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Originally Posted by Supercalifragilistic:
Originally Posted by barney:
Originally Posted by Supercalifragilistic:

Lesson one: Don't accept people as friends that you don't know



feel so sorry for the school children who are bullied all day at school, no escape even at home

I was referring to Cher Lloyd barney

i didnt like her at all on x-factor (her singing or her attitude) but to go to the lengths some people do, there are some really nasty people out there


this 11 year old girl that is on now

Originally Posted by Yogi19:

OMG, the level of hate diected at an 11 year old girl beggars belief.

What a bunch of evil cowards.

That's exactly what they are Yogi...all 'grow a pair' behind the safety of their screens

As for this t**t  Darren, he doesn't give a toffee, thinks 9 weeks in prison is worth the fun of making peoples lives a misery

Originally Posted by Supercalifragilistic:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:

OMG, the level of hate diected at an 11 year old girl beggars belief.

What a bunch of evil cowards.

That's exactly what they are Yogi...all 'grow a pair' behind the safety of their screens

As for this t**t  Darren, he doesn't give a toffee, thinks 9 weeks in prison is worth the fun of making people's lives a misery

Darren couldn't care less how his nasty, vicious trolling affects other people. He disgusts me.

Originally Posted by Supercalifragilistic:

Lesson one: Don't accept people as friends that you don't know

Exactly my thought when watching the interview with Cher Lloyd too.


However: although it's easy to call her naive, I can understand her excitement at suddenly becoming "popular", and it rather supports my view at the time that she was badly advised early-on...



Eugene's Lair
Originally Posted by Blizz'ard:

Horrible stories, scary people. 


Anonymous people on the internet can say the most dreadful things about others. 

I posted about it at the time, but I still think Derren Brown's "The Gameshow" was a very powerful illustration of what the combination of anonymity and group dynamics can sometimes lead to. It's still available on 4oD (, and is a real eye-opener IMO, even if you're already familiar with the problems of cyber-bullying... 

Eugene's Lair
Originally Posted by Eugene's Lair:

I posted about it at the time, but I still think Derren Brown's "The Gameshow" was a very powerful illustration of what the combination of anonymity and group dynamics can sometimes lead to. It's still available on 4oD (, and is a real eye-opener IMO, even if you're already familiar with the problems of cyber-bullying... 

Yes, I saw it Eugene. Very, very worrying! 


Ended with a lot of shame-faced or angry people in the audience. 


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