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Last time I had to do one at the hospital they gave me a foil tray (like the kind you get takeaways in!)and a sample bottle.

I didn't know what the tray was for I came back out of the toilet and handed the nurse the sample (I have a really good aim) and gave her the tray back...she gave me a right funny look.

Well! It was all new fangled to me
Oh my God have any of you ever had to use a bedpan? I had my first experience of bedpans the other night, I wasn't keen from the start, not only cos I hadn't a clue how they worked but there was a camera in my hospital room.

So I told the nurse I need to do a wee and she says 'I get you bedpan'. She hands me this thing and we just stared at each other. I thought maybe you inserted it or something?  So I placed it kinda where it needed to go and she was 'nooo what are you doeeeeenng??? we remove your clothes from waist down and you put it under your bottom and then you wee wee'. Well my God there was me in all my glory with everything hanging out, my backside nearly 3ft in the air and my fanjita directed straight at this bloody cctv camera. And I couldn't do it. I was petrified that it would come out like a jetstream and hit the walls (cos I had been dying to go for ages). After 10 minutes the nurse was getting the raving hump so bought me a commode and cos me legs had gone I had to have 3 nurses help me. It was without doubt one of the most embarassing things I've ever had to go through. How the hell do people use bedpans??? I would rather wear a nappy or cork everything up then go through that again
I was laughing about it afterwards cos when you're that far gone and you have no dignity left it's either laugh or die The nurses must have thought 'how can this 36 year old not know how a bedpan works?' - well there are some things in life you never think you'll need to know The visions in my head of what could have happened still remain with me even now, but the bloke in the control room got an eyeful
To be fair to them I was being monitored for different stuff cos I had gone in in a rush so there was no time to be worrying whether I dribbled or not, but I did manage to have one ruck with a nurse on Friday morning cos my drain had fallen out and the bed was covered in blood and she said it was my fault (which it wasnt - it was the other nurse who hadn't attached it properly). And she was like 'you silly girl, I have to change this all again now' I so wanted to deck the silly bint

However, I left satisfied that I'd managed to have a go at someone so it was Happy Days
omg this is bringing back horrible memories of the pee-bag I got for the section...I was all swollen after the pre-eclampsia and...omg I can't even finish that sentence   but it took her a couple of trips with a large jug to empty the bag

And Queenie....I remember that tray...omg it was disgusting...but the worst was the first few days before I had Finn I had to do a 24 hour urine I had to pee in a jug...carry it out across the corridor and pour it into this big container   The one beside mine was only half full after the 24 hours...I needed a second container
Reference: Queen of the High Teas
When I was in the maternity unit I had to wee into a cardboard tray and leave it on the sink for the midwife to collect. I was mortified when I realised that nobody had come to collect it and my wee had been sitting there all day while people had been in and out of the loo.
Oh, yeah, I had to do that when I went in for an op a few years ago.  When they said you  have to wee into this, I thought 'OMG, I don't believe you just said that!  It's cardboard!'  I thought it must be the drugs they were giving me that made me imagine things.  Everyone had to wee into these cardboard containers and just leave them in this area outside the loos.  Very surreal.
Speaking of collection of bodily fluids, today's contestant on Deal or No Deal told a funny tale of when she was working in a lab testing samples.  One man had to bring in a semen sample, and was told to keep it warm, for instance by keeping it in a jacket pocket.  Well he mis-read the letter and brought it in in a jacket potato.

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