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I too was thinking about them 2 days ago

How strange YR  I don't know what made them come to mind - I actually thought they had been released shortly after they were taken but my husband was convinced they were still being held. The trauma of what they must have gone through is unthinkable.
Yes interesting coincidence  like you thoughts about them suddenly popped into my mind seemingly from nowhere lol. It's a few months since I last heard news of them, I assumed they must still be alive because we hadn't heard otherwise but as they'd lost a lot of weight last time I saw them I couldn't help wonder if they could survive such an ordeal for much longer. I bet the champagne corks will pop when they get home
Yellow Rose
the couple held by somali pirates for a year were released today.....just heard it on the news..........what fantastic news for them,their friends and family......

It's great that they are free however I am unable to feel sorry for them - imo they put themselves in that danger therefore thry can't really complain when they come unstuck - as a result of their silly behaviour someone has had to pay out a lot of money.  It is the same with people who go to war zones when they don't need to - to me in those circumstances if you end up injured you only have yourself to blame.
I am sure they will have had long enough to think about the wrongs and rights. It would take the hardest person not to have some ounce of sympathy for their plight. After all they are human, and a mistake was made, NOT in any way deserving of what happened to them.
They couldnt  predict or imagined this to happen. A very unfortunate event, however much they were at risk of something... I mean they could have been taken by a tidal wave.. anything really.

Thank god they are still alive. Its good to get some good news, rather than the unfortunate event that we had to hear they were killed.
Ev (Peachy)
They couldnt predict or imagined this to happen
Well they could to be fair - when you are planning a trip like this you have to weigh up all the risks you are likely to be taking and make an informed decision as to whether you think they are risks worth taking.  If they hadn't considered the prospects of pirates in that part of the world then tbh they should never have been sailing/  You can write what I know about sailing on the back of a postage stamp yet even I knew that you had to be pretty crazy to be sailing in that part of the world.

I am not saying that I think what happened to them was in any way funny or deserved however I can not be sympathetic to people who have stupidly put themselves in such a situation.
I can not be sympathetic to people who have stupidly put themselves in such a situation.
oooooooooooooooooooh that's harsh! I can sympathise - they made an error of judgement and have paid very dearly. Who knows what they've been through. We all make mistakes or possibly gamble from time to time. It's a bit harsh IMO not to have a little bit of sympathy.
Soozy Woo
Well they could to be fair - when you are planning a trip like this you have to weigh up all the risks you are likely to be taking and make an informed decision as to whether you think they are risks worth taking.  If they hadn't considered the prospects of pirates in that part of the world then tbh they should never have been sailing/  You can write what I know about sailing on the back of a postage stamp yet even I knew that you had to be pretty crazy to be sailing in that part of the world
Well when anyone goes sailing they are to understand that anything may come their way, be it the weather, waves, freak conditions, jaws, or captain Jack Sparrow.
What i am saying is ... no one can predict what will happen, as IT could be anything! I did say in that sentence .>however much they were at risk of something.  
So it can be argued that they should not have gone sailing at all, and stayed and home and retired quietly... but why should anyone think they should not embark on something because something that may/could /might /possibly/may not   happen to them
Ev (Peachy)
Last edited by Ev (Peachy)
Well when anyone goes sailing they are to understand that anything may come their way, be it the weather, waves, freak conditions, jaws, or captain Jack Sparrow. What i am saying is ... no one can predict what will happen, as IT could be anything! I did say in that sentence .>however much they were at risk of something. So it can be argued that they should not have gone sailing at all, and stayed and home and retired quietly... but why should anyone think they should not embark on something because something that may be.
I think you are kind of missing my point a bit here - if you saw a weather report saying a hurricaine was on the way you would delay your trip or take another route - you don't know for definate that the hurricaine will hit you but you will avoid the situation at all costs - you calculate the risk.  This is kind of the same sort of situation - there were warnings upon warnings that pirates were operating in that area and that all non essential sailing should be avoided - they ignored this.

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