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Originally Posted by Syd:
Originally Posted by pgtips:

   Then someone shouts out 'I'm hungry' ! nope.... find something in the fridge urself.. I am off duty !!! 





Then in my head....I am trying to relax....But thinking.....What the hell are they doing in my overstuffed fridge?, pushing stuff to the back to FREEZE............


End up getting up and orchestrating..........

Thats me too, i have too keep control of the fridge 

Originally Posted by ~Cosmopolitan~:

If your gammon is approx 2kg in weight then I'd recommend loosely wrapping it in foil and baking it in the oven.  Rub a small amount of olive oil on it - add 2 tbspn of water, wrap and let it do its own thing.


200oC for 20 mins and then turn it down a bit.

Thank you and everyone else  i will do it tomorrow 


Daughter has just come in with a bunch of 16 roses for me  and when i moaned i had no vases left, she got the one i wanted out of her bag  she is really spoiling me this year 


Im such an arse I havent panicked once this xmas, its just rolled along. Then today I had to pop to tesco, just for about 3 things. I found a space RIGHT outside the door, the store was no busier than a normal day, things were easy-peasy.  I got the stuff and paid and left, drove home thinking... "really dont know what all the fuss is about, its so simple and quick, i will be sitting down in 10 mins". Got to the door and realised id left the shopping at the till SUCH AN ARSE. back in the car  


all done here..


only disaster so far is that yesterday a parcel arrived from a company in i thought to meself....'that don't look like the poster eldest spongette wanted'.and guess what?.it wasn't!! it's a hoodie for a chinese(i presume by the name on the invoice) girl in new york......not only did they send the wrong gift to the wrong's the wrong bloody country too!


so as her email addy was on the invoice i've mailed her to say i've somehow got her hoodie and i'll be sending it back!


beds are all changed,floors mopped,house cleaned..soon be bud o'clock..


ooooh... you people that are all sorted..   


SMUG MUCH????????????????????/


Right...   you can help me with an important decision...    stuffing is in the oven...  I am at the frequent turning stage...  & I have finally started on the wrapping (BUGGER.... as I type this the bloody kitten has woken up & walked into the room...   this is gonna hinder the process)... 


anyway... I bought two cans of JD & Coke...  I have drank them both.   The rest of my crimbo booze is either wine or shorts (Tia Maria & Baileys)... 


I need to drink whilst wrapping, but I can't get too bladdered... I have a lot to wrap.. 


do I 


a) risk it for a biscuit & pour a baileys or a Tia Maria on the rocks... 




b) be sensible & mix myself the first black russian in twenty years?



Well i thought i would have a little lie down well the house was quiet, that was 2 hours ago 


Kitchen and living room done, beds all changed and the gammon is in the oven  if the gammon goes wrong i will tell everyone it was cosi's fault 


Just the bathroom to clean now 


do you prepare your veg the day before? i can't decide wether to get it out of the way and then tomorrow morning i've got time to get some stuff done for the afternoon party 


I've got an effing hangover and no motivation whatsoever!  


The kids have been in Grannys for over an hour yet I'm still sat here watching Home Alone 2 and trying to force myself up to wrap all the pressies.  Have also sent the OH to get all the bits I've forgot to buy and I think he's expecting me to be ready to help him clean when he gets back


I shouldn't have drank the bottle and a half of wine last night!


ditty you need us smugs that are sorted to help advise you...


my advice is...


drink.......ALOT...then wail pathetically to mr d you 'can't cope'.........he'll then (hopefully!) take on all the chores.....leaving you to secretly become instantly better.......then you can drink some more and play on here whilst he does all the jobs.........bobs yer biscuit,result...


MrD doesn't seem to be playing ball Spongey 


We all seem to be watching a film about talking guinea pigs    



I've drank the black russian and am now feeling squiffy...   I have wrapped the grand total of 2 pressies.. 


So...  I am gonna switch to straight coke (as in cola )    and dig deep & find that motivation..












(race ya)


I've half cleaned the bathroom... the bed is unmade..... the stuffing gubbins are still raw in the fridge.     I've delivered four loads of prezzies though.. and stood and chatted to my old neighbours for ages there... they're sat in the cosy living room, done up like a Christmas grotto and looking fabulous.  I just wanted to sit there for the rest of the day.   Instead I came home to get on with stuff.... ate a Quality Street and sat down here.


Right.. stuffing first - get that in the oven thens start on the rest.  I might need my Fratellis' CD (my answer to the Prodigy for 'shift your ass' music)


I'm done ... table is laid for tomorrow, everything clean and ship-shape.


I can't have a drink till about 9.30 pm as I have to go and pick up the boy from the station - as soon as they are all here under one roof then my Christmas has well and truly started


In the absence of some form of libation I have cracked open a new tin of Quality Street


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