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the digestives would be lucky to last the day... 


an 18 pack of hula hoops...  about 3 days!



My lot eat loads.    My son is 14 and he never stops eating...    he eats more than anyone else in the house...  he's unfillable at the moment.


He has 2 dinners!!!   


In fairness he is shooting up at the moment, and is also the skinniest person in the house (sooooo not fair )



Its just as bad at the other end..    you should see how much loo roll we get through 


loo roll, OHHH my god, at least one a day, at LEAST. She went through a phase of drinking pints and pints of milk, but thats stopped now. Her friend came down yesterday with a whole bag of crap (i spied a massive dorittos bag) amongst other things, they ate the lot and still ate dinner... I dont know where she puts it all.


My middle child came back from uni for a night on Wednesday. She arrived at dinner time ... so had dinner AND pudding (we don't usually have that, so it was a huge amount of food for us).


Then, her and little sis went upstairs to watch TV - it was about 7.30 pm.


Between then, and when I went to bed at 10 pm they ate a punnet of strawberries, an avocado, two packets of biscuits and four bags of crisps.


I do miss her when she's away, but it is a damn site cheaper!!


And, in case you are wondering, she is a size 6 - like Ditty said up there ,,, so unfair


Digestives last about 2 days and the crisps would be demolished by the 3rd day.  They're only 6 and 10 but they can eat!!  The 10 year old eats every bit of fruit in sight before starting on the crap though which is good.  The little one is too fond of bread though and would have it for breakfast lunch dinner and supper if we allowed it.  


I do my shopping on Wednesdays and Saturdays and there's always a day or 2 inbetween when I have to send the OH for more snacks for the lunches etc.



Don't get me started on Loo roll  me and Ditty have already had this conversation 


I put a new roll out before i went to bed the other night and by the time little Aims went to college at 8.30am it was all gone  theres only 2 of us in the house


As for food Little Aims is a very fussy eater and hardly eats her dinners but when it comes to snacks she can scoff the lot and she's a size 6 as well  microwave popcorn seems to be one of her faves at the mo and can eat the whole bag but it's me that many eats the crisps in this house 


I also stopped buying cans of pop as she was leaving half of it, then when i bought 2 ltr bottles she said it went flat as soon as she opened it so it went in the bin, now i buy cartons of juice as she seems to be not wasting them

Originally Posted by Aimee:

Don't get me started on Loo roll  me and Ditty have already had this conversation 





yeah.. but the amount of it we get through never fails to amaze me.


2 rolls a day in this house!!   2 ROLLS!!! 


if I buy the cheap stuff you can double that amount! 


MrD blames it on something he calls "twirly hand"  

Originally Posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing:
Originally Posted by Aimee:

Don't get me started on Loo roll  me and Ditty have already had this conversation 





yeah.. but the amount of it we get through never fails to amaze me.


2 rolls a day in this house!!   2 ROLLS!!! 


if I buy the cheap stuff you can double that amount! 


MrD blames it on something he calls "twirly hand"  


well we go through 1 a day and its not the cheap stuff and theres only 2 of us, yet when she was away 1 lasted me 4 days so i know who the culprit is 


my daughters have been quite good but my son , he could eat for England,  he went on a cub scout weekend and was worried there wouldn't be enough to eat - the leaders laughed and said there was, they brought him back after two days and said they were glad they didn't have my shopping bill - he'd cleaned them out!

and yes although 6 foot he is all muscle


When mine were small we never had junk in the house unless it was birthdays, Christmas, Easter or a really special occasion. So no crisps, biscuits, cakes, fizzy drinks, squash, sweets etc.


I had loads of healthy snack stuff like dried fruit and nuts, yoghurts, fresh fruit and they loved to cook so baked biscuits and cakes if they wanted them. We always had lots of pure fruit juice in so never had the problem of drinks going flat.


They never stopped eating though, younger son's grandmother on his Dad's side used to say they had hollow legs


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