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I think you are kind of missing my point a bit here - if you saw a weather report saying a hurricaine was on the way you would delay your trip or take another route - you don't know for definate that the hurricaine will hit you but you will avoid the situation at all costs - you calculate the risk.  This is kind of the same sort of situation - there were warnings upon warnings that pirates were operating in that area and that all non essential sailing should be avoided - they ignored this.
Well i think a few of my points were missed.
One being that sometimes in life risks are taken, otherwise life would be dull, restricted,unfullfilled, unventured, ungained, whatever.
Another reason is i wanted to say better them be home safe and well, and be thankful, rather than say serves them right, no sympathy etc etc
Ev (Peachy)
One being that sometimes are taken, otherwise life would be dull, restricted, whatever.

Calculated risks though - if there had been maybe one pirate attack a couple of hundred miles from there then fair enough the risk may be worth taking - the fact that there had been many attacks very close to where they were sailing and they still took the risk is just crazy.
Do you know what. I hardly ever come here anymore but tonight I popped in and saw a thread by my good mate sponge so gave it a read.

And I have to say Pretty_P you are an idiot, always were, always will be. Your ill-informed, judgemental and heartless opinions on this thread just about sum you up, what a grade A nob you are.

I'm outta here, I'm still in touch with all the great people I've met over the years so if I get banned for saying to you what so many have thought then so be it.

P.S. Sorry sponge for doing this on your thread, just couldn't be arsed with tossers any more. xx
And I have to say Pretty_P you are an idiot, always were, always will be. Your ill-informed, judgemental and heartless opinions on this thread just about sum you up, what a grade A nob you are.
Why does Pretty-p's opinion have to be slated all the time...We may not agree with her opinion but she is entitled to air it!.....
To call her an idiot..Judgemental..and heartless, is a rather nasty thing to do on a public forum. and to come on here just to do that and brag about all your "good mates on here" seems a bit heartless to me....

I won't mention the clique word...
Whilst Skive's comments could have been perceived to be a little OTT, it could be argued that she too has a right to an opinion
PP's views were IMO heartless and showed a lack of compassion that was quite astounding.
Whether  they should have been there or not is by the by. They are 2 older people who were going on a cruise that they had been saving up for. They made an error of judgement and sadly paid a horrendous price for it. NO ONE deserves to be treated like they were.

PP is very cold and judgemental - at least that is how she is coming across in her posts. She comes across as someone with little life or people skills. I of course could be wrong.

Does this now mean that I too am in a clique?
I'm just going to say that pretty_p's opinions are very cold and judgmental.
She has the ability to ignore any relevant points, that could make her opinions wrong.
This can be very frustrating, when she chooses to ignore you, but carries on arguing with others in the same thread.

I'm sure she's a lovely person, but her opinions stink, IMO.
I saw them on the news last night and the relief on the woman's face at the press conference said it all.

As for 'they shouldn't have been there' stuff...they don't come across as uneducated idiots so I'm sure they would have done their homework on that. Arguably they could have gone somewhere else of course, but the nearest kidnapping was 700 miles away from where they were sailing, that's the equivalent distance of London to the Orkney islands, so I would have probably taken the chance too.

The fault isn't theirs, it's the greedy nasty bastards who captured them and treated them like animals, beating them and making them beg for water to drink and to wash. Inhumane conditions which would test the toughest and the fittest, let alone a couple of retirement age who had worked hard and saved all their life to fulfill a dream. Who has the right to deny them of that? Why shouldn't they be allowed to sail where the hell they want? So, yes they do get my total sympathies. I can only imagine what it was like for their children, having to see television footage of their parents being held at gunpoint and feeling powerless to do anything about it, and I'm sure when weighing up the odds, the amount of money needed to pay these bastards was nothing compared to wanting them home.
I agree Karma though they did state on the news they don't have any children,the woman said that made it worse because they only have each other in life and were seperated.
They were separated? I thought it was their children (or at least one child) who said that trying to organise the kind of money the robbers wanted was virtually impossible as the family were not affluent, and last night could have sworn I heard the journo say that the money was dropped in the desert that the children helped to raise.

Even if they don't have children, the basics that they are two completely innocent people who fell at the hands of vicious, evil bastards still remain the same.
I agree Karma though they did state on the news they don't have any children,the woman said that made it worse because they only have each other  in life and were seperated.
They were a devoted couple. Had been married 29 years. The only mention of separation was when they were separated from each other for 100 days during their gruelling kidnap.
Ev (Peachy)
Do you know what. I hardly ever come here anymore but tonight I popped in and saw a thread by my good mate sponge so gave it a read. And I have to say Pretty_P you are an idiot, always were, always will be. Your ill-informed, judgemental and heartless opinions on this thread just about sum you up, what a grade A nob you are. I'm outta here, I'm still in touch with all the great people I've met over the years so if I get banned for saying to you what so many have thought then so be it. P.S. Sorry sponge for doing this on your thread, just couldn't be arsed with tossers any more. xx
It is absolutely laughable that you have the cheek to criticse me when you can show such venom towards someone you don't even know - very funny!!
I am not a heartless nasty person or anything else that people are accusing me of on here.  I do not wish this couple any harm however I will not be sympathetic towards them - as far as I'm concerned you play with fire you get burnt.  They took a huge risk and paid the price - they have been very lucky to be freed and that is great for them however I don't believe in giving money to criminals.  They did not only put their own lives at risk but also the lives of countless others including those who have been captured through no fault of their own and I will never be symoathetic towards anyone who does that.

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