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This is what BB said.
 As many of you spotted on the Live Streaming yesterday, Govan and Shabby were caught talking in the Kitchen discussing the Save and Replace Task

Despite talking in a code, we all knew exactly what was going on. They were suggesting that should they win the task, they would replace themselves with Mario (or pasta as they said!)

We’ve had lots of comments from you guys about whether this is a rule break. We decided to go to the top dogs to get an official comment on why they have not been punished.

Here is what they said:

“Save and Replace is an open process unlike nominations which are confidential and take place in the Diary Room, therefore different rules apply.”

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Reference: longcat
Also nobody seemed to mind that Ben also talked in code to Shabby about putting Sunshine up.
The difference is, Shabby and Govan`s code talk effected who went up for eviction.
The difference is, Shabby and Govan`s code talk effected who went up for eviction.
Shabby and Govans code talk was about  who to replace them if they won the task which wasn't against the rules.
BB itself says its not against the rules to discuss who they will put up if they win the task. So why then use it as an excuse to punish them. It makes no sense.
Yeah but it annoys Shabby which is always good
but that really shouldn't make any difference, a rule is a rule, regardless of the eventual outcome.

It`s a different rule. Ben spilled that he had put Sunshine up for nomination in week one. 
Govan and Shabby colluded to put Mario up for eviction.
I don`t know why Ben`s getting all the flak. A few of them have hinted at who they nominated. 
BB did nothing about them either. 

It`s a different rule. Ben spilled that he had put Sunshine up for nomination in week one.  Govan and Shabby colluded to put Mario up for eviction. I don`t know why Ben`s getting all the flak. A few of them have hinted at who they nominated.  BB did nothing about them either.
Ben spoke about past nominations. That's against the rules. Shabby and Govan discussed who they would put up for eviction if they won the task. that's not against the rules. What is against the rules is the fact that they talked in code. There are only about 4 people in that house who are not discussing nominations and trying to influence voting and that is Corin. Nathan, Sunshine and Steve. The rest of them are all at it.
i thought the rule  that was broken was  about using  code? not in the context of how it was used, because  they are allowed to discuss, i think, the replacement  thing..
That's what I understand it to mean now. I do wish BB would make it clearer.
A-HA!! Heres a quote on digi spy that explains things:

After Big Brother announced the failure of tonight's task due to rule breaks, it was revealed that one of the reasons was due to a code Ben used to Shabby to describe how he nominated Sunshine in the first week.

Makes sense now
I actually wondered that.  Because it's not talking about who they're going to nominate in the official process, I thought that discussing who you would replace yourself with was okay to discuss.

I think maybe this is a loophole that Big Brother may have overlooked?
A-HA!! Heres a quote on digi spy that explains things: After Big Brother announced the failure of tonight's task due to rule breaks, it was revealed that one of the reasons was due to a code Ben used to Shabby to describe how he nominated Sunshine in the first week. Makes sense now
So it's all Ben's fault  then
The first time, Caoimhe got punished instead! Wonder how long BB will contrive to keep her in?
Given by the last two series I have seen, they will contrive to keep her in as long as they can.... However, the GBP will hopefully thwart their plans, given the chance....
Second time within days that she's broken a rule. The first time, Caoimhe got punished instead! Wonder how long BB will contrive to keep her in?
I always wonder why BB try to keep in the ones that the forum appear to hate.
More than one person was involved.
And the coded discussion between Govan and Shabby was intended to influence which housemate should be chosen to be up for eviction.
To me, that's a rule break.
More than one person was involved. And the coded discussion between Govan and Shabby was intended to influence which housemate should be chosen to be up for eviction. To me, that's a rule break.
I agree.. in fact is a double rule break....1. talking in code 2. Trying to influence noms.

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