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Coz every review I read said it was good, and REALLY scary, and that big hairy arsed blokes were running out of the cinema in fear.  Yet I thought it was shit    A real budget film, with average acting, and a crap storyline, and about as scary as the teletubbies. 

I am normally a LITTLE bit scared if I see a horror or something 'paranormal;' I mean, the exorcist scared me, and so did nightmare on elm street and the evil dead, when I saw them in my teens, but PARANORMAL ACTIVITY was a dead loss IMO.  Has anyone else seen it?

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We had an earlier thread on this. I enjoyed it, but didn't find it particularly scary. However - as with The Blair Witch Project - I thought there was a definite sense of dread and foreboding.

"Horror" nowadays often implies slasher gore-fests, but Paranormal Activity is ultimately a "ghost story" - it's as much, if not more, about what you don't see as what you do. Some people definitely do find PA scary. The girl sitting in front of me was visibly shaking afterwards.

When the Blair Witch came out, there was a theory that youger audiences who belonged to a TV-watching rather than cinema-going generation found it scarier, because they considered TV to be "reality". I don't know how true this is, and/or if it applies to PA, but it does seem to tie-in with what I've observed...
Eugene's Lair
Well I don't actually think a horror has to be a 'slasher movie' to to be scary, but PA was definately lame, as films go, and not scary at all.  (IMO.)  In fact, I found it rather laughable, and think if people are shit scared and shaken after it, then they are very very easily scared, as it was like a cheap student film to me.  Personally, I was more scared by certain scenes in Harry Potter.   

Not only was PA lame and not scary, but it's very poorly made too.  Blair Witch was 'budget' too, but was a bit more scary., as you could imagine being lost in the woods, and stuck there at night.  With PA, there was nothing visual or scary, no decent special effects and very little scary sounds.  A definate 3 out of 10 IMO.  Very surprised that anyone would be shaken after watching it, and as I said, I can only assume that these people are very easily scared.  Different horses and all that.......
Reference pengy:
It bored me to tears

Not just me on here who thinks it was lame then LOL!  Actually, the chap in front of me and my pal (who thought exactly the same about it as me I might add,) said 'bloody hell, was that it?!  The scariest film this decade?!', and he actually laughed, and walked off shaking his head, and saying ' I wonder if I can get my five quid back?!
Reference frosty Today at 21:38:
'The scariest film this decade?!'
Often the kiss of death when that's claimed of a film. I remember a similar claim for "The Silence of the Lambs", which was a big mistake - that was a psychological thriller, not a horror film. At least "Silence.." largely avoided a backlash - the Blair Witch didn't, and PA's starting to get one.
What often happens is that some people go to see it almost as a dare: they (metaphorically) sit there, arms folded, saying "go on - scare me!" - and of course that's completely the wrong atmosphere for a horror film.

For anyone who hasn't seen PA yet, but is considering it, I offer the following advice from IMDB:
"If you want to get the most out of Paranormal Activity, then DO NOT see it in the local theater on a Friday night. We all know what happens when you are in a theater with middle and high school kids during a horror movie. To fully immerse yourself in the movie, see it with your significant other, by yourself, or with just a couple of friends at a time when the theater is the least crowded. Try to see it at night, or at home in the dark. This film invades the sanctity of one's bedroom, and the old tactic of pulling the covers over your head doesn't work."

Just remember: if that works, don't blame me!  

...And if it doesn't work, don't blame me either!
Eugene's Lair

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