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Sorry folks but I have found the last hour or so quite pathetic.
The Unfunny and irritating Sam, being unfunny and irritating, like the  little attention-seeking boy  who will not behave at the family's Christmas party.
I simply cannot understand his popularity. I can't stand him
John James, Joe-John and Dave stupidly getting involved too.
I can't stand them either. All behaving childishly.
Tonight makes Crackerjack look like highly sophisticated world-class entertainment.
This is abysmal, and the immaturity breaks all BB records.

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I find him too childish and bratty
What more bratty than Monk Dave who has been in a self imposed sulk for 2 days because he's up for nomination, but is not so cleverly masking it by pretending to miss the wife & kids he hasn't mentioned for 6 weeks? or JJ1 who you only have to look at the wrong way to induce a strop worthy of a two year old...Sam has handled being up a lot better than Dave...
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Yellow Rose offline 6,858 Forum Posts Today at 1:51 AM Last Edited: Sam's been funny at times but overall I find him too childish and bratty
Yes he can be, but he is quite immature at times (like we all can be).  There are also times when he is quite mature and shows a sensitive caring side to him.  The lad wants to have a bit of fun because he thinks he may go tomorrow.  Annoying he may be, but not quite as annoying as the odious Dave.  Dave who is supposed to be the mature man and a christian, but is neither.
Yes he can be, but he is quite immature at times (like we all can be). There are also times when he is quite mature and shows a sensitive caring side to him. The lad wants to have a bit of fun because he thinks he may go tomorrow. Annoying he may be, but not quite as annoying as the odious Dave. Dave who is supposed to be the mature man and a christian, but is neither.
Yes he can be, but he is quite immature at times (like we all can be). There are also times when he is quite mature and shows a sensitive caring side to him. The lad wants to have a bit of fun because he thinks he may go tomorrow. Annoying he may be, but not quite as annoying as the odious Dave. Dave who is supposed to be the mature man and a christian, but is neither.
Here here LL!
I found Sam quite funny last night........especially when he put the horse mask on his face and went round the HMs with a candle under his chin. If he keeps doing it, no doubt it will grate on me easily, but last night's sugar and coffee fuelled antics were quite entertaining for me.

Didn't find Dave's nipple twisting on Sam terribly funny though

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