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Just nicked this idea from DS.  Give your opinion on each of the regular BB winners and who you thought should have won instead, if applicable!


Here's mine


Craig I always preferred Anna but his confrontation of Nick made him an obvious winner.

Brian] A stand out winner that year, consistently entertaining.

Kate I didn't watch much of this year, but from what I saw I had no problem with Kate winning. She seemed good fun!

Cameron My least watched BB. Cameron was ok but like many , I found Jon more entertaining.

Nadia I never liked her, but could see that she had a strong story and was entertaining at times. 

Anthony Won by default really. Early fave Makosi went way over the top and self -destructed. The only other rival was the likeable Eugene, but once he took half the money it was only fair that Ant won it.

Pete Too obvious a winner for me. He seemed a nice guy, was quite entertaining and was unwittingly at the centre of a lot of story lines. I would have preferred Aisleyne to win as I simply found her a more absorbing personality, but accepted that Pete's popularity and the strong anti-Ash vote would prevent her from doing so!

Brian I loved that he was the only one to stand up to the awful Charley apart from Chanelle who did so mostly out of pure rivalry. He overdid the lovable buffoon bit, but made me laugh more than any of the others. I would not have objected if Samanda had won though!

Rachel Darnell was my early favourite as he seemed to quickly suss out the other Hms and his analysis was usually spot on. Unfortunately his self-pity and paranoia quickly made me like him less. I always liked Rachel and could never understand the fence -sitting label, other than BB successfully pinning it on her! She had pulled others up on their actions or words a number of times. Aside from that she was sweet, quite eccentric, rarely if ever bitched and was a total sweetheart. My favourite winner along with Aaron.

Sophie Like many, I never saw her as a potential winner until very late on. I preferred the highly individual and entertaining Freddie, but sadly his paranoia over being targeted for noms led him to be a bit too triumphant when finally Lisa was up for eviction and he was gone!
I liked Siavash as well, but he too self- destructed, by dumping his girlfriend on LF for Noirin. Personally I quite liked his rebellion against BB, but he took it all too far and a lot of his support evaporated. 
I warmed to Sophie over the last few weeks as she was often hilarious when drunk and so wasn't too disapointed when she won.

Josie I never disliked her to the degree most forumers do, but felt that her win lacked any real value against the weak characters who were left in the final. My choice that year was Corin, who seemed an obvious winner to me early on. She was bubbly, had a great unlikely friendship with Ben and tackled tasks with gutso and humour. Unfortunately the fact that the nasty, but strangely popular John James took a dislike to her, meant that she was always up against it with his fanatic fans. Her justified pleasure in seeing him squirm when he realised that Nathan was now Rachel's boyfriend meant that she was number one on the JJ fans hitlist when the quad eviction came!

Aaron I would never have suspected that he could win this year, being such a marmite character. I didn't like his stroppiness, but he made up for it with his quickfire wit and quirky mannerisms and he quickly became my favourite to win.
I think that the shrinking audience actually helped him this year.
Over recent years it was mainly the older viewers who were giving up on the show, giving increasing power to the younger fans. This year it seems that most of the older hardcore stuck with the show whereas last year's teeny legions seemed diminished! This gave the forums and older voters in general a lot of power which we used to give us the winner of our choice!

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Craig; I too preferred Anna, I really wanted her to win. Craig did make me cry when he donated his prize money, so I wasn't angry that he won. Brian; yeah he was a stand out winner, I wouldn't have been upset if Helen won it though because she was very entertaining Kate; I loved her! I was thrilled when she won. All in all, a fantastic year, BB at it's best! Cameron; was this the year with nush? It's hard to remember, if it was, I wanted her to win, she was likeable Nadia; I voted for her and cried when she won. Her story was shocking and I was rooting for her to be accepted and have a great life. Shame she turned into a right so & so, I really didn't like her in the champions series Anthony; I didn't watch this year, I was on holiday when it started and didn't get into it once I was back home. Makosi creeps me out Pete; I loved Pete, I was glad he won. I was a big nikki fan and was gutted when she got evicted. I enjoyed her reunion with Pete but I think putting her back in the house was a mistake, it did her no favours and her second eviction wasn't good. I loved her in the champions year too, she's an inspiration to sufferers of eating disorders. Brian; eeew I couldn't stand him!!! Great year though, I wanted Samanda to win, they were fun, genuine & kind. Rachel; loved Rachel right from seeing her VT before she went in. I didn't expect her to win until the last week but I was thrilled. Darnell was my favourite throughout, it was such a shame he got involved with the whole sara thing, I think it spoiled him. Rex was great too, but it wasn't funny viewing when Nicole was in the house, I was pleased when she left. Her entering the house was brilliant though! I loved Kat that year too, and mickey getting whacked in the head with the makeshift cricket ball can still reduce me to belly laughs now. We replayed that over & over & over and cried with laughter! Mr summer also ate a scotch bonnet that year, I laughed as he danced around the kitchen trying to get milk lol Sophie; love Sophie, she tweeted me back once! Glad chris got evicted early, he would have dragged her down, she was brilliant after he left and I loved her friendship with roddy. Siavash was a favourite that year, shame the norin thing spoiled him, he could have gone all the way. Marcus was a hoot too, and Freddie & Bea, oh heck that was entertaining! Josie; I liked her and was glad she won but since leaving the house I've done a U-turn, don't like her at all now. I can't really remember many others from that year, but I didn't take to corin, she was very sweet but I didn't like the way she talked and her over done appearance was too much for me. A toned down natural version of her, I possibly would have liked. The smoking circle annoyed me too Aaron; I'm glad he won, purely for my co-forummers sake. I switched off after a week, it was like watching kids in a zoo and i didnt like it. The manipulation of nominations, lack of live feed, vote to save and lack of characters age range & back grounds all contributed to my switching off. Kimota, cracking thread
~Sparkling Summer~

BB1 i was happy enough that Craig won, didn't watch it as much that year though

BB2 Brian was my winner from the start

BB3 I wanted Jade too win but Kate was a worthy winner

BB4 There wasn't really anyone i liked but didn't mind Cameron winning

BB5 Don't think Nadia should have won 

BB6 wanted Antony too win over Makosi

BB7 I said Pete would win the moment he fell down the stairs but i wanted Ashleyne

BB8 Brian was funny at times but i would have preferred Liam or Ziggy too have won

BB9 Rachel was ok but thought Rex should have won

BB10 Josie had it in the bag from early on, even though she spent most of her time in bed, would have liked Corrine to have won

BB11 The right person won and deserved it as well


about half of them I wanted to win towards the end, but only cos my fave had been booted out.


Generally, my fave never ever wins....    closest I have come was Josie who I liked from the start & for the duration of that BB.


I am the kiss of death, be it BB, Dancing on Ice (Chris Fountain was robbed!!), ANTM, BNTM, Time of your LIfe (the Dirty Dancing one), The Bachelor, Cirque de whatever (the circus one) IACGMOOH (only watched one...  wanted matey from star trek to win, but Joe Swash won it), 


CBB -  1 of those my fave won - Bez!  (loved him from the start, have loved him for years).   The rest its about half & half as to whether I grew to like them & feel them worthy of winning.


Only watched one x factor..   wanted Rhydian to win it..   he didn't.  







My winners would have been:

BB1   Didn't watch it

BB2   Brian
BB3   Alex

BB4   Cameron or Ray

BB5   Dan

BB6   Didn't really have a favourite, Anthony was the best of a bad bunch.

BB7   Didn't really have a favourite, probably Richard or Pete.

BB8   Didn't watch due to Charley

BB9   Rachel

BB10 Freddie

BB11 Ben (or Corin)

BB12 Aaron


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