DR not rubbing her side

I did wonder about that Aims - so i rewound to the scene in the basement where she was definitely clutching her right side.   As supes says though - maybe she has difficulty telling one side from the other.   I'm still not convinced it was though, but time will tell.  

Originally Posted by KaffyBaffy:
Originally Posted by Aimee:
Originally Posted by Mount Olympus *Olly*:
Originally Posted by KaffyBaffy:

I suffer panic attacks too Soozy - I don't normally confuse my left and right side though - and living in 'luxury' won't make a blind bit of difference.

when I get an attack I can't think straight one way or another, nor tell which is up or down never mind figure out left or right, I can barely speak and when I do my words are confused.. or I am snappy cos am trying to fight the thing and can't think straight never mind communicate properly.  .she snapped at the others too when they talked to her


Thing is they are different for everybody, and have different triggers..  what she had bears no resemblance to what I get, doesn't mean to say it wasn't a panic attack tho 

I watched it again at lunch time and it looked like she was just scratching when she came out the DR not rubbing her side

I did wonder about that Aims - so i rewound to the scene in the basement where she was definitely clutching her right side.   As supes says though - maybe she has difficulty telling one side from the other.   I'm still not convinced it was though, but time will tell.  

Did she have a smirk on her face Kaffs cos I swear I saw a smirk....


I have suffered panic attacks since September 1997, and know how crap they make you feel.  


While yes she might have been having one in the basement, how quickly she recovered to walk out looking quite well from the diary room is another thing.  (Although in all fairness, we don't know how long she was in the diary room..... or do we?)


I know when I have one, it takes me a long time to pull myself together, even though after all of these years I know it's a panic attack and not anything major, it still takes a while.

Originally Posted by Cinds:

I have suffered panic attacks since September 1997, and know how crap they make you feel.  


While yes she might have been having one in the basement, how quickly she recovered to walk out looking quite well from the diary room is another thing.  (Although in all fairness, we don't know how long she was in the diary room..... or do we?)


I know when I have one, it takes me a long time to pull myself together, even though after all of these years I know it's a panic attack and not anything major, it still takes a while.

It's reported that it was a three hour meltdown.


So are you saying she had a meltdown Erin or are you calling a panic attack a meltdown in which case no wonder I didn't want people to know I got them badly when it first started happening. . I didn't want people to think I was a nut job..  .. meltdown is not a very nice name for them.. they are an illness which can be very debilitating. . I should know 


if it was a panic attack and it was 3  hrs later that she emerged form  the DR... she then slept quite deeply by the looks of it as she was on the sofa for ages before waking up even when the other HM were around.. they knock me out for a good while as well... not to mention the adrenalin hangover you get afterwards . .not nice at all


Mount Olympus *Olly*
Originally Posted by Mount Olympus *Olly*:

So are you saying she had a meltdown Erin or are you calling a panic attack a meltdown in which case no wonder I didn't want people to know I got them badly when it first started happening. . I didn't want people to think I was a nut job..  .. meltdown is not a very nice name for them.. they are an illness which can be very debilitating. . I should know 


if it was a panic attack and it was 3  hrs later that she emerged form  the DR... she then slept quite deeply by the looks of it as she was on the sofa for ages before waking up even when the other HM were around.. they knock me out for a good while as well... not to mention the adrenalin hangover you get afterwards . .not nice at all


Olly, meltdown is the word being used by some of the press and was also a word used by the ex BB psychologist Jo Hemmings to, I assume, describe an 'emotional breakdown'?  I agree that it's not v nice terminology to describe a genuine panic attack. I don't see anyone using the words 'nut-job' which surely is more offensive terminology? Nor do I see anyone on here making light of a genuine panic attack, rather questioning whether PH was faking it.


I've not read the press nor seen any articles, just what I've seen in this thread so that is why I was asking about the meltdown comment . . if it is a press word then am sure they are correct cos they never over exaggerate anything do they and can diagnose a problem/illness from any short edited clip on a TV programme   


I do know she was a drug addict which can also cause panic attacks even after yrs in recovery..


the nut job comment is form my own experience of some people over the yrs who don't understand 'mental' type illnesses, assuming everyone who suffers is a nut job as in crazy in the head or should just pull themselves together...


I don't hold any worth of any BB psychologist tbh, [nor any of that profession, if truth be told, I've never seen or experienced anything they do that isn't just plain old common sense learnt thru living life not reading books,  some add a bit of mumbo jumbo and blame your mother shite  as well. .. ] but the BB ones let Nikki in  the house when she was in a full blown anorexic phase, not to mention other HMs that were unstable too..


I have no idea if she was faking but I do know if I feel unwell I get panic attacks on the back of feeling unwell.. she may have woken up feeling ill and being locked up in a strange place may have brought on a panic attack on top of whatever woke her up..  nothing I saw made me feel she was faking anything.. and I can't stand the woman

Mount Olympus *Olly*
Last edited by Mount Olympus *Olly*

As far as I remember from my counselling... a 'full blown' panic attack wouldn't last for three hours straight.   Your body is physically incapable of maintaining that level of arousal (no, not that kind smutheads) for so long.    If she was in a state for three hours, she was either faking it or milking it imo.    If (and that's a big if - it was a panic attack and it was her first - she may have been upset for three hours, but she wouldn't be 'screaming and vomiting' as I've read for that long)    The fact that the website is talking about her move to the luxury house as a 'rags to riches' story makes me even more convinced it's all fake - either by her or by them.

Originally Posted by Supes:

I also think it unlikely that if she was considered to be genuinely ill that they would have put her on the sofa to sleep, to be 'found' by the other hms the next morning.

Exactly.    I think even C5 would have got her a bed and got one of the 'sensible' ones to keep an eye on her.


Nor do I think she'd have greeted them with a big smile and 'you can't keep a good one out' or whatever it was she said.     She'd have been shell shocked and shakey


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