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So much to dooooooo!   SO MUCH TO DO!!!!!!!!!!!!


House (yes whole bleedin house) to tidy..   gotta go to Tesco's, Pets at Home, The Range (only go the one car, cos mine is poorly at the moment)..    got to wrap everything...   got to deliver (wrapped) pressies to parents house & bessie mates house...     got to colour my hair (Santa doesn't like dark roots showing ...    got the stuffing to make...      NAILS!!   Just seen my nails!!   gotta do my nails!!!







Gonna start shouting for the rabble to get up & get doing stuff I think... 


I can feel a couple of days of Sergeant Major Ditty coming on...  

Replies sorted oldest to newest

(i just read your second post dits)


Triggs!!!    Great to see you gir!     It's true what you say - i'm off to my sister's - and she's stressing all over because she has her sis in law coming from down south for the first time.   I said to her to calm down.. it won't be 'perfect' it never is, but it's always good fun and nobody needs 'perfect' anyway.    She's still stressing though

Originally Posted by KaffyBaffy:

hahahah Ditty!  funnily enough, i go out for Christmas day, but apart from the shopping and the hair colouring being to hide grey instead of roots.. I have all that to do too!


and yet.... here we are... frittering away the minutes....

This is not frittering! This is a Christmas burnout prevention support group

Thought I was ahead of the game yesterday , settled down to wrap stuff.. then had to spend three hours hunting for the wee yin's UDraw that I bought back in Aug and put somewhere safe. SAFE!! Hah!! Too bloody safe! Trashed the house in the process , but I found it! 

Originally Posted by Triggers:

...And d'you know what? You'll do it all -  well, the really important stuff anyway - because there is nothing as sure as the fact that Christmas comes and goes every year and somehow we get there, don't we? Enjoy cramming it all in and sitting back and enjoying the results of your frantic endeavours Ditty  

Ta Triggs...   


Just for once though I would really like to be able to sit back tomorrow night & chill out..   not still be wrapping pressies at 3am Christmas Day  

Originally Posted by KaffyBaffy:



and yet.... here we are... frittering away the minutes....





Originally Posted by Slinkiwitch x:
Originally Posted by KaffyBaffy:

hahahah Ditty!  funnily enough, i go out for Christmas day, but apart from the shopping and the hair colouring being to hide grey instead of roots.. I have all that to do too!


and yet.... here we are... frittering away the minutes....

This is not frittering! This is a Christmas burnout prevention support group


Ahhhh...    Guilt gone!



Just the PANIC!!!!



I have done something...   I have got MrD up & told him to go & do what he has to do NOOOWWW!   My car is off the road til 4th Jan..   I need to have his car available to meeeeeeeeee from about 11am.


In the meantime I could be houseworking...


*looks round*


I don't want to  

Originally Posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing:

MrD is nearly out of the door... 


Soooooooooooooooo....  I am gonna stick Prodigy "Fat of the Land" on FULL BLAST on the stereo.. 


that should get the children up...  


and in happy moods (not!) 

Hahhh! It worked for me.. I'm all Prodigyd up now and ready to do battle with Christmas  

Originally Posted by Slinkiwitch x:
Originally Posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing:

MrD is nearly out of the door... 


Soooooooooooooooo....  I am gonna stick Prodigy "Fat of the Land" on FULL BLAST on the stereo.. 


that should get the children up...  


and in happy moods (not!) 

Hahhh! It worked for me.. I'm all Prodigyd up now and ready to do battle with Christmas  

Right...  I am gonna do it now.. 


Smack your b**** up..       here it comes...      


Originally Posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing:
Originally Posted by Slinkiwitch x:
Originally Posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing:

MrD is nearly out of the door... 


Soooooooooooooooo....  I am gonna stick Prodigy "Fat of the Land" on FULL BLAST on the stereo.. 


that should get the children up...  


and in happy moods (not!) 

Hahhh! It worked for me.. I'm all Prodigyd up now and ready to do battle with Christmas  

Right...  I am gonna do it now.. 


Smack your b**** up..       here it comes...      


Word of warning.. don't play it in the car if it's an automatic ! 



panic is what we do best as most of the christmas chores are left to us !!!


well .....  I thought I was in control and on target ....  like you Ditty I am carless and it is hard work getting a driver or vehicle when needed this week .... they always seem to have something planned 


anyway managed the big shop Wednesday ....  got up yesterday to this chest infection/virus thingy thats going around so went into do a little ... sit a little mode whilst trying to attack the house ... popped outside to poke my nose into the log chopping and storing and went whoosh straight on my back and bang the head eventually followed 


plus side of yesterday my Son brought me a lovely bouquet of flowers and a friend popped in with a 6kg fresh turkey   [ thankfully mine was still in the freezer - that will keep for another day]


sitting here wasting time this morning - everybone in my body aches and I feel crap but need to motivate a lift once again to get the last minute bits I forgot Wednesday - then I just have a pile of presents to wrap before tomorrow ....


Christmas Eve is prep day for me and I try to be done by the time we have cleared dinner things away and tidied kitchen 


Guess I had better move  ..... the cat is giving me sad eyes that means MrH hasnt fed her this morning and I need to hit somewhere before the rush starts again ............


we do get there but my god it is the most dramatic and exhausting week of the year 

Originally Posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing:

I wouldn't trust my daughter to go to the butchers 


we'd all be sitting down to carve a single chicken breast between us for xmas dinner if I sent her to the butchers for a turkey 

this is my biggest problem I dont trust anyone to get the shopping .... past events lead me to this declaration 

Originally Posted by KaffyBaffy:

(i just read your second post dits)


Triggs!!!    Great to see you gir!     It's true what you say - i'm off to my sister's - and she's stressing all over because she has her sis in law coming from down south for the first time.   I said to her to calm down.. it won't be 'perfect' it never is, but it's always good fun and nobody needs 'perfect' anyway.    She's still stressing though

Hi darlin' Kaffy!  Fabulous to see you too! You're right, nobody needs perfect. Just doing what needs to be done is its own perfection...and the moment you exhale and say, 'I'm getting there, it's cool'.


 I hope you have a wonderful time Kaffy x


i've made huge strides.... I've got a colour on my hair baking as I type     It's all about priorities after all!


I'm off to drop flowers at the garden of remembrance for mum this afternoon.. i'll do the butcher (not that way, mucky lot) on the way ... will make stuffing tomorrow.     i'm wrapping a few parcels at a time...the deliveries first.


Triggs   have a fabby time!


Mrs H... i feel your pain - I went head over heels down some stone steps on monday on black ice.   My right knee keeps giving way and my left foot looks like it's been transplanted from a zombie.   Hope the chest infection gets better.     Why do things like this always happen at christmas - my niece starting throwing up last night ... one of the wards at her hozzie is closed with the norovirus- there may be some leftovers here


Going to family for dinner but! i still have loads to do, been wrapping as i go along so only got a couple of kids toys that are open fronted boxes (always end up rewrapping them on xmas eve cos theres a hole in the paper so why bother til then?)


Have whole house tidy/clean.

Delegated the shopping (including new washing machine) to MrJen

Going out for drink this afternoon with my mate (this is the hardest one of course) which means i gotta shower/do hair/makeup etc)


Actually i havent got that much to do... i may have to go get a coffee


I CAN'T FIND THE CELLOTAPE!!!!!!!!!   I've loads to wrap too


I need to get rid of the kids for a few hours so I can wrap all their stuff but I can't send them to grannys til tomorrow coz she's busy


Apart from that I've done all the food shopping although could be doing with a few more bits and pieces but will just send the OH to the EuroSpar later.  I haven't bought myself any new PJs which is a MUST for xmas eve so will also have to trust the OH to pick a pair for me when he goes out to get my pressies tomorrow.


I've the downstairs cleaned but there just seems to bags everywhere still  bags of things that need wrapped, xmas clothes that I should really put away and bags of things to return to shops after xmas 


Upstairs will wait til tomorrow so I can rope the OH into changing the kids rooms around while I do any last minute wrapping, cooking, cleaning, preparing etc......



I've just read this thread as I've desperately tried to remain awake for the duration of my lunch break, you guys have made me chuckle several times thank you I hope throughout the panic that you all get done what's needed and enjoying the countdown to Christmas eve Mrs H, I hope you feel better soon Kaffy, I hope your sore bit soon are sore no more
~Sparkling Summer~
Originally Posted by Aimee:

well i've been and got the meat  got drenched  and daughter has gone out and left her room a tip and a half eaten sarnie in the kitchen 


and i've been given a gammon joint, i've never cooked one before, will it turn out like ham? 

yes but put it to soak in a saucepan of cold water for a few hours before you cook it to draw the salt out 

Originally Posted by Tina:
Originally Posted by Jenstar:

Oh forgot the mountain of washing thats grown this week since the machine broke, and i have to glue some of the boarder (wallpaper) back on cos baby decided it would look better ripped!... it doesnt btw lol

lol i have ripped wall papaer..............iv stuck a bow on it

@ the bow!



I feel a little better for going out and getting some fresh air and just missed the rain 


wrapping is now underway and hopefully will be done before I have to cook dinner 


as someone said ^^^^^  ALL FOR ONE DAY   TBH it extends into a relaxed couple of weeks for me with the amount of baking and food I have put in the cupboards and freezer 


living rural I always fear the inevitable snow shower that stops me getting out for a few days - christmas is an excuse to squirrel it away 

Originally Posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing:

So much to dooooooo!   SO MUCH TO DO!!!!!!!!!!!!


House (yes whole bleedin house) to tidy..   gotta go to Tesco's, Pets at Home, The Range (only go the one car, cos mine is poorly at the moment)..    got to wrap everything...   got to deliver (wrapped) pressies to parents house & bessie mates house...     got to colour my hair (Santa doesn't like dark roots showing ...    got the stuffing to make...      NAILS!!   Just seen my nails!!   gotta do my nails!!!







Gonna start shouting for the rabble to get up & get doing stuff I think... 


I can feel a couple of days of Sergeant Major Ditty coming on...  

LOL!    That made me chuckle Ditty. 

Originally Posted by MrsH:
Originally Posted by Aimee:

well i've been and got the meat  got drenched  and daughter has gone out and left her room a tip and a half eaten sarnie in the kitchen 


and i've been given a gammon joint, i've never cooked one before, will it turn out like ham? 

yes but put it to soak in a saucepan of cold water for a few hours before you cook it to draw the salt out 

cheers  would you roast or boil it?


Comes in for a sit down and a cuppa, just been too get a *few* last bits and got drenched AGAIN, the upboards, fridge and freezer are full, so i can't buy anymore food


Now the house needs cleaning 




It could be worse !

 am a wee glittery fairy:
On tap o’ the Christmas Tree
It’s no’ a job I fancy
... ... Well how would you like tae be me:
A’ tarted up wi’ tinsel
It’s enough to make ye boak
An a couple o’ jaggy branches
Rammed up the back o’ your frock
An’ these wee lights a’roon me
I canna get my sleep
An’ there’s the yearly visit
Fae Santa – big fat creep:
On Christmas Day I’m stuck up here
While you’re a’ wirin’ in
An’ naebody says ‘Hey you up there
Could you go a slug o’ gin?”
The Christmas tree’s a bonny sight
As the firelight softly flickers
But think o’ me – I’m stuck up here
Wi’ needles in my knickers.

Originally Posted by Christmas Cupcake:
Originally Posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing:

So much to dooooooo!   SO MUCH TO DO!!!!!!!!!!!!


House (yes whole bleedin house) to tidy..   gotta go to Tesco's, Pets at Home, The Range (only go the one car, cos mine is poorly at the moment)..    got to wrap everything...   got to deliver (wrapped) pressies to parents house & bessie mates house...     got to colour my hair (Santa doesn't like dark roots showing ...    got the stuffing to make...      NAILS!!   Just seen my nails!!   gotta do my nails!!!







Gonna start shouting for the rabble to get up & get doing stuff I think... 


I can feel a couple of days of Sergeant Major Ditty coming on...  

LOL!    That made me chuckle Ditty. 

Ditty is Monica organising Phoebe's wedding


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