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Okay. I haven't read any more of this thread yet but I need to say this.

I've been thinking about this for two days since I posted and have come to the conclusion that the uneasy feeling in my stomach is because I did behave like a bit of a twunt. I was wrong to call pretty_p childish names and for that I apologise. Believe it or not, it's very unlike me to be abusive like that, I've always been able to argue my point of view without resorting to name calling. So, apologies offered.

I don't regret my emotional response however which is that her point of view is heartless in the extreme and that's putting it nicely.

So that's it, I behaved badly but it came from a heartfelt place.

Right, now to read.
Okay. I'm a bit alarmed at the idea that I was 'bragging', not sure where that came from!

As for the whole clique thing, as Saz points out, I haven't been here for a long time, I couldn't tell you who is supposedly in the latest clique and have no idea whatsoever about pretty_p 'always being picked on'. I guess if you post controversial stuff then you'll get noticed but other than that I can say for sure that the only person I am in regular contact with who also posts on here is sponge and we have never in our lives discussed pretty_p's posts or character - we're too busy doing that whole weird stuff called life!

So that's it.
I've been thinking about this for two days since I posted and have come to the conclusion that the uneasy feeling in my stomach is because I did behave like a bit of a twunt. I was wrong to call pretty_p childish names and for that I apologise. Believe it or not, it's very unlike me to be abusive like that, I've always been able to argue my point of view without resorting to name calling. So, apologies offered.
I have often been guilty of the same thing, When you feel passionately about something, emotion gets in the way and the keyboard is all too easy to vent your rage on..
It is all part of being human and it takes a lot of guts to come back and apologise...
It also says a lot about the sort of person you are as well
I don't regret my emotional response however which is that her point of view is heartless in the extreme and that's putting it nicely.
I think it is a little unfair to say I am heartless - I do not and never have wished this couple any harm whilst at the hands of these criminals all I am saying is that I do not feel sympathy for them.  IMO they were completely irresponsible in going out there and they not only put their own lives at risks but also the lives of others.  Their behaviour has cost somebody a lot of money and allowed these criminals to win which has also possibly put more people in danger - let's face it we can't afford to pay for the release of all the others they have captured (and I believe there are still a number of people being held).  As far as I am concerned their behaviour was utterly irresponsible and yes they paid a high price for that and whilst I am not saying they deserved what happened to them they have to accept some of the responsibility and IMO owe a lot of people an apology.
I don't get why it's so bad to post controversial topics. It gets a debate going and because everyone has their own opinion and can get quite passionate about it the result can be a variety of opinions which show the variety of people we have on here. If Pretty P or anyone else annoys people as much as it appears then be the bigger person and ignore her/them. So many have said how they know she's a WUM but yet everyone responds to her. I think some enjoy being annoyed at her and expressing it on here. There will always be someone who the rest of the forum unite against and it just happens to be her now. How many times has it been said on here that there is nothing to get your teeth into (so to speak)? Ask and you get.......get and you moan....go figure 
Up there ^ somewhere I said sorry and I really meant it. Hope life is good with you too, I'm in a huggy mood so brace yourself.
Well I'm sorry but if you really meant it you wouldn't react the way you did when I attempted conversation with you.  In reality what you said yesterday was utterly disgusting yet I said nothing and when you apologised attempted to let it pass however why you couldn't do the same is a mystery.  I am not trying to cause a row here - in fact after this post I am not going to say another word on it - however I feel the point needs making FGS I am made out to be a total villain on here yet when I try and make sensible conversation you come back at me with that - not really very nice is it??  Don't accuse me of things you are guilty of yourself.  Like I say I am not going to mention it again now so just be aware that if you or anyone else does start questioning me about it I will not respond - I will respond to points about the topic of the thread but that is all.
Those two clowns have only themselves to blame for being kidnapped, they were told by friends and family before they left for their bizarre holiday destination that it was dangerous there and that they shouldn't go, but no, they had to be bloody minded and go there anyway.

Silly old fools.

If one penny was spent by our govenment on getting them released then i think they should pay the money back.
Reference: ski
Hey missus! I'm dispensing hugs all over the place tonight so you'd better have one too. As this is your thread we can talk about whatever we like can't we?
back atcha matey xxx........

oooooooooooo how about that i want to reach into my telly box and smack gillian mckeith in da teef?? up woman and get a top set.........
I am made out to be a total villain on here yet when I try and make sensible conversation you come back at me with that - not really very nice is it??
I've already said I know nothing of any previous history, I've been away awhile.

I apologise (again) if my response to you today could be percieved as flippant, not my intention. I wish you all the best, have another hug.
If one penny was spent by our govenment on getting them released then i think they should pay the money back.
I do have to agree with that - although as far as I am aware the British Government didn't contribute (though don't quote me on that).  I think I remember hearing that the Somali Government may have contributed in some way though again I'm not 100% certain of that.
I do have to agree with that - although as far as I am aware the British Government didn't contribute (though don't quote me on that). I think I remember hearing that the Somali Government may have contributed in some way though again I'm not 100% certain of that.
Whoever paied the money, it shouldn't have been paid by any government,  the family should have paid it themselves.
Whoever paied the money, it shouldn't have been paid by any government, the family should have paid it themselves.
Oh yeah I completely agree with you.  What gets me though is why hasn't this money been raised for any of the others still being held - why are these two so different to all of those others who equally have families and lives to live.
Whoever paied the money, it shouldn't have been paid by any government, the family should have paid it themselves.

That will of course have the knock on effect of restricting holidays in the killing zone to those with cash reserves.  Hardly seems fair.  I was just about to pull the trigger on a spring break in Sudan. 

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