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I have plenty of compassion for people who do not put themselves in ridiculously risky situations and face hardship through no fault of their own.
Whilst I respect that you have an opinion and it's as valid as anyone else's - it's really not a sign of weakness to see someone else's POV.

If you look at the pictures of them and how broken they are there not just a little bit of compassion there?
Soozy Woo
Whilst I respect that you have an opinion and it's as valid as anyone else's - it's really not a sign of weakness to see someone else's POV
TBF I haven't once told anybody their opinion is wrong or they are not entitled to it so you can't really accuse me of not seeing others POV.  I'm not going to say I agree when I don't however I think this post would be better aimed at those who seem to think it is ok to say my POV is wrong.
Sorry Issy, have I got it wrong that people should still have the freedom and the opportunity to live their lives the way they always dreamed of, this couple was very switched on, but still got unlucky. Does this mean that we all cease to live?
No lovely xxxx

You were so right - I was directed that at people who were getting frustrated at PP's inability to see any other viewpoint than her own,. 

And now I suppose that means I am in a clique
And now I suppose that means I am in a clique
Not at all!

We surely should all be free to post without looking for agreement and a slap on the back in approval. We're all different ...................we don't have to agree with everyone .............diversity is good IMO should never end in personal insult though. That's how I see it but ...................why should everyone see it the same way?
Soozy Woo
We surely should all be free to post without looking for agreement and a slap on the back in approval. We're all different ...................we don't have to agree with everyone .............diversity is good IMO should never end in personal insult though. That's how I see it but ...................why should everyone see it the same way?
I completely agree Soozy... but I also think that it is important sometimes to acknowledge that one's opinion may upset other people...or may be unfair.

I also think that sometimes one has to admit that perhaps one does come across as harsh. 
'Self-awareness is the awareness that one exists as an individual being. Without self-awareness the self perceives and accepts the thoughts that are occurring to be who the self is. Self-awareness gives one the option or choice to choose thoughts being thought rather than simply thinking the thoughts that are stimulated from the accumulative events leading up to the circumstances of the moment.'


I think PP is very self aware if this definition is anything to go by. 

I'm not sure why people keep saying this.
Soozy Woo
Please don't discuss me - discuss my opinions fine but do not discuss me personally as you do not and never will know me.  I think we are in a very sad situation when people are no longer allowed to express their opinions without being attacked personally - to those who feel the need to do that please take a long hard look at yourselves as this behaviour is very unhealthy.  I am not going to change my opinion because some people disagree with me - I haven't been rude or derogatory to anyone and I haven't criticised anyone elses viewpoint all I ask is that people respect my right to have a viewpoint.  TBH no matter how much some of you choose to attack me you will never upset me I will just ignore you from here on in - far more effective IMO (sorry I'm not allowed one of them am I).  I have respected everybodys view point on here - I may not agree with them but I at least have the maturity to respect them - I think some people could do with learning how to do that themselves.  However for just one minute let's just remember we are on a forum here - this isn't real life I really wish people would realise that sometimes.
You are entitled to your opinion yes. It doesn't mean others agree with you, especially as you always seem controversial. You can hardly be surprised some people get irked with your bleak views, but i don't agree with name calling.
I really couldn't care less about whether people agree with me or not - however I am just making the point that I am accused of all sorts on here when in reality it is the accusers that are guilty of the crimes.  I have done absolutely nothing wrng on this thread (or any other for that matter) yet I am being called and accused of all sorts.  Like I say I'm not really bothered what people call me - it makes me laugh really how annoyed people can get in a virtual world however I just wanted to make the point and make it clear to everyone that I will not be upset by them.
Reference: pretty_p
I have done absolutely nothing wrng on this thread (or any other for that matter) yet I am being called and accused of all sorts.
You started a thread about a Scum article, making out that the symptoms of Anxiety disorders were laughable and completely ignored my posts about my husband's serious anxiety problem, which lasted for a good few years and involved the exact same symptoms.

Do you not see anything wrong in that?
You started a thread about a Scum article, making out that the symptoms of Anxiety disorders were laughable and completely ignored my posts about my husband's serious anxiety problem, which lasted for a good few years and involved the exact same symptoms. Do you not see anything wrong in that?
It's her opinion and therefore is not wrong because opinions are never wrong and we are all at fault for disagreeing with her.

That is my take on it anyway 
I have respected everybodys view point on here - I may not agree with them but I at least have the maturity to respect them

btw, An aspect of maturity is respecting everbody's right to their opinion, not the opinion itself.  I respect someone's right to be religious or to be a neo-fascist ( provided it's law-abiding neo-fascism, of course ), if they so desire.  I have no respect whatsoever for religion or neo-fascism themselves, however.

Tadaa!  Here endeth the life lesson.  Page 32, Wot I Will DO When I Is All Grown Up.  And That. 
It's her opinion and therefore is not wrong because opinions are never wrong and we are all at fault for disagreeing with her. That is my take on it anyway
Maybe you should re-read my posts and you will then see that I have never told anybody they are wrong - I have put MY opinion forwards and respected EVERYONE elses opinion - however I have been told by the usual suspects that my opinion is wrong.  I am not in the wrong here.

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