I've not read the press nor seen any articles, just what I've seen in this thread so that is why I was asking about the meltdown comment . . if it is a press word then am sure they are correct cos they never over exaggerate anything do they and can diagnose a problem/illness from any short edited clip on a TV programme
I do know she was a drug addict which can also cause panic attacks even after yrs in recovery..
the nut job comment is form my own experience of some people over the yrs who don't understand 'mental' type illnesses, assuming everyone who suffers is a nut job as in crazy in the head or should just pull themselves together...
I don't hold any worth of any BB psychologist tbh, [nor any of that profession, if truth be told, I've never seen or experienced anything they do that isn't just plain old common sense learnt thru living life not reading books, some add a bit of mumbo jumbo and blame your mother shite as well. .. ] but the BB ones let Nikki in the house when she was in a full blown anorexic phase, not to mention other HMs that were unstable too..
I have no idea if she was faking but I do know if I feel unwell I get panic attacks on the back of feeling unwell.. she may have woken up feeling ill and being locked up in a strange place may have brought on a panic attack on top of whatever woke her up.. nothing I saw made me feel she was faking anything.. and I can't stand the woman