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Went to watch men's goalball yesterday at the Copperbox. Quite a surreal experience having to stay completely silent during play (and quite difficult to do with my excitable 4 year old twins). Was a great atmosphere anyway and we saw GB draw with Sweden; and Brazil trounce Lithuania.


Looks like a really fun game as well, like dodgeball. Was a good lesson in curbing enthusiasm and having to stay as quiet as possible because we're going to have to do it all again next week at the 5 a side football.


Was thinking on the way home yesterday when I was watching my kids bouncing off the walls with excitement (they've been pumped about the Olympics/Paralympics for ages) how much London 2012 has achieved in their 'Inspire a Generation' remit. My oldest son is 9 years post kidney transplant, and is adamant that he wants to take part in the next British Transplant Games now and the rest of my kids have been thinking what they'd like to do to qualify for an Olympic future! It's not just the children in my family that are mother is recently disabled and she's thinking of what wheelchair sport she'd like to go for!


I remember a thread on here about London 2012 about a year, could have been two years, ago. It was all blah blah blah bah humbug, blah blah cost, blah blah That London, blah blah bread and circuses blah blah moan whinge moan.

My mature response to all the nay sayers and doom mongers is 


You got to go in person! Thanks for the description of  it. How great that its had such a positive effect on your son and your Mum Suzy.   


The Paralympics has changed my mindset, even though I didn't know I had one  I kind of thought I *coff* should watch the Paralympics [ ie for slightly pc reasons]. However I have thoroughly enjoyed it as a spectacle so far. Jumping up and down on the sofa and pumping my fist lol. especially the Swimming. Its fascinating because with competitors' different strengths and weaknesses the lead can change mid race. Proper edge of the seat exciting sport!!!


The champion's mentality on view is the thing that strikes me most... i.e. not cracking under pressure but rising to the occasion. You can't help but be inspired.




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