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That's awful.  I know what your OH means Jackson, I am like that sometimes, I thought it about Karen Matthews, but I have to be honest, I didn't get that feeling with this one.  


There was a similar case in Murton Co Durham quite a few years ago where children died in a horrific fire, and I had that niggly feeling about that one.  Turned out it was the father, insurance job which got tragically out of hand. 


Poor kids.


oh I did wonder when they said on the news earlier they had arrested  a woman in her 30's and man in his 50's if it was the parents.. blimey... I know it's only suspicion but still. .


may be an insurance job thing gone tragically wrong like the one Cinds mentioned..


the father has about 26 kids. .well had 26 kids  tis gone down a bit now..


he was on JK and also did a documentary with . .oh gawd gone blank can't remember her name ..the teeny ex politician with the mahoosive boobs that was on strictly.. jsut had a brain flash.... Anne Widdicombe is it?

Mount Olympus *Olly*
Originally Posted by Mount Olympus *Olly*:


he was on JK and also did a documentary with . .oh gawd gone blank can't remember her name ..the teeny ex politician with the mahoosive boobs that was on strictly.. jsut had a brain flash.... Anne Widdicombe is it?

Yes it was with her, I remember it vaguely.  Didn't the family first come in to the spot light when they were in the papers complaining about not being given a bigger council house or something along those lines.  


yeah I think that was it Cinds. .the poltico woman seemed to think they were really genuine. .bet she's eating her words now. .


and yeah I know tis only suspicion atm not proven . ..I can't get my head around it at all.. even if twas an insurance job gone badly wrong surely you'd make sure no one was home. . I lost 2 nieces in a house fire years ago. .caused by dodgy Xmas tree lights. .that was bad enough . . this is incomprehensible if it was on purpose.. they're just showing the original post fire interview the parents did. .can see the lack of tears now ..tho maybe the news of their arrest has coloured my view 

Mount Olympus *Olly*
Originally Posted by Mount Olympus *Olly*:

yeah I think that was it Cinds. .the poltico woman seemed to think they were really genuine. .bet she's eating her words now. .


and yeah I know tis only suspicion atm not proven . ..I can't get my head around it at all.. even if twas an insurance job gone badly wrong surely you'd make sure no one was home. . I lost 2 nieces in a house fire years ago. .caused by dodgy Xmas tree lights. .that was bad enough . . this is incomprehensible if it was on purpose.. they're just showing the original post fire interview the parents did. .can see the lack of tears now ..tho maybe the news of their arrest has coloured my view 

Thats the first thing i noticed, that Karen Mathews was the same in her appeals


Quite a few years ago now we had the much publicised "road rage" case which happened in our local town,my OH was involved in the case at the scene,it involved Tracey Andrews who it turned out had stabbed and killed her boyfriend Lee Harvey.She blamed it on another driver and gave a description of a man who she said did it,she sobbed and looked dreadful.

Since then i think if i was involved in anything horrendous i would think twice about appealling for information and leave it to the police,most people end up thinking the people who do the appeals are involved.



Like most people on here I was not convinced by the mothers performance at the police appeal. She just pulled a face, kept her head down and had no tears.I told my OH at the start that I thought that they were suspicious as they were not convincing over losing six children.

I know they havn't been tried by a court and jury, but I usually go with my gut insinct.

The police do set up these appeals sometimes to see how the people involved come across and to see if they have suspicious body language etc.


I agree with those who have said they were unconvinced by the parents behaviour at the police appeal. IMO, their grief seemed staged and false and, sadly, I am not shocked that they have been arrested.

I am shocked that any parent would do something like this.

I am also aware that they have only been arrested and not convicted of anything.

Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:
Originally Posted by Baz:
How dreadful , if it turns out to be true

Indeed will they be able to live with themselves? Truly shocking if it is true - how could you even think of putting your kids in danger for the insurance money? Fire is ferocious and unpredictable - what on earth were they thinking?

What i don't understand is why neither of the parents were sleeping in the house, with such small children in there you'd think one of them would be in there in case of that exact thing that has happened 

Originally Posted by jacksonb:
Originally Posted by Jenstar:

Wasnt that the one where the fire fighters commended the fathers efforts to rescue the kids?

yes that's the one jen


 it was reported when the news of the fire first broke that there was a mish mash of temporary caravans and sheds the family used because they had been campaigning for a bigger house.

I hate to say it, but my suspicions are that in an attempt to force the council to give them a bigger house, they hatched a hair-brained plan to burn the house and something went tragically wrong as I can't believe they intended that their children would be killed.   I suspect he used too much accelerant and couldn't get to the children.  They also knew the suspicion would automatically fall onto his mistress who had left a few weeks before.  Luckily for her, the police must know it wasn't her or they wouldn't have let her go so soon.


Whatever the outcome, it's a terrible tragedy for the little kiddies 


Originally Posted by ~Lee~:

They're being questioned for murder,is it murder because they consciously done something that started the fire,or is it murder because they were outside in one of the caravans meaning the children were alone in the house....The police are appealing for information ,poor little children,it just doesn't bear thinking about.

I'm assuming it's murder because the fire was set on purpose, resulting in the death of 6 kids, irrespective of whether that was the intended outcome or not.

Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing



I truly hope they are not guilty, it's bad enough someone could do that, but the parents 


If we are speculating the fire was caused to get rehoused and by all accounts the father tried his best to save the children, whatever happened seemed to have gone tragically wrong if that was their plan... If they are proven to be involved, I'm sure any defence would be trying their hardest to class the case as manslaughter 

Originally Posted by Garage Joe:
That would be manslaughter.

That's how I always understood it.  Death unintentionally, but caused by ones actions. 


I cannot comprehend that any parent would intentionally set light to a house with the intention of killing their children, or for that fact do anything that would result in killing their own children.  But sadly filicide happens, and to most people the thought of it is just abhorrent.


In this case, if they are culpable, I really don't think they intended to kill the children, but rather saw it as a way to gain materialistically. In no way do I see that as a defence.


In all honesty, I haven't watched any of the interviews the 'parents', although I'm guessing the woman arrested is a step parent to most of the kids.  BUT I did hear an interview the father gave which was aired on Radio 2 news and I bawled just listening to him.  He, to me, sounded in genuine pain over losing 6 of his children.  I said to Mr C, "the thought of losing one child is just awful, but to lose 6 in one fell swoop is just incomprehensible, the pain they must be going through".

Originally Posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:

In that case the police must believe that the house was set on fire with the knowledge that the kids were there and that the culprit(s) DID intend there to be deaths.

Fluffs I just tried to look at the definition of manslaughter and murder according to the justice department, and to be honest as a 'man on the street' it wasn't easy to comprehend.

Originally Posted by Cinds:
Originally Posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:

In that case the police must believe that the house was set on fire with the knowledge that the kids were there and that the culprit(s) DID intend there to be deaths.

Fluffs I just tried to look at the definition of manslaughter and murder according to the justice department, and to be honest as a 'man on the street' it wasn't easy to comprehend.

Murder is pre-meditated ie it was planned beforehand

Manslaughter is when someone is killed unintentionally or the killing wasn't planned.


A mother and father have been charged with murdering their six children, who died after a fire at their home.

Mick Philpott and his wife Mairead will appear at Southern Derbyshire Magistrates' Court on Thursday morning, a spokesman for Derbyshire Police said.

Jade Philpott, 10, and brothers John, nine, Jack, seven, Jessie, six, and Jayden, five, all died in the blaze, in Victory Road, Allenton, on May 11.

A sixth sibling, Duwayne, 13, died of his injuries in Birmingham Children's Hospital two days' later.

Originally Posted by erinp:
Originally Posted by Cinds:
Originally Posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:

In that case the police must believe that the house was set on fire with the knowledge that the kids were there and that the culprit(s) DID intend there to be deaths.

Fluffs I just tried to look at the definition of manslaughter and murder according to the justice department, and to be honest as a 'man on the street' it wasn't easy to comprehend.

Murder is pre-meditated ie it was planned beforehand

Manslaughter is when someone is killed unintentionally or the killing wasn't planned.

isn't there some codicil about being reckless in regard for human life tho?


now they've been charged, i'm of the opinion that is  was as some one said earlier, a ploy to get a bigger house gone tragically wrong.


the whole thing is horrible.



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