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That's like saying a person (be it a child or adult) took a risk crossing the road, and they got ran over, and we have no sympathy for them lying injured in hospital or in the morgue. No sympathy for them or their family.

No - not really - it's like saying yes we take risks every single day of our lives however we do not put ourselves in unnecessary danger ie, cross the road when we can see a behicle hurtling towards us.
No - not really - it's like saying yes we take risks every single day of our lives however we do not put ourselves in unnecessary danger ie, cross the road when we can see a behicle hurtling towards us.
What im saying is sometimes mistakes happen and you DO find people run in front of cars/vehicles, and to be brutal sometimes it is their fault. But we have sympathy for their plight don't we?
As we would if it was someone in our family.
Ev (Peachy)
Tell me, what would be good punishment for them in your opinion? Would you like them to go on to TV and publicly apologise for being so reckless? Would you perhaps like Jeremy Kyle or some other "voice of the people" to publicly castigate them? Would that help? Would you like them to admit full responsibility for their actions in front of the world's press? Do you not think that perhaps a year in captivity may have channelled their thoughts into the "what if's?" Do you not think that there was not a single day when they did not berate themselves? Do you not think they have a lifetime of regret because his elderly father died and he did not have the chance to say goodbye? Are you really so unaware that you cannot see that once the euphoria of being out has passed, they will probably be full of regret for worrying their families? I would like you to tell me what you think would be a good result here and what would make YOU think they had been suitably punished.
I am not saying they need punishing - I do believe they should pay the money back and offer some explanations and apologies to their friends and family.  I'm sure they went through hell whilst in captivity BUT they put themselves in that ridiculously risky situation which I'm sure they already know - they made a mistake and paid a huge price yes but they were partly responsible for that.  I'm happy they're free etc but I am not going to be sympathetic towards them as they should never have been sailing in that area.
What im saying is sometimes mistakes happen and you DO find people run in front of cars/vehicles, and to be brutal sometimes it is their fault. But we have sympathy for their plight don't we? As we would if it was someone in our family.
I would have more sympathy for the person driving the vehicle who was helpless in the situation - obv I wouldn't want to see anyone hurt but again if you do something that silly you have to be prepared to face the consequences.
I would have more sympathy for the person driving the vehicle who was helpless in the situation - obv I wouldn't want to see anyone hurt but again if you do something that silly you have to be prepared to face the consequences.
But we still have Sympathy.
And if a person is dead then they can't face the consequences.. ... its no point in saying " they took a risk... they were killed, serves them right, no sympathy, they are to face consequences!" 
Ev (Peachy)
But we still have Sympathy. And if a person is dead then they can't face the consequences.. ... its no point in saying " they took a risk... they were killed, serves them right, no sympathy, they are to face consequences!"
I'm sorry but I can't debate this with you anymore - you twist every single word I say - I'm not asking you to agree with me but I can't deal with "nit picking" which is what you are doing here - I'm starting to get dizzy going round in circles - we are just going to have to agree to disagree!!
Not to play devils advocate but very many people displaying extremely varying levels of sympathy towards various deaths.  A child killed in the road attracts more sympathy than an intravenous drug user accidently overdosing  etc etc.  This is true for a lot of people.  Both have same end result - a dead body.  But the drug user was dicing with death from the get go, huh?  Taking risks.
I'm sorry but I can't debate this with you anymore - you twist every single word I say - I'm not asking you to agree with me but I can't deal with "nit picking" which is what you are doing here - I'm starting to get dizzy going round in circles - we are just going to have to agree to disagree!!
I'm also sorry but i am not twisting your words, i am having my say. An opinion. My opinion matters.

i find you are like a dog with a bone and have to argue just for the sake of it. With everyone. 

 Most people can show compassion for peoples misfortune/ plights /mistakes or other, to have sympathy. Weather they are sailing, crossing the road, or bare back riding.
We can't just have sympathy for those who die making mistakes , but not for the ones who survive 

Draws a line under it... but i bet your back again gnawing away 
Ev (Peachy)
I don't really understand why anybody still replies to PP, aka hevva
Neither do I. But we do have the added benefit that she'll never reply to the likes of you or me cos years have been spent going round her carousel of ridiculous circumstance and inane witterings. There are occasions where you just can't make sense out of madness.

I think she'd be a great ambassador for the Tory party, actually.
And how do you know they won't? As I say, do you want them to do it publicly so that honour is satisfied?
I don't obviously we will have to whether or not they choose to do the honourable thing.

As I have said I believe they owe an apology and explanation to their friends and family.  They don't owe me or the majority of the public an apology - their actions had no effect on my life though they should apologise to those whose lives they have endangered as well as the people who helped to secure their release. And before you say it yes they may have already done so.
I suspect that their friends and family are simply elated at having them back safe and sound.
I'm sure they are though I think an apology should still be offered.

Some people are getting a little silly in this thread admittedly hence why I am only replying to those who want to discuss the subject at hand and not resort to nit picking and personal attacks.
As I have said I believe they owe an apology and explanation to their friends and family.  They don't owe me or the majority of the public an apology - their actions had no effect on my life though they should apologise to those whose lives they have endangered as well as the people who helped to secure their release. And before you say it yes they may have already done so
So what is the point of your argument?
I like debates based on evidence and not hyperbole.
You don't know whether they have apologised,.
You have no way of finding out.,..

And yet you still say they should
We could go round and round in circles here..
So what is the point of your argument? I like debates based on evidence and not hyperbole. You don't know whether they have apologised,. You have no way of finding out.,.. And yet you still say they should We could go round and round in circles here..
My argument (as you put it) on this thread has always been that I do not feel sympathetic towards them due to the ridiculously risky situation they put themselves in.  What evidence do you want to back this up fgs!!!

I couldn't care less whether or not they have actually apologised - IMO they owe a number of people an apology but I have never once claimed to know whether or not they have done this.  Talk about going round in circles - atually read my posts and you will see that half the things you have accused me of have been wrong - unlike some I have never claimed to have indepth knowledge about what they have/haven't done or did/didn't say!!

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